It's not that they're weak, but warriors with true aura are not as good as physical training in melee combat.

What's more, the horizontal training of Chinese martial arts is still about the acupoints that are just as good as gods, breaking through the void, and you can see gods!

That is perfect control over the physical body.

Why did the lord of good fortune strive for such great benefits for Yang Xuan?

Even the Eternal Heavenly Emperor bestowed an eighth-level sword energy protection.

It is because the way of the soul and the way of national art given by Yang Xuan before are extremely useful to the Holy Lord of Creation.

Because the Holy Master of the eighth rank, especially the Holy Master who has practiced the Heavenly Art of Creation.

After learning the national martial art boxing method, when he hides his aura and chooses ordinary reincarnation in the future, he can quickly obtain powerful power like Yang Xuan.


"He killed the second elder with one punch!"

"This child who looks like a fairy boy is actually a supreme master of cultivation?"

"It's fake, is everything I see now fake!"

"Come on, give me a slap, I think I'm dreaming!"


The disciple received a slap and his entire face was crooked.

After all, although everyone would find such a strange request weird, they would still satisfy him.

"Ah! It's not a dream!"

The disciple of the Blood Knife Sect also exclaimed.

For a while, the disciples of the Xuedaomen were all blinded.

Yang Xuan had just killed the enemy with his sword and killed the ancestor of the Blood Knife Sect, which made them not so unacceptable.

After all, sword immortal means!

That is above the master, the land sword fairy realm.

But the little sword fairy in front of him is obviously not very strong in the fairy magic company.

After the two attacks, his face turned pale, and he lost his true energy and continued to use the sword fairy method.

Not to mention the second elder, some first-rate fighters and second-rate fighters from the Blood Sword Sect thought this was an opportunity.

Grab the exhausted little sword fairy and force him to ask the sword fairy how to practice.

This kind of thought does not appear in one person or two people.

But now it seems that the little fairy boy who has lost the means of the sword fairy is actually a supreme master of horizontal training.

This has exceeded their cognition.

So much so that an idea came to everyone's mind.

Blood Knife Gate, it's over!

The world is about to change.

The world of martial arts is about to usher in a new era.

Chapter 123 The Dragon Court Project, Change the World (Please subscribe!)

After the death of the second elder of the Blood Knife Gate.

In addition to being shocked, the disciples of the Xuedaomen also secretly put down their weapons.

Obviously, they already understood that if they continued to fight against Yang Xuan, there would be only one ending.

That is death.

"Sect Master, Great Elder, what shall we do!"

At this time, the disciples of the Blood Knife Sect finally set their sights on the two remaining high-ranking members of the Blood Knife Sect.

There are four people in the upper echelons of the Blood Knife Gate.

One of them is naturally the strongest Blood Knife Patriarch.

After that came the three elders, all of whom were martial arts masters, but none of them reached perfection.

It seems that there is only one step away from the Supreme Master.

But there is no possibility of stepping out.

As for the sect master of the Blood Knife Sect, he is actually just a first-class warrior.

The sect master of a faction needs the ability to manage people, not personal force.

Just like Yang Tong.

Before Yang Xuan was born, Yang Tong was number one in the world in personal force.

And he's not yet forty.

In the future, it can coerce the world for decades.

But no matter what, it was because of inaccuracies in judging people, and finally ended up dead.

Nuoda's magic door collapsed in an instant, from a brilliant and dazzling image to a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

Once upon a time, everyone regarded becoming a disciple of the Demon Sect as a matter of honoring their ancestors.

Now there is only one Grandmaster of the Blood Knife Sect left.

It's just surprising that the great elder of the Blood Knife Sect was shaking.

However, it was not a trembling of fear, but a trembling of excitement.

"The supreme master who has been tempered in the flesh!"

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I would still be able to meet a supreme master who practiced so hard!"

"Extreme practice! Excessive practice! There is nowhere to practice!"

"My generation of horizontal training martial artists was looked down upon by those who majored in true qi, since your horizontal training level has reached this point."

"Then I don't have any regrets anymore. It's up to you to kill or kill."

The Great Elder of the Blood Knife Sect directly dropped the long knife in his hand under the gaze of everyone.

Although he also uses a knife, he is still the Great Elder here.

But in fact, he doesn't know the blood knife scripture.

Because he is a martial artist, his true energy is extremely weak, but his physical body is very strong.

His weak true energy prevented him from unleashing that terrifying blood knife technique.

Until he saw Yang Xuan make a move.

That powerful boxing technique, the picture of smashing the long knife with one punch.

It made him regret using the knife. "Nine Six Seven"

At this moment, he even thought that if he didn't use a knife in the first place, but used fists instead.

So is it possible that I also have hope and become the supreme master of Henglian.

"A horizontal martial artist!"

"You are lucky!"

"It just so happens that my subordinates are indeed human, so far I don't even have a groom."

"From now on, you will be my groom!"

"As a reward, I will ask you to punch me!"

Yang Xuan glanced lightly at the Great Elder of the Blood Knife Sect.

This person is full of anger and blood.

Physical training is really good.

But what he paid attention to was pure physical strength, and he took the route of strengthening the physical body.

Influenced by the laws of this world, he also learned the exercises.

The function of the exercises is to stimulate the physical body with true energy all the time.

This kind of physical training is very different from the cultivation of national arts.

Yang Xuan is also someone who has seen several worlds.

He could tell at a glance that in this world of martial arts, the cultivation of the Great Elder of Zhaoxue Daomen was like this.

In fact, it is impossible to break through the Supreme Grand Master in a lifetime.

Because the stimulation of true qi is limited.

But if it is supplemented by the practice of martial arts and boxing, it will make the impossible possible.

"My lord, I, Wei Feng, will be your driver in the future!"

"My lord, accept my three obeisances and nine kowtows!"

Originally, the Great Elder of the Blood Knife Sect was ready to die.

As a warrior.

Especially for a martial artist who practiced horizontally, he thought that he died at the hands of a person who practiced horizontally at the level of a great master.

Even if that person is just a five-year-old child, it is considered a worthy death.

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Xuan was willing to teach him boxing techniques.

What are you waiting for.

Just accept the head and bow, and it is a big gift of three bows and nine kowtows.

As a martial artist, or a practitioner of martial arts, becoming the supreme master has always been his dream.

I thought that this dream had no chance to come true.

Unexpectedly, there was a turning point, and a huge opportunity appeared.

So now that the opportunity was in front of him, he chose to accept it, and sincerely thanked Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn't feel too proud of having a Henglian master as his subordinate.

After all, the existence of the second-order position is nothing more than that.

After the only surviving master of the Blood Knife Sect surrendered, Yang Xuan turned to look at the other disciples of the Blood Knife Sect.

"Who else wants to make a move!"

"Don't say I won't give you a chance!"

"Now my true energy has been exhausted. Perhaps for you, this time today should be my weakest time."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to meet such a weak me. It is estimated that it will be impossible in the next few decades."

"After all, my body is still small now, so the true energy capacity is somewhat small."

"If you kill me, you can become famous. If you don't kill me, I don't intend to let you go."

"You now have three choices!"

"Either kill me, or be killed by mine!"

"Either kneel down, surrender!"

Yang Xuan's voice suddenly turned into a huge lion's roar.

Obviously his voice was not very loud at first.

But under the operation of the lion's roar, his voice seemed to have a chemical reaction.

It actually expanded little by little, and it didn't take long for the voice to spread throughout the entire Blood Knife City.

"Either kill me, or be killed by me!"

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