The speed at which he left stunned Lin Youcai.

Because, at this moment, the businessman broke through himself.

He was originally a third-rate martial artist, and after becoming a businessman, he needed to socialize frequently.

Years of eating, drinking and having fun has made him useless.

But just today, just now.

The businessman broke through.

The cultivation base that had been regressing had just become a second-rate warrior in one go.

Then, they didn't leave the door.

When encountering a wall, he jumped over it and ran wildly.

He believes that as long as it is near here today, there may be disasters.

Lin Youcai was dumbfounded.

However, he was not all dumbfounded, and some were shocked by the news.

"Are you sure? Did you see it wrong? Did you hear it wrong?"

"Or the eldest lady of the Blood Knife Sect is joking with you."

"I know that young lady, but she likes to be funny."

Lin Youcai suppressed his trembling body, and couldn't help asking if there were other possibilities.

It's not that the eldest lady didn't do such a thing before.

"How could it be wrong!"

"It has spread outside!"

"The people in Wanfu Escort have started to run away!"

"They are afraid of being implicated by us!"

"The restaurants and light buildings opened by the businessmen have all run away."

"Everyone is afraid of being implicated!"

"That's the child of the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect. He has lived here for so long!"

"Based on the face of those orthodox sects, for their own reputation, they say that the entire town, or all the nearby cities, are remnants of the evil sect. I'm afraid it's not impossible!"

When the subordinates said this, they stopped crying.

Instead, his face was full of endless fear.

These people in the Escort Bureau are very familiar with the decent style of the famous family.

After all, they often travel around the rivers and lakes and know a lot of things.

The style of the decent disciples of some famous schools is much more terrifying than that of the magic school.

Ordinary people, once they are targeted by them.

The end will be extremely sad.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some famous families are upright, that is, they are very upright.

But there are very few sects like that.

"Ha ha!"

"It's over!"

"If these are true, we will all be labeled as the remnants of the Demon Sect, and then we will add a merit to their existence."

Lin Youcai didn't know this.

Therefore, he did not intend to escape.

"Go, go and accompany your wife and children!"

"It's about the child of Yang Tong, the holy lord of the demon sect. It is estimated that the ancestor of the blood knife will come in person in half a day!"

"Running is the stupidest thing in the world!"

"Since the death of the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect, this world has been decided by those famous and decent sects!"

"So the end of escaping is even more terrifying. The only thing I can do is to fully cooperate with the ancestors of the blood knife, and even admit that we are all remnants of the evil sect, so that they can get a glorious image as much as possible."

"In exchange for giving my young disciples a chance to survive!"

"Just ask them not to kill them all!"

Lin Youcai went directly to his wife and children.

He didn't plan to escape, but planned to take advantage of the present opportunity to eat and drink.

Then wait for the blood knife ancestor to come to the door.


the other side.

Blood knife door.

Under Ye Mei's leadership, Yang Xuan finally arrived at Blood Knife City after an hour.

This city is extremely magnificent.

Putting it in the lower realm of the Tianti Cultivation World, although it is not comparable to that Heavenly Sword City, it is also comparable to other first-class cities.

In a second-tier world, it is really great to be able to achieve this.

"Master, this is it!"

Ye Mei led Yang Xuan, and walked directly towards the gate.

The speed of the two of them is already very fast.

After all, Ye Mei is the most beloved granddaughter of the blood knife ancestor.

The car she owns is the best unicorn BMW in the world.

So the speed is faster than other blood knife disciples.

But no matter which world it is, it is a world of low martial arts, and there are other faster speeds for communication.

So Yang Xuan's matter, and Ye Mei's matter, had already reached the Blood Knife Gate a few minutes before they arrived.

The people from the Blood Knife Sect also just found the Blood Knife Patriarch.

At this time, the people of the Blood Knife Sect have already begun to integrate their forces.

A large number of disciples of the Blood Knife Sect have already prepared their equipment, and are already planning to go to the Fuyun Escort to eliminate the remnants of the Demon Sect.

Their slogan is exactly the same as what the people from the Fortune Escort Bureau guessed.

That is, to eradicate the remnants of the Demon Sect.

After the blood knife patriarch received the news, he thought that the person who delivered the news was deceived.

In his mind, it is impossible for a five-year-old grandmaster.

A five-year-old child is still ignorant, how can he become a master.

Therefore, it should be that the remnants of the Demon Sect used some kind of technique to make them see the illusion.

The real remnant of the Demon Sect must be the Fortune Escort Bureau.

"Assemble the men and horses, aim at the Fortune Escort Bureau, and don't leave chickens or dogs behind!"

In a rage, the Patriarch of Xuedaomen had already notified his disciples and grandchildren that he would slaughter the entire county.

The disciples who wanted the Blood Knife Sect were not allowed to keep their hands, and they asked the Fu Yun Escort Bureau not to stay behind.

It has to be said that the people there know the people from the Blood Knife Gate very well.

What they thought was exactly the same as what the Blood Knife Gate was going to do.


Blood Knife City, in front of the gate.

Just after Yang Xuan and Ye Mei arrived at the gate.

Immediately, sharp-eyed disciples of the Xuedao Sect spotted them.

"Huh? It's Missy!"

"Miss is back?"

"Didn't it mean that the eldest lady was controlled by the remnants of the Demon Sect?"

"Could it be that the news we got was fake news?"

"It's possible. After all, the five-year-old grandmaster, the child of Yang Tong, the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect, doesn't sound real no matter what."

The disciples of Xuedaomen, after seeing Ye Mei appear.

Each of them had such an idea.

Ye Mei also took Yang Xuan and walked up to them little by little.

"Miss, are you okay!"

"Miss, just got news that you have been hijacked!"

Two flesh-faced men who are responsible for guarding the gates of the Blood Knife Town.

They came to Ye Mei immediately, and all of them showed great respect.

"I'm fine! However, you may not be sure!"

Ye Mei's lips moved slightly and couldn't help saying something.


"Miss, what does this mean?"

The two big men didn't understand what Ye Mei was talking about at all.

But soon, they will know.

Because Ye Mei made a move.

The two flew to pull out in an instant.

It directly sank into the necks of the two disciples of the Blood Knife Sect.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, not knowing why.

The two of them wanted to question Ye Mei, and wanted to ask, what was the purpose of all this.

But the flying knife on their necks made them speechless at all.

"Enemy attack!"

"Not good! It's Missy!"

"The rumored information is actually not wrong, the eldest lady is actually under control!"

"It's the secret method of the Demon Sect, only the Demon Sect has the skill to control other people's minds!"

"Look at the child in Missy's arms!"

"A five-year-old master?"

"Could it be that the so-called five-year-old master is also true?"

The people at the Xuedao Gate beside the city gate couldn't help but think of the news they just received.

A five-year-old grandmaster, the child of the Holy Master of Demon Sect.

at first.

Everyone thinks that the child of the Holy Lord of the Demon Sect may be real.

But the five-year-old Grandmaster, how could it be true?

As a result, it now appears that everything is true.

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