Until those disciples of the Blood Knife Sect, one of them suddenly exclaimed.

"You are Yang Tong's child!"

"Five years ago, the demon sect was destroyed, but it was rumored that Yang Tong, the master of the Tongtian Demon, was dying and jumped off the cliff with his child."

"Later, Yang Tong's body was found, but his child disappeared."

"It is rumored that the child's qualifications are extremely high, and the basis is that he is superior!"

When the blood knife disciple said this.

Everyone thought of the situation of the child in front of them.

"Five-year-old grandmaster, unprecedented!"

"He turned out to be the child of the demon lord, which means he is a public enemy of righteousness!"

For a while, everyone nearby thought of this place.

Then, they all looked at Yang Xuan in horror.

You must know that although the other party is only five years old, the current performance, whether it is intelligence or force, is worth mentioning.

They are all mature rivers and lakes.

So if the other party wants to kill people to silence them, they won't be in trouble here.

"Run! Run!"

"The devil is born. The child of the former number one devil master, Tongtian Demon Lord, became a grand master at the age of five. This is the rhythm that will set off a **** storm!"

"Hurry up and inform the blood knife ancestor! Only when the blood knife ancestor comes out of the mountain and kills this devil quickly can the world be restored to peace."

The people from the Blood Knife Gate, as well as the onlookers, ran away one by one when they said this.

They are really scared.

After all, the strength of Yang Xuan's master is not fake.

Not to mention the disciples of the Blood Knife Sect and the onlookers, even Liu Li was stunned at this moment.

"¨Ah! How could this happen? How could I become the devil's junior brother?"

"Oh my god, I won't be a devil anymore!"

"It's over! It's over!"

"I'm going to die now, the master has to die too!"

"Escort must die!"

"Eldest brother, let's run away, quickly take me to run away."

"Go to the teacher first, and then go to the people in the bodyguard bureau, and tell them that life and death are their destiny."

Liu Li also seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the matter.

As a warrior who has just stepped into the third rank, the only thing he can think of in this situation is to run away.

Others, he has no idea at all.

With his knowledge, he also couldn't think of it.

"Don't worry, a mere Blood Knife Patriarch has nothing to do with me."

"What's more, I like this place very much, so the Blood Knife Gate is ours."

Yang Xuan's childish voice continued to be heard.

However, apart from his voice, he is a child, and other performances are that of an adult.

"Brother, we are done!"

"The ancestor of the blood knife is a supreme master!"

"Now you are using the magic technique to control the other party's favorite little granddaughter."

"Once the supreme master descends, none of us will be able to run away."

Liu Li looked hopeless, wondering what the **** was going on.

Why did I somehow become a disciple of the Demon Sect.

Also, he regarded Yang Xuan's Tathagata palm as a secret method of magic.

"When the Blood Knife Patriarch comes, it will be the day of the destruction of the Blood Knife Sect!"

"Blood Knife! Blood Knife! Listening to the name is not a good school, and I don't know why they weren't besieged by those righteous ways!"

"Perhaps, this blood knife sect was cultivated by those orthodox sects, maybe it is."

Yang Xuan looked at the fleeing disciples of the Blood Knife Sect, and expressed a guess in his heart.

Although he has just woken up, he still doesn't understand the specific situation of this world.

But the magic gate was broken (Nuo Wang Zhao), the mighty Yang Tong, everyone in the world was plotted to death by many sects of the righteous way.

So if you look at it this way, the righteous sect is jealous of evil.

But for a blood knife gate, it's fine to name it like a villain.

The key is to act recklessly in the city under his own jurisdiction, completely ignoring ordinary people.

The eldest lady of the family even dared to directly grab the handsome man in broad daylight.

There is no right way to attack such a force, and the tricks in it can be imagined by anyone who uses their brains.

"Ah? The Blood Knife Sect and the Blood Knife Patriarch are supported by the righteous sect?"

"Wait! What does this have to do with me? I'm a third-rate martial artist, I don't want to die!"

"Eldest brother, I haven't gone to my daughter-in-law yet!"

When Liu Li said this, he was about to cry.

"Okay! Such a big person, don't be a mother-in-law!"

"But what you said is also reasonable. I'd better act first, find the ancestor of the blood knife first, and control the blood knife gate first."

"You go back to find the old Taoist priest first, and wait for news from me at the Escort together."

Yang Xuan is not afraid of the Blood Knife Sect, nor is he afraid of the Blood Knife Patriarch.

But the old Taoist priest and Liu Li were both afraid.

These two people are kind to Yang Xuan in this world, so Yang Xuan naturally wants to guarantee the safety of the two of them.

Then, give them a big fortune.

The great wealth here is definitely not what Reincarnation Pagoda thinks it is.

"Take me to the Blood Knife Gate to study!"

"It's the master!"

With this in mind, Yang Xuan asked Ye Mei to ride a horse and took him to the base camp of the Blood Knife Gate, where the Blood Knife Patriarch was.

Liu Li, on the other hand, was in a daze.

"Don't go!"

"Eldest brother, you are just a master."

"Big brother! Big brother!"

Liu Li really wanted to stop Yang Xuan, but he was still seriously injured and it was impossible to stop him.

Even with Yang Xuan's help to heal his wounds, he can just get up and go back to the escort.

It is impossible for him to chase Ye Mei's horse.

Chapter 121 Surprised Sword Control Technique

Fortune Escort Bureau.

As one of the best bodyguard agencies in this area.

Their news channels are naturally extremely broad.

When Yang Xuan's identity was exposed, Liu Li started running back to the Escort.

The people from the Fortune Escort already knew about the situation here.

In the study.

Lin Youcai, the head of the Fortune Escort Bureau, was originally receiving guests.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

That's when.

There was a sound of panicked footsteps.

"Come in!"

"What's the matter, don't you see that I'm meeting guests? What's the rush! Panic!"

Lin Youcai looked at his subordinates dissatisfied.

But even though he said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

Instead, he wondered if his youngest son had gotten into trouble again.

After all, his own subordinates still know better.

At such a critical moment, if it is not a serious matter, the people under him will not bother him at all.

Since the other party came and was still in such a panic, something must have happened.

Lin Youcai was considered a small landlord nearby.

Huge monsters like the Blood Knife Gate are very far away for him.

The only thing that threatens him in his three-acre land is an opponent called Wanfu Escort.

So Lin Youcai was really a little flustered.

Because he had never seen his subordinates so scared.

Even his client, a nearby Xiaocheng business owner, could see the frightened expression of his subordinates at this moment.

"Master, it's over!"

"Our bodyguard is over!"

"Hurry up and run away, we have taken in people who shouldn't be taken in!"

"The child brought by the old Taoist Yang Dawu, the child named Yang Xuan, is the child of the demon lord Yang Tong!"

"Moreover, that child also inherited Yang Tong's exercises. Yang Tong taught him the exercises before he died, and now he is only five years old and has become a master!"

"Besides, he also attacked the little princess of the Blood Knife Sect. When the Blood Knife Patriarch comes in person, our Escort will be finished."

When the subordinate said this, he was already crying.

"I've only just gotten married, and I've just experienced the joys of life!"

"I haven't taken a concubine yet, I still want to know the fun of having wives and concubines in groups!"

"I still have a lot of unskilled movements, I don't want to die yet!"

"Sister Ma from the neighbor's house has actually taken a fancy to me for a long time. I haven't gone to find Sister Ma secretly. I don't want to die."

The subordinate cried more and more sadly, and directly expressed all the regrets he thought.

The businessmen on the side felt sorry for this 967 guy after hearing this.

However, the beauty of life has just begun, and the fun is not finished before death.

"Damn it! Master Lin, you are busy, I'll go first!"

"I'm just a businessman, don't implicate me!"

The businessman said a word and ran away in a hurry.

Good guy!

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