
A **** light rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the middle-aged Taoist fell to the top of the building, completely losing his vitality.

Some people who still had some sense around them and had not completely become followers of Yang Xuan, after seeing this scene, they all cried out sadly: "National teacher! National teacher!"

However, no matter how they shouted.

The middle-aged Taoist didn't even open his eyes, but landed on the ground like an opened watermelon.

Yang Xuan above the sky.

Nature also discovered this.

When the middle-aged Taoist appeared, he saw it.

Therefore, the natural way is the national teacher of the Dagan Empire.

"Sure enough, this national teacher is the incarnation of Zhang Taichu!"

"This guy really has a lot of hole cards, and he can actually create an avatar outside of him in this place where there is almost no aura."

"The blood arrow that was spit out just now is to break through my attack and escape for my life."

"Sure enough, although he now has the power and means of the fourth level, but after feeling the emergence of the power of the fifth level, his first thought was to run away."

"It's a pity that running like this is the biggest failure!"

The ancient Buddha transformed by Yang Xuan was about to laugh out loud.

He exhausted all his backhands, abandoned his many plans, and chose to escape temporarily, waiting for his return in the future.

Unfortunately, as an ordinary person, Zhang Taichu really escaped.

But in the face of Yang Xuan's words, did he think that one-click tracking was just a joke?


That's when.

Above the sky, at one of the ancient Buddha's fingers, a layer of defense was instantly broken by the blood light.

However, the ancient Buddha is very strong, even if he breaks through a layer of defense, he can't escape Yang Xuan's blockade.

In particular, the current palm of the ancient Buddha has already held the entire Dagan Emperor in the palm of his hand.

Now this huge palm is slowly converging.

Once the hands are turned into fists, then the attack of the Pudu God Demon will reach its peak state.

At that time, Zhang Taichu's reincarnation body is impossible to even want.

For this reason, the attack released by Zhang Taichu is not just a blood arrow condensed by the essence and blood of his whole body.


The blood arrow's attack blasted away a layer of energy in Mofo's palm.

Soon there was a huge white light, illuminating the entire sky.

The energy intensity of this white light is not very great.

But the essence is super strong!

After seeing this white light, Yang Xuan immediately restrained himself.

As soon as this light appeared, Yang Xuan felt the threat of death.

as if.

This light is the first and the only one in all ages.

It was the first ray of light that appeared between the heaven and the earth when the heavens and the earth were created.

It can shine on everything and dissolve everything.

After sensing this terrible information, Yang Xuan immediately made a choice.


I saw that Yang Xuan took the initiative to cut the perception of the ancient Buddha's finger at the core of the white light.

The reason was simple, he couldn't take this blow hard.

There is no need to hardwire either.

The opponent used the strongest means to escape.

Isn't this the same as giving Yang Xuan a chance to settle accounts with him later.

"This is an attack of the essence of the Holy Spirit level, and it needs to consume the essence of the true spirit to release a blow."

"It is also the natal supernatural power of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, the Light of Absolute Beginning!"

"Now he's not hiding it."

"He should know that releasing this blow is tantamount to exposing his identity."

"So, the reincarnation in this life is very important to him."

"I'd rather be like this than be out!"

"Then presumably after a while, he will be even more pleasantly surprised."

When Yang Xuan thought of this.

The huge ancient Buddha palm that lost one finger has been slowly closed.

this moment.

All the capitals of the Great Emperor are under the control of Yang Xuan.

"I am the Great Master of Lingshan Miao, and I am promulgating the decree today!"

"From now on, Dagan will be merged into the Universiade Empire!"

"Announce to the world that all sects will be recruited, and come to report and file within ten days."

"Anyone who doesn't follow, I will definitely visit you in person."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he put away the Yuanshen.

returned to the body.


Among the nameless mountains and forests.

"you're awake!"

Just as Yang Xuan's soul returned, Liu Hongyu's crisp voice appeared in his ears.

"Well! This time I gained a lot!"

Yang Xuan nodded and stood up, and then immediately called out his natal supernatural power in his mind.

"One-click tracking: Reincarnator Zhang Taichu!"

The tracking is successful and the location is obtained.

This time, Yang Xuan only consumed a short lifespan of 1 day.

That is.

As one's strength increases, Zhang Taichu's strength weakens, which will reduce the energy consumed by one-key tracking.

After a follow-up, Yang Xuan did not go directly to Zhang Taichu.

Because the tracking was based on his position at the time, it is very likely that the Holy Lord of the Beginning will continue to escape.

Therefore, Yang Xuan planned to confirm the location again after a while.

Anyway, one day's lifespan can be consumed casually.

Yang Xuan is not lacking now.

Now, he has other things to do.

"One-click tracking: Humane Emperor's Court, Qi Luck Golden Dragon Condensation Method!"

He wants the secret method of the humane imperial court.

Just the power of the humane imperial court of a great empire has obtained a golden dragon of luck comparable to the fourth rank.

How about integrating the three empires?

Then it will not advance to become the fifth-level four-clawed golden dragon, or the sixth-level six-clawed golden dragon.

If the tracking is successful, the life span will be consumed for three months.

The secret of the Humane Imperial Court actually has three months worth of lifespan to Yang Xuan now.

This made Yang Xuan pay more attention to it.

To know.

Now, the entire Dagan Emperor is under his control.

Within the scope of my own control, it is reasonable to find something, at most a few hours, at most a few days of life.

Didn't you follow Zhang Taichu, did you just consume 1 day of life?

But to find the secret of this humane imperial court, it would take Yang Xuan three months of life.

With this, you know that this thing is not simple.

"Come on, follow me to Dagan Imperial Capital!"

"Next, you help me sit in the Dagan Imperial Capital, and the three thousand people from the ninth level of martial arts in the Dagan Imperial Capital will be used by you."

"In a while, I will find a hundred female warriors from the Ninth Heaven to protect you."

"There are so many people protecting you, compared to your body, you will definitely be able to return to the main world."

Yang Xuan picked up Liu Hongyu again, deployed the Yuhua Tiandun, and arrived in the Daqian Imperial Capital not long after.

Today, the Dagan emperors are all his followers.

He also knows all about the situation of the masters in the imperial capital.

Three thousand masters of the ninth level of martial arts are the hidden power of the Dagan Emperor Capital.

Although they were all promoted by Zhang Taichu's elixir, their strength is at the bottom of the Nine Heavens of Martial Dao.

But I can't stand it, there are so many people.

Yang Xuan easily found a hundred people and asked them to guard Liu Hongyu and obey Liu Hongyu's orders.

After that, they found a few more people and asked them to bring Su Wanyue back and send them to Liu Hongyu's side.

Then there is the decree or something.

Let Liu Hongyu do all these, Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry about it at all.

He arranged for Liu Hongyu to go directly, and followed the map in his mind to the eastern corner of the Dagan Imperial Capital, in a seemingly inconspicuous private house.

After entering, Yang Xuanyuan's spiritual thoughts were swept away.

Didn't find anything.

Finally, relying on the map in his mind, he found the entrance to a secret passage.

In other words, if there is no one-click tracking, he can't find it here at all.

There is a mysterious power here, so that Yang Xuan's mind of the primordial spirit can't detect any problems.


After stepping open the secret passage.

Yang Xuan activated Yuhua Tiandun, directly avoided countless traps, and quickly came to the end of the tunnel.


The end of the tunnel.

As soon as Yang Xuan came over, he was shocked.

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