This is not just relying on Yang Xuan's strength to increase.

Another point is that many people in the city were influenced by Yang Xuan's power.


They began to pray on their knees and offered their most loyal beliefs.

As a result, the power of this ancient Buddha was increased again.

Yang Xuan above the void was extremely surprised when he discovered this.

"Buddhist techniques are really evil!"

"However, it's easy to use!"

For Yang Xuan, who has practiced the power of the mind, no faction of the exercises used will have any impact on Yang Xuan himself.

This is also one of the benefits of mind power.

if not.

It has reached the level of Yuanshen.

If it is an ordinary monk, by chance, he has learned Tathagata God's Palm, and he has made it so powerful.

Then if he was not careful, he would influence himself first.

At that time, you will lose yourself, and your consciousness will be completely immersed in the palm of the Tathagata.

So much so that in the end, in the dark, he would really be taken away by that 'Tathagata', and become the little novice monk who sat down by the other party, adding a bit of strength to that 'Tathagata'.

"It seems that the person who created Tathagata God's Palm is not a good guy."

"It is very possible that he is also a person who can travel through the heavens, or communicate with the heavens, and spread his own power."

Yang Xuan's thoughts spread more and more.

Before using Tathagata Palm today.

What Yang Xuan saw was only the benefits of Tathagata God's Palm.

But now, he saw the flaws of using Tathagata Palm.

This made him secretly remember that he must remind his teacher after returning.

The teacher cannot be recruited.

But thinking about it, the teacher, as a true immortal, should have discovered these after reading the exercises.

Maybe after he goes back, the teacher will remind him instead.

"Xiao Ling!"

"Give me a helping hand and completely refine this city today!"

22 "Let everyone inside become my believers, and then master the secrets of the Humane Imperial Court in one fell swoop."

"Since the Holy Lord created the Humane Emperor's Court in the early days, I don't believe in the entire Daqian Imperial Capital. No one knows about it."

With a thought in his mind, Yang Xuan secretly communicated with his guardian spirit.

Originally, he was only planning to come over to demonstrate today.

But unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest!

Zhang Taichu is very strong.

He doesn't have such a powerful cheat as Yang Xuan, but he has forcibly created a powerful force comparable to the Yuanshen stage in this sealed and imprisoned soulless place.

Yang Xuan recognized this power and ability.

That's why he won't be relentless.

It was confirmed that the opponent's hole card was very strong, so powerful that it was on par with his own fourth-order primordial power.

Then Yang Xuan will hang up.

The fourth tier can't crush you, so can't the fifth tier?

With this in mind, Yang Xuan summoned the spirit of the world.


Following Yang Xuan's call.

A huge door.

At this moment, it appeared behind the phantom of the huge ancient Buddha.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, countless silk threads flew out from behind the gate.

Then it quickly merged into the seat of the ancient Buddha, turning into an extremely dark lotus platform.

This lotus platform is in sharp contrast with the sacred treasure of the ancient Buddha.

Let the sacred ancient Buddha look with a trace of magic.

"A Buddha is a demon!"

"The devil is also a Buddha!"

"Tathagata God's Palm·Profound Truth·Buddha and Demon One·Pudu God and Demon!"

this time.

When Yang Xuan had the power of the spirit of the world, he was also blessed by the silk thread of the fifth-level ghost gate law.

He suddenly realized.

In my mind, a new idea, a new supernatural power appeared.

In the end, this turned into the latest move of Tathagata God's Palm.

Purdue Demon!

Everything is a Buddha!

"My Buddha is merciful!"

"My devil is merciful!"

"The Buddha is merciful!"

"Mercy! Mercy!"

Appeared with endless prayers.

Yang Xuan's huge phantom of the ancient Buddha also underwent great changes.

First of all, a thirty-sixth grade black lotus platform appeared after sitting down.

Secondly, it is the back of the phantom of the ancient Buddha, the back of the head has disappeared.

Instead, there is a jet-black head of the Buddha.

This jet-black ancient Buddha has an evil smile on his face.

The seven emotions and six desires seem to be all in its face.

If ordinary people see it, they will definitely lose their original mind and fall into demonic thoughts.

But when someone discusses magic thoughts, he will drag past this magic Buddha again and see the holy Buddha hidden behind.

Therefore, mortals will repent.

But after repenting and rehabilitating, he will see the Demon Buddha again.

Such a cycle, the devil and the Buddha alternate.

After a few times, the will will be completely submerged, unable to extricate itself.

By the time.

The performer said that you are a Buddha, you are a Buddha, you will save all living beings, and love the world.

But if the caster says you are a demon.

Then the world is stained with blood, panic is unleashed, boundless killings, and karma is entangled.

This is the horror of Purdue Demon's move.

Double spiritual level attack, endless alternation of Buddha and demon on both sides of one body.

Don't say it's a mortal.

At this moment, even a monk at the Yuanshen stage has only one way to face this situation.

That is to close all the senses and pray that the other party just spares his life.

Otherwise, death might be the best result.

Because once you don't die, you will become a puppet of the opponent's believer.

Then it will be more terrible than death.

In the world of practitioners, sometimes death is really a relief.


In the capital of Dagan Emperor.

The middle-aged Taoist priest looked at what happened in front of him, with a look of extreme unwillingness on his face.

"Impossible! How is this possible!"

"That's the power of the fifth level! In this lower realm where the aura is almost exhausted, you can still achieve the fifth level!"

"This person is an eminent monk in Lingshan who combines Buddhism and magic together!"

"Master Miao, I remember you!"

"It seems that this is also an eighth-level reincarnation."

"I just don't know why he was reincarnated and how long he has been planning for this world!"

"Could it be that he also came for Yang Xuan?"

"The spirit of the world has a lot to do with it. The matter between me and Yang Xuan made such a big fuss back then."

"Maybe, some of the Taoist palace's second and fifth sons sold this news to Lingshan for some resources."

"After all, what they like most is to refine all living beings in a world into believers."

"As for the spirit of a world, the strength of belief carried by itself is equivalent to the sentient beings of a world."

"Saving the spirit of a world and making it his own believer, for those people in Lingshan, it is equivalent to getting a perpetual motion machine of the world."

"So the existence of the eighth-level position, entering the layout here is not without surprises!"

"It's just why the other party is so tyrannical!"

"How did he develop!"

The Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning was extremely depressed at this time.

The Humane Imperial Court is indeed very powerful.

But behind obtaining this powerful power, is his uninterrupted dedication.

As a result, someone is going to pick peaches now.

It just made him vomit blood.

But now the skills are inferior to others, and there is no other way.

"It is rumored that in the Universiade Empire, Yang Xuan's practitioner of the Ten Thousand Realms Universal Law has appeared."

"So, this real Miaoyi from Lingshan wants to take away my Dagan Empire, and then go to attack the Universiade Empire, find Yang Xuan, and **** the spirit of the world?"

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things, the only plan for now is to retreat!"

"Damn Lingshan, after I return, I must make them look good!"

The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked up at the sky.

Then he opened his mouth instead.

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