In half a day at most, people will come to take over Tianjian City and start preparing for reconstruction.

Finally, Yang Xuan asked Su Wanyue to wait for him in the Universiade Emperor's Capital.

Immediately afterwards, he went on the road alone again.

This time the target is the Great Imperial Capital.


Daqian imperial capital.


"Damn it! It's been refined again, just a little bit!"

"This furnace of elixir is very important to me, what a pity!"

"Why do I always feel a little restless recently? Could it be that those people in the Upper Realm of the Ladder have noticed my existence?"

The disheveled Zhang Taichu was looking at the burst pill furnace, lost in thought.

Chapter 100 Humane Royal Court, Luck Golden Dragon (Subscribe!)

Daqian Empire, outside the imperial capital.

Yang Xuan came here without any risk.

People in the entire Dagan Empire seem to be unaware of their hostile emperor.

Alone, came to their imperial capital.

not only that.

When Yang Xuan entered the Daqian Imperial Capital, he simply got in with the help of his spiritual power.

"Hey, have you heard that the child of the Sun family is capable of literature at the age of 1, martial arts at the age of 2, and has achieved the sixth level of martial arts at the age of ten. He has no one in ten thousand talents, and now he has joined the Youth Pavilion."

"I heard! There is also the daughter of the Hu family, who was also born as a monster, and now she has also entered the Youth Pavilion."

"The national teacher said that the strong youth makes the country strong."

"It's a pity that the youths in the youth pavilion are full of blood. Although the number of people entering has reached hundreds, the death rate is as high as 50%."

"This is also inevitable. The master of the country said that our warriors go against the sky, and the ultimate goal is to enter the upper realm of the ladder. It is normal to die on the way."

"It's true, if a teenager becomes famous, whoever doesn't want to be the number one young man in the ranks, is qualified to directly learn from Master Guoshi."

"So they fought endlessly, just to grab a spot."

Yang Xuan is walking on the road to Dagan Empire.

The topic I heard the most was about the Youth Pavilion.

"What juvenile pavilion, isn't it the organization of reincarnations?"

"And it's the official reincarnation organization, which means that the high-level officials of the Dagan Empire have been taken down by the reincarnation."

"The person who won must be the national teacher."

"However, I think this is the bait laid out by Zhang Taichu."

"That national teacher must be a cover, he should be hiding in the dark."

"If anyone takes action against that national teacher, he must face Zhang Taichu's layout."

"Or, this national teacher may be Zhang Taichu's incarnation, double, or pawn."

Everyone is a reincarnation.

Especially Zhang Taichu, an old fritter who has been reincarnated countless times.

Now that he controls the Dagan Empire, he also specializes in hunting and killing reincarnated people.

Yang Xuan didn't think that the national teacher was Zhang Taichu.

Although he didn't understand why Zhang Taichu wanted to hunt and kill the freshmen, he didn't bother to care about it.

Let you have thousands of schemes, and I will break them with one punch.

With this in mind.

Yang Xuan walked towards a small tea house in the depths of the imperial capital.

The tea house is located deep in the alley.

Tea and food are simple and simple meals.

It stands to reason that the business of this small teahouse with no characteristics should be extremely bleak.

However, just as Yang Xuancai approached the alley, he found that the queue here had circled seven or eight times.

If you want to wait for yourself normally, you have to wait at least half a day.

"Did you develop any special features of "September 47" that attracted so many people?"

Yang Xuan looked at the long queue in surprise.

Then, with a flash of figure, he directly entered this simple small tea house.

Queuing is impossible.

It is impossible in this lifetime.

After coming in.

He knew why there were so many people here.

Because it is in the first closed room in the teahouse.

There is a woman playing the piano.

The sound of the piano is like a dream, and it lingers around the beam for three days.

Anyone who hears the sound of the piano will feel relaxed physically and mentally, as if they have been treated.

"It turns out that this girl not only dances beautifully, but is also proficient in melody. When I go back, I must let her play for me all night."

Yang Xuan whispered.

Immediately, he no longer hid himself, and walked directly towards the house where the piano sound was.


As the door opened, the real fairy boy walked into the room.

The sound of the piano inside disappeared immediately.

After recovering from their senses, the guests all looked angry.

They came to this small tea house for the music that can heal the soul.

They don't care about tea or something.

"Who? Where did you come from? Don't you know the rules?"

"Damn it, this person is going to attack Miss Yu!"

"Hmph! This old man is here, who can hurt Miss Yu!"

The sound of the piano had just stopped, and it actually attracted an old man who was in the ninth level of martial arts.

I saw that the old man entered the room by himself.

Then he just froze.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

in front of you.

That fairy looks like a fairy, although she is not very old, but she is already a jade fairy that no one can feel blasphemous after seeing her, and she is desperately hugging a strange man.

When the two are together, they look like a good match.

However, the man seemed extremely dissatisfied with Fairy Yu.

Push Fairy Yu hard.

But Fairy Yu was still trying her best to throw herself into the opponent's arms.

"Enough is enough, enough is enough!"

"Didn't I tell you to go back first? Why are you still playing here?"

"You know, this place is not suitable for fun, especially in the Dagan Empire, that person followed."

Yang Xuan said very cryptically.

But Liu Hongyu instantly understood what Yang Xuan was referring to.

When it comes to it is exactly.

Liu Hongyu also let go of Yang Xuan, and said with a sullen face.

"I want to go too! I have to be able to go too!"

"The regression talisman you exchanged for me, I can't get out at all!"

"It has always been in my true spirit, and it shows that it is in the seal."

With a helpless expression on her face, Liu Hongyu pointed to her own head.

"The Return Talisman is a special consumable item, and it should be usable directly. If it cannot be used, it must not meet the conditions."

"If it is sealed, is it because of the lower realm of the ladder?"

"The lower realm of this ladder is equivalent to a prison? A seal?"

For a while, Yang Xuan already had a guess.

"I know the situation!"

"In this case, you are ready to go back with me!"

"Although the Daqian Empire will soon be mine, at least that person is here, and he should have quite a few followers."

Yang Xuan gently rubbed Liu Hongyu's hair.

Looking more and more moist, no, looking at the more and more lovely Liu Hongyu, showing a long-lost sincere smile.

Ten-year-old Liu Hongyu, perhaps because of her well-developed development, now looks like a 13 or 4-year-old girl.

Looking at her, she is much cuter than in the spirit world.

"Don't touch my head, I won't grow taller."

Liu Hongyu pouted and said.

Then he was dragged by Yang Xuan and resisted directly.

"The thief is so rampant, in broad daylight, he dared to **** Jade Fairy."

"Are you pretending that I have no one in the empire!"

"Take! Sword comes!"

Although the old man who just broke through the door, Liu Hongyu and Yang Xuan knew each other.

It seemed that Liu Hongyu also planned to go with Yang Xuan.

But he couldn't agree.

Because Liu Hongyu's piano sound has the benefit of stabilizing the mind for those of them who are in the ninth level of martial arts.

Even the elders of the Tianyi Sword Sect sometimes come to listen to the music of the piano to stabilize their minds.

Sword cultivators have extremely high demands on their own will and mind.

The more brilliant the warrior, the more he cares about his state of mind.

Just like that, none of them wanted Liu Hongyu to be taken away.

However, the person they wanted to stop was Yang Xuan.

Let alone a martial arts ninth level.

Even if it is ten or one hundred, it is useless.

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