After Su Wanyue heard that she had this opportunity.

My heart was pounding.

Become a fairy.

Worship immortals as teachers!

This is something she never dared to think about before.

I didn't expect it to be realized inexplicably now.

In this mood, she was so excited that she wanted to jump around in place.

Eight minutes later.

While Yang Xuan was waiting, the elder of the Tianyi Sword Sect who had just left directly pulled a middle-aged man who looked a bit wretched over.

This middle-aged man, perhaps because of his own strength is not bad.

So he looks like he's about thirty years old.

But it seems that there are too many concubines, and the whole person has a wretched feeling.

"My lord, this is Zhuo Zhi."

The elders of the Tianyi Sword Sect have completely surrendered at this time.

When he saw Yang Xuan, he fell to his knees directly, not daring to look directly at Yang Xuan.

"Leave it to you!"

Yang Xuan nodded to Su Wanyue.

Then, he raised his hand and struck out a feather sword.

Yu Jian instantly sank into Zhuo Zhi's body.

Immediately afterwards, he found that his martial arts were useless.

"Ah! My skills!"

"Who are you, you actually crippled my skills, my grandfather will not let you go!"

Zhuo Zhi roared in disbelief.

His majestic Tianyi Sword Sect's Wu Erdai was abolished just like that.

It's just unbelievable.

"It's time for the farce to end."

"I thought how powerful this boasted number one sword sect of the Universiade Empire is."

"In the end it was nothing more than a smoky place."

"In that case!"

"Let me use a sword to sweep away the bad luck and return the world to a bright future!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, his body disappeared from outside the city in an instant.

next second.

He appeared above the Heavenly Sword Gate.

"For a mere school, the city is actually better built than the imperial capital. How can this be possible?"

above the void.

Yang Xuan murmured.

next second.

He almost uttered a classic line.


A bag of rice can be carried several floors.

But in the end, Yang Xuan still held back.

I saw him scratching at the void.

The feathers quickly gathered in front of him to form a feather sword.

"Tai Chi Sword Art Beginning of Chaos!"

Just for a moment.

Everyone in Tianjian City suddenly felt difficulty breathing.

This feeling lasted for half a minute.

After everyone has calmed down.

He couldn't help but look up at the sky.

above the sky.

The scene of the arrival of the real fairy made everyone's eyes widen.

The huge Tai Chi diagram slowly unfolded under the feet of the true immortal.

Then it fell down in an instant.

Not long after, the entire Heavenly Sword City was enveloped.


Heavenly Sword City, the core.

Tianyijian is stationed here.

"Sword Master Tianyi, as well as many elders, all looked up at the sky."

"They all looked at the sky in disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost."

"Is this a true immortal?"

"But why are you attacking us?"

"Just now there was a request for help from the outside world. The fourth elder has already gone to help, but the news has been lost."

"If you do the math, it's been too long, and the fourth elder may have died."

"No! No! A disciple reported just now that the Fourth Elder came back once and kidnapped Zhuo Zhi!"

"A member of the Zhuo family, offended someone who shouldn't be offended? Offended the Supreme Immortal?"

"What is the meaning of this method of the immortal, what is this huge pattern coming down, what is it trying to do?"

In this world, there is no such thing as Tai Chi.

So they didn't understand what Yang Xuan was doing at all.

But soon.

They will know.


Because when Yang Xuan's swordsmanship unfolded.

They all had a flash in front of their eyes, and they seemed to be in the endless starry sky in the next second.

Because, this world has no concept of the universe.


"Fairy means!"

boom! boom! boom!

The universe exploded, the beginning of chaos!

The attack begins.

Yang Xuan's powerful primordial spirit enveloped the entire Heavenly Sword City.

Under his fine manipulation, many landmark buildings in Tianjian City were all smashed to pieces.

But none of those ordinary people were injured.

It was obvious that the disciples of the Tianyi Sword Sect had been injured to varying degrees.

As for Sword Master Tianyi, as well as those elders, all of them were moderately injured. They belonged to the kind that needed to recuperate for a period of time, but it would take too long.


"Why is this happening!"

Sword Master Tianyi couldn't help but asked blankly to the sky.

He doesn't know what he did wrong.

"This emperor, Emperor Tianxuan!"

"The Tianyi Sword Sect disobeyed the order and colluded with foreign enemies. Today it will be completely expelled!"

"But the emperor thinks that you are members of the Great Fortune Empire after all. Now I will give you a chance to report to the imperial capital and prepare to go to the Great Fortune Empire."

"Those who refuse to obey will be killed without mercy!"

Yang Xuan made the announcement directly.

This time, the entire Tianyi Sword Sect fell for a day.


"It's actually the Great Emperor?"

"Emperor Tianxuan is an immortal."

"The legend turned out to be true."

"The Tianyi Sword Sect is actually a clown!"

"The power of one person can destroy a city. This is no longer a person, but a fairy!"

"Our emperor is actually a fairy."

"The Tianyi Sword Sect, are you blind? They don't obey Emperor Tianxuan's will."

"Damn Tianyi Sword Sect, it caused my family to disappear."

"I'm going to the imperial capital. Emperor Tianxuan sits in the imperial capital, and there are immortals there."

"I'm going too! I'm going too!"

"That's right, if you don't want it here, you don't want it. If you go to the imperial capital, maybe you can get the emperor's immortal energy."

Ordinary people in Tianjian City, ordinary warriors, after hearing Yang Xuan's words, they couldn't help feeling a sense of resistance to Tianyi Sword.

After all, this sword faction didn't care about its own country, and even colluded with the Dagan Empire.

From their point of view, Emperor Tianxuan was already very benevolent.

In your own words, directly kill this faction.

Of course, what they don't know is that killing people is easy, but killing one's heart is the most terrifying thing.

Isn't it good that these masters of the Tianyi Sword Sect act as coolies for themselves and do those manual jobs.

"From now on, I won't look for the other two sword sects anymore."

"I believe they will deliver it themselves."

"It's time to take the opportunity to do a big job."

"One is to bring Liu Hongyu back, and the other is to kill a big-time emperor to add to the fun. By the way, let's see if we can find Zhang Taichu."

The matter of Tianjian City is already over.

With one strike of Yang Xuan's sword, this so-called strongest city was turned into half ruins.

But for the common people here, there is some influence, but it is not particularly big.

Anyway, he had already asked the Tianyi Sword Sect to surrender to find someone with his transfer order.

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