"How can this be!"

"Isn't Emperor Xuan a yellow-haired child that day? Didn't he say he was only ten years old?"

"Is that yellow-haired boy your puppet?"

The head of the Wind Chasing Sword Sect made Yang Xuan feel like giving him a sword piercing his heart as soon as he opened his mouth.

The corner of his mouth twitched, secretly thinking that the head of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect was really sloppy.

"This emperor is the yellow-haired kid you mentioned!"

"This emperor will give you another chance to submit to the Universiade and set off for the Universiade Imperial Capital within a few days."

"After going, everything will follow the arrangement."

"Also, hand over all the exercises to the person in charge of receiving you over there."

"And, this emperor wants you to open a martial arts school in the imperial capital!"

"You, the Chasing Wind Sword Sect, must establish a college dedicated to teaching students sword skills and mind skills."

"The name can be called Chasing Wind Academy!"

"Ok, deal!"

Yang Xuan expressed his request.

This time, the head teacher of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect was exceptionally sensible.

He didn't have any refutation, justification, or rejection, he just nodded and said yes.

He kept yelling in his mouth that he had no eyesight and listened to rumors.

Yang Xuan was a little embarrassed to hear the flattering words in his mouth.

He even doubted whether this head teacher was talking about cross talk before entering the Wind Sword Sect.

And, did the position of head teacher come from flattery?

No do not say.

This can be regarded as a special talent!


Two days later.

Yang Xuan sometimes uses the Feathered Heavenly Shield, and sometimes rides in a carriage in this world.

Finally came to his second target.

Tianyi Sword Sect.

The Tianyi Sword Sect did not establish its headquarters on a mountain like the Wind Chasing Sword Sect.

The address of their Sword Sect is a top city in the Universiade Empire.

Heavenly Sword City.

This city is very famous in the entire Lower Realm of the Ladder.

Today, at the gate of the city.

Yang Xuan was sitting on a luxurious carriage and was slowly driving towards Tianjian City.

Because it is very close to Tianjian City at this time.

So Yang Xuan just lifted the curtain on the carriage, and he could easily see the appearance of Tianjian City.


Compared with the Dao Palace in the main world, the appearance and layout of this Heavenly Sword City is simply not worth mentioning.

But in this world, it is definitely a first-class super city.

"Its shape is like a sword, and its determination soars to the sky!"

"What a beautiful city!"

"Even the imperial capital of the Universiade Empire is not worth mentioning in front of this city!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He really wasn't bragging about Heavenly Sword City.

In fact, the situation of this city is really stronger than that of the imperial capital.

Moreover, Tianjian City is also unique.

The special sword body style city makes people excited at first glance.

not only that.

Even this gate is in the shape of a sword body.

The handle and hilt of the sword hang from the sky.

The gate is the body of the sword.

Open the blade, and the first thing you see is a road to the sky.

Such a city, after anyone saw it, would feel good about it.

"Brother Xuan, this is your first time in Tianjian City!"

"Brother Xuan, our Heavenly Sword City is magnificent!"

"I told you when you came for a ride yesterday, once you see Heavenly Sword City, it will be very difficult for you to go to other cities."

"Although our Su family is not a high-class family in Tianjian City, we also control the business of more than a dozen warrior restaurants."

"Brother Xuan, you look so good-looking, and your martial arts must be very powerful. Why don't you come to my Su family to be a deacon, and we will definitely give you enough satisfactory treatment."

Just when Yang Xuan was looking at the city of Tianjianmen.

Suddenly there was a man wearing a dark red suit with a sword on his body.

The whole person looked like a young girl full of vigor. At this time, she rode a horse from behind and came to the carriage where Yang Xuan was.

As soon as she comes over.

Immediately, several people from the fourth level of martial arts and the fifth level of martial arts came along (ccff).

Those people are all young men and women.

He looked like he was only in his early twenties.

To be able to achieve the fourth and fifth heavens of martial arts at this age.

It's actually pretty good.

"Miss, this person's origin is unknown, it's better not to get in touch with him too much!"

The first person to come over was a handsome man in a blue shirt.

Although compared with Yang Xuan, it is a world of difference.

But among ordinary people, it can be regarded as outstanding.

"Miss, I admit that this person is very good-looking, but being good-looking is not the same as knowing martial arts!"

"Look at him, he doesn't even need a horse, he just looks like a showman!"

"That's right! This kind of person is only suitable for eating soft meals. Miss, you should stay away from him."

The ones who spoke first were the youth guards following the woman in red, Su Wanyue.

As soon as they finished speaking.

There were also three female guards, also in their early twenties, who also stepped forward.

"Miss, why don't you let me check this boy tonight."

"Let me do it, Xiao Liu, you have been too tired from practicing martial arts recently, and you injured your hand a while ago, you just need to recuperate."

"Stop arguing, both of you! Miss, this man sees something wrong, so send him to my room tonight, I'll come to get close, ah no, I'll interrogate him for one night!"

The last one to speak was a girl warrior with a pretty face who looked like she was only 15 or 6 years old, but the two mountain peaks could suffocate people to death.

The girl's tone is also very big.

He actually wants to interrogate Yang Xuan for one night, regardless of whether his body can bear it or not.

"Hmph! Back off, this is what Miss Ben first saw!"

Su Wanyue's face turned cold.

I thought to myself, I must tell my father when I go back that I want to replace them all.

In Tianjian City of Tianyi Sword Sect.

Everyone can practice martial arts.

The same is true for women.

Moreover, men and women are equal here, and force is paramount.

Su Wanyue can be regarded as a young genius, and at the age of twenty-one, she became a young master of the fifth level of martial arts.

So there is a certain degree of autonomy.

However, the three major empires have been in constant war recently.

Recently, she has also been troubled by a marriage that she should not have to worry about at all.


The family arranged for her to marry an inner disciple of the Tianyi Sword Sect.

But that inner disciple is now forty-three, and has fifty-nine concubines.

The average number of children is 2 per room, a total of 108.

The oldest one is older than her age.

That's why Su Wanyue didn't want to marry at all.

It's just how powerful the Tianyi Sword Sect is.

Their Su family has established roots in other people's cities.

Although the family has not forced her to marry the inner disciple of Tianjianmen so far.

But after seeing Su Wanyue a few times, the inner disciple seemed to have already identified her.

It was also like this that Su Wanyue only met Yang Xuan after she met her.

Immediately, he was astonished, not only agreed to Yang Xuan's ride, but also gave up his own sedan chair to Yang Xuan.

Most importantly, along the way, she dealt with Yang Xuan almost flatteringly.

In the eyes of outsiders.

My eldest lady is going crazy.

But only Su Wanyue figured out exactly how powerful Yang Xuan was.

She has a special talent, and has already sensed Yang Xuan's abnormality.


Inside the carriage.

Yang Xuan glanced at Su Wanyue speechlessly.

"You little girl, put away those strange thoughts of yours!"

"all will be good."

Yang Xuan also seemed to see the difference in Su Wanyue, but he didn't agree to Su Wanyue's invitation.

But did not refuse.


"You are the first man this lady fell in love with. If I can't conquer you, believe it or not, after I meet your father, I will ask you to call me mother."

Su Wanyue is also feeling a little uncomfortable recently, so teasing the strong man makes her a little secretly happy.

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