Under the powerful fairy escape method.

In just two hours, Yang Xuan arrived at the camp of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect.

As for the route issue.

Turn on one-click tracking in your mind, and after 1 day of life consumption, a map will appear in your mind.

"Wind Chasing Sword Sect!"

"Give them a big! Treasure! Sword!"

"The Feather Falling Sword Sutra, Heavenly Feather Excalibur!"

The primordial spirit vibrates, input spiritual power, and the spell is activated.


Above the sky of the Wind Chasing Sword Sect, there is a huge feather sword composed of at least a million small feather swords.

From the sky, it smashed down towards the mountain gate of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect.

At this time, most of the disciples of the Wind Sword Sect were eating.

Because it's meal time.

But there are also people who are on duty.

So they all looked up at the sky immediately.

"What's this?"

"Enemy! Enemy attack!"

"What the **** kind of enemy attack is this? This is an immortal attack on us. This is a dimensionality reduction attack!"

"Master! Go and inform the master!"

"My God! What the **** is going on here!"

Just after Yang Xuan's attack was released, the entire Wind Chasing Sword Sect fell into chaos.

The head of the Chasing Wind Sword Sect who came out upon hearing the news.

After being driven out, he sat down on the ground directly.

His face was full of horror.

no way.

No matter how they looked at it, they couldn't resist the attack from the sky.

He even doubted it.

Under this blow, will the entire Wind Chasing Sword Sect still exist?

But fortunately.

At this time, a voice also came into their ears.

"Kneeling lives!"

"Resistance to death!"

Yang Xuan came to intimidate, not to really destroy the family.

He still wants these people to be coolies for himself.

But whoever resists in everything will really kill Yi with a single sword.

That's why he used the power of the primordial spirit to spread the word.

The entire Wind Chasing Sword Sect heard this sentence.

thump! thump!


Kneeling on the ground, the sound of kowtowing and begging for mercy came out continuously.

Shangxian spare my life!

God, please spare me! .

Chapter 98 Fatal Words

Shangxian spare my life!

Forgive me!

Cries of begging for mercy surround the mountaintop.

The head teacher of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect also fell to his knees immediately, shouting for mercy.

However, there were also a few elders of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect, all of whom showed ruthless expressions.

He thinks that the huge sword above the sky is just a paper tiger.

With this in mind.

Those people didn't kneel, but instead pushed their swordsmanship to the extreme and charged towards the giant sword in the sky.


There's no after that.

Under the huge feather sword, several elders were directly wiped out.

This is the power of the Yuanshen period.

They didn't even touch it, but just when they got close to the giant feather sword, they were killed by countless sword winds around them.

The Martial Arts Ninth Heaven in this world, even if it has reached the highest level of the Nineth Heaven Peak, it is only the second peak of the main world.

Use the power of the second tier to counter the power of the fourth tier.

Yang Xuan was dumbfounded.

He could only admire the few people who were wiped out under the sword energy.

"What courage! What courage!"

Even if it is Yang Xuan's own body, if he encounters such an attack, he will definitely avoid it.

But those few people are really above the difficulties.

If their bravery is known to outsiders, they should also be praised by warriors in this world.

It's a pity that Yang Xuan is just those few people, silly!

His own sword has been released so slowly.

I obviously gave them a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy, but since I want to die, I can't help it.

Helplessly, Yang Xuan shook his head in the sky, then turned his attention to those kneeling people on the top of the mountain.

Under the broken mountain peak, most of them are people from the sixth or seventh level of martial arts.

Not to mention, the Chasing Wind Sword Sect is indeed one of the five great sword sects of the Universiade Empire.

There is actually such a high-level warrior in a sect.

For the Lower Realm of the Ladder, the Chasing Wind Sword Sect is already a veritable top force.


A warrior from the lower realm is, after all, a warrior from the lower realm.

If they practiced in the upper realm, they might walk out of the path from martial arts to Taoism.

But this lower bound.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.


Mountain tops crumble and houses collapse.

With a single strike, Yang Xuan cut off half of Nuoda's mountain gate.

When Yang Xuan descended from the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky, with panic on their faces.

"The immortal is merciful, I don't know what I did wrong with the Wind Sword Sect to offend the Supreme Immortal Venerable!"

"I also ask the immortal to say clearly, we must change, we must change!"

At this moment, the head teacher of the Chasing Wind Sword Sect kowtowed and shouted loudly.

This head teacher of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect is different from ordinary disciples.

What this head teacher cares about is the inheritance of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect.

For someone like him, inheritance is the most important thing.

People can be gone, and the mountain gate can be broken, but the inheritance must be left behind.

"Before asking others, think carefully about who you have offended recently!"

Yang Xuan came down.

This time, it is no longer like a real fairy coming to the world, but a real Shangxian coming to the world.

Although, he is the primordial spirit.

He hasn't become a half-immortal yet, but in the lower realm of the ladder, his power is that of an immortal!

"Who is offended?"

"Ah... our Wind Sword Sect never offends anyone."

The headmaster of the Wind-chasing Sword Sect couldn't help talking.

Yang Xuangang wanted to say, he put P.


But the head teacher suddenly said: "The people we offended were all killed that night!"

"As for Shangxian, we definitely haven't offended him!"

"We don't dare to offend!"

When the head teacher said this, he just shocked Yang Xuan all of a sudden.

Good guy! Really good guy!

This person resembles me.

If you don't report revenge overnight, you will report revenge that night.

However, the leader is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

If he didn't take revenge overnight, wouldn't he have attacked the imperial capital of the Universiade Empire and killed himself, the new emperor, on the night he became emperor.

In other words, he never regarded the Universiade Empire as an enemy.

Because in his heart, the Universiade Empire is over.

Yang Xuan can naturally think of these.

"never mind!"

"This emperor is the new emperor of the Universiade Empire, titled Emperor Tianxuan!"

"I asked you to go to the imperial capital to surrender three days ago, why didn't you go!" 947

Yang Xuan waved his sleeves in the air.

The huge feather sword that had just shattered the huge mountain peak suddenly turned into countless small feather swords and flew behind him.

It turned into an extremely luxurious Feather Sword Throne.

Then, Yang Xuan just sat on the throne.

"Ah! Immortal Venerable is Emperor Tianxuan?"

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