There are plenty of Universiade Imperials.

Now there are many reincarnators emerging.

Even if all the civil and military officials are replaced.

That is also no problem.

What's more, Yang Xuan himself is extremely powerful now.

Under the Nine Suns Golden Pill, one person is enough to rule the country.

Come over to He Ziming and ask him to cooperate.

It's just that Yang Xuan has no plans to play the tyrant yet.

Otherwise, it would not be difficult for him to suppress the world by force.


The second day, early morning.

Yang Ling got up early in the morning.

Under the service of the maids, he prepared everything and started to go to the meeting hall.

"Huh? There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere in the palace today!"

Yang Ling is also a warrior himself.

And his aptitude is not bad.

In addition, all kinds of pills that can be found in the lower realms are available.

Today's Yang Ling is a master of the seventh level of martial arts.

Martial arts have reached the seventh heaven, and if they are placed in ordinary cities, they are all existences where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Belongs to the real master.

However, Yang Ling, the martial arts seventh and 22nd level, is still a little watery.

First, he was promoted by external force.

Second, that is, he has no fighting experience.

Even if he practiced with his own bodyguards, who would dare to open his eyes and lay a cruel hand on him.

Life and death fights have never been experienced since childhood.

Therefore, in terms of combat effectiveness, he has some water.

Combat experience, needless to mention.

It's embarrassing.

But as a master of the seventh level of martial arts, his spiritual perception is quite in place.

So after walking for a while, I found that in today's palace, people's eyes and emotions seemed to be a little bit wrong.

But what was wrong, he couldn't tell.

"Maybe it's because everyone knows that the Dagan Empire is coming, so everyone is very worried!"

"Hey! This is a matter of life and death. Losing the country is basically equivalent to losing a home."

"Forget it, their emotions are not a big deal to me!"

Thinking this way in Yang Ling's mind, he entered the meeting hall under the leadership of the maids and eunuchs.


Universiade Empire, inside the meeting hall.


Yang Ling came directly to the front of the meeting hall from the side door.

He didn't need to go through the gate.

Those gates are for ministers to come and go.

He has his own exclusive channel.

"Huh? I've been at least an hour early today, but they've already arrived?"

When he came to his own emperor seat.

Yang Ling immediately realized that all the civil and military officials had arrived.

not only that.

They didn't have any private conversations today.

the previous time.

Before officially going to court, the ministers will discuss some things with each other.

But today, everyone was eerily quiet.

"Could it be that the secret letters I sent yesterday frightened them?"

"Isn't it just to let them all come to persuade me to surrender!"

"Who am I doing this for? I am doing it for everyone!"

"If I surrender and don't nod, everyone will die together in the end!"

"Not only will I have to die, but none of my family members will be able to escape!"

"So what I'm doing, is great."

"In the midst of desperation and despair, it brought hope to you people."

"As a result, you all look like this!"

"After I get through the difficulties, if I have the opportunity to succeed in power in the future, I must kill all of you."

Yang Ling couldn't help thinking about it.

But on the surface, there is no expression at all.

Because he knew that he needed them to help him take the blame.

"It's not time yet, since everyone is unwilling to talk, then let's do it!"

Yang Ling calculated the time in his mind.

He gradually closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

When he came early in the past, he actually waited for everyone to come together, and it was regarded as the beginning of the court meeting.

But today is different.

Today was the day when someone would offer him surrender.

Yang Ling had to keep silent until those people stopped talking.

This kind of scapegoat, betrayal of the country, naturally cannot let him speak out.

In this way, time passed by little by little.

When Yang Ling opened his eyes again, he calculated that the time should have come.

He found that the hall was still extremely silent.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

This situation made Yang Ling feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

"What's wrong with this group of people, why are none of them talking?"

Yang Lin was not sure, so he glanced at his personal eunuch.


He coughed lightly, although he didn't speak, but the meaning was already very obvious.

The **** understood and immediately took a step forward.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

He spoke as usual.

Then, he set his sights on the most important ministers who communicated yesterday.

Is that the group of Shangshu?

As for the prime minister.

Yang Ling knew the prime minister's character, so he didn't ask anyone to find him.

Anyway, the ministers' persuasion to capitulate can be regarded as meeting the standard.

But who knew that both Yang Ling and the **** were surprised.

When they set their sights on those ministers, they all lowered their heads even lower.

None of them had any intention of speaking.

The **** was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do.

He could only turn his head to look at Yang Ling, waiting for his next instruction.

Yang Ling was furious when he saw this.

But he still suppressed the anger in his heart, and shouted to one of them: "Shangshu Hubu, didn't you say you have something to do today?"

After Hubu Shangshu was named, he kept cursing inwardly.

But thinking about what happened last night, and when he saw He Ziming this morning, he had a confident look on his face.

And in the imperial palace, the name that even the high-level officials of other countries would be courteous after hearing it is Huang Xuanming.

Tobu Shangshu's eyes became firm.

I saw that he took a step forward, held his head high, and looked up at Yang Ling, the current Emperor of the Universiade Empire.

"I'm fine!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Ling was so angry that he took a deep breath.

Yang Ling even stood up from his seat.

Pointing at the other party, he questioned: "I'm giving you a chance, think about it, do you have anything to say?"

Since the moment Yang Ling decided to surrender.

In fact, he couldn't wait to make it happen.

But who would have thought that something would happen today.

"I'm fine!"

Hubu Shangshu still had a decisive attitude, and his face was also fearless at this time.

This made Yang Ling's scalp tingle.

The reason why he was the first to name the household department was because the other party was a soft persimmon.

But the soft persimmons have now turned into frozen persimmons and are beginning to harden.

Then it is basically certain.

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, certain things happened that he didn't know.

"Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, don't you have anything to say?"

Yang Ling looked at the other Shangshu gloomyly.

The threat in the eyes has not been concealed in the slightest.

"I'm fine!"

It was the same answer again.

This moment directly made Yang Ling's face extremely pale.

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