"What's wrong with my body? What happened here?"

He Ziming himself is also a warrior.

But it's just not strong.

Martial Dao fifth level, relying entirely on medicine piles up.

But if you put it among the civilians, that is also the middle and upper class.

But he found that at this moment, he couldn't even stand up.

The whole person was floating in the void, and his strength was useless.

He could only slap his hands and feet indiscriminately, but it didn't help.

"Master He, don't worry, it's just that I changed the gravity of this area."

"What is gravity, I won't explain it to you, it's too troublesome after all."

Yang Xuan waved his hand again, and the place quickly returned to its original state.

Those floating items also fell to the ground.

However, Yang Xuan used his own Nine Yang True Qi to cover everything in the room.

So when they landed, they were all exactly the same as before, and nothing was damaged.

Even after the kettle and water cup fell on the tea table, not a single drop was spilled.

Such an extremely delicate operation.

Even if it is a person of the same level who has entered the Tao with martial arts and condensed the golden core, he will not be able to do this at all.

Because Yang Xuan is not only a golden elixir, but also a spiritual manifestation.

Now his spiritual manifestation is very close, and he has condensed into a golden pill of reincarnation at the level of heaven.

Therefore, the power of his mind is far superior to that of monks of the same level.

"Immortal Venerable?"

"You actually became a fairy!"

"Didn't it mean that in our lower realm, no one can become a fairy?"

As the prime minister, He Ziming had access to many confidential documents.

Therefore, I know a lot of things, and I also have some understanding of the upper world of the ladder.

But unfortunately, his understanding was not even as good as Huang Xuanming's.

The documents that are known are also deliberately let them know by the immortals of the upper realm.

At this time, he was naturally suspicious of Yang Xuan.

"Xinzheng, come and explain to your father."

"Also let your father know who the biggest enemy in this world is, what it looks like, and how terrible it is!"

Yang Xuan continued to pick up the teacup without further words.

"Father, let me tell you!"

He Xinzheng was ready.

He told all the things he learned from Huang Xuanming back then.

The gods in the upper realm feed on people.

All living beings in the lower world are only for livestock.

The **** battle on the sky ladder devours warriors.

Knock open the door of heaven and bring it to the table.

Two levels of secrecy in the upper and lower realms.

Under He Xinzheng's telling, He Ziming knew and understood little by little.

Then, He Ziming's body trembled.

At this moment, he finally knew why his child had changed so much.

He had been wondering before, why his child who was so motivated suddenly became decadent for a while.

Although I didn't know it, I became 5.5 stronger than my family.

But in fact, He Xinzheng's decadence at that time, he could feel it was true.

It's just that He Xinzheng hasn't been decadent for nine years, maybe it's only been decadent for a few days or a month.

"No wonder you were so decadent at the time. It turns out that we are just food for the evil immortals in the upper realm."

"No! Only those warriors who are at the eighth or ninth level of martial arts, they are interested in it. We don't even count as food."

"Those immortals separated the heaven and the earth in ancient times and divided them into upper and lower."

"Obviously they are all compatriots, but they did something that both humans and gods are angry with."

"They, **** it!"

In He Ziming's frightened and shocked emotions, he also gave birth to anger.

As a human being in this world, no one would be angry when he heard such words.

"Master He, if you want to counterattack the upper realm, you must at least unify the lower realm!"

"I have broken the barrier between heaven and man with my own special method, and became a fairy in the lower realm!"

"This is something that the evil immortals in the sky don't know, so it needs to be kept secret!"

"In the future, I will naturally give them a surprise."

"It's impossible for Yang Ling to sell Qiurong now."

"The Universiade Empire is the foundation of my counterattack to the upper realm, and it is impossible for him to surrender."

"An emperor wants to rebel! It's not a son of man!"

Yang Xuan said casually, making the corners of He Ziming's mouth twitch.

This statement sounds interesting, but also a bit awkward.

But He Ziming thought about it.

An emperor doing this is no different from rebelling against himself.

Because the rebellion is successful, it is the king of the country.

"What you have to do now is to cooperate with me to ascend the throne as emperor tomorrow, and then assist me to sweep the lower realms."

"After the unification is completed, I need a lot of manpower and material resources to arrange a shocking formation with all parts of the world."

"This array is the key to deal with those evil immortals!"

Yang Xuan slowly explained his plan.

His plan is very grand.

The so-called big formation is a big formation that communicates with the gate of good fortune in the Taoist palace in the main world.

In other words, this large array is equivalent to a one-time projection of the gate of good fortune.

As for the eye of the big formation, that is, the ray of breath from the gate of good fortune, Fairy Fengyu has already handed it over to Yang Xuan.

It is currently stored at the World Spirit.

Coincidentally, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning chased after him.

Once Yang Xuan succeeds, when the gate of good fortune opens, countless true immortals will descend.

Then everyone discovered that the Lord of Absolute Beginning lurked his relatives and hunted down many college freshmen.

That scene must be very interesting.

Yang Xuan reckoned that it would be like that.

Even if it is the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning who will not die, he must be made to vomit three liters of blood.

Chapter 96 Emperor, do you want to rebel? (seeking subscription)

After He Ziming, the prime minister of the Universiade Empire, listened to Yang Xuan's words.

The whole person was stunned for a long time.

In the end, he said with a wry smile: "Your Highness, what you are about to do is a feat that has never been seen in eternity."

"Your reputation will surely resound throughout the world!"

"However, the old minister is old and can't keep up with your pace!"

After He Ziming said this.

His eldest son immediately said in a deep voice: "Father, think twice!"

He Xin was afraid that his father would reject Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan shook his hand at him, telling him not to interrupt He Ziming.

Seeing this, He Ziming showed a gratified smile on his face.

"Your Highness, the old minister will definitely stand by your side tomorrow, but after that, the old minister will give way to the young man."

"My son has the honor to worship under your sect."

"You must have seen his ability."

"Although this child still lacks a bit of maturity, it is more than enough for a country's prime minister."

"What's more, the old minister will assist from the side. He has been strictly inspected and supervised, and he will not be allowed to slack off in the slightest."

After He Ziming finished speaking.

Only then did his eldest son, He Xinzheng, realize that his father was making room for himself.

"Father, there is no need to stop here!"

He Xinzheng hurriedly explained.

He came here today to bring Yang Xuan to let his father stand in line, not to force his father to resign.

"Master He's consideration is indeed thoughtful. Newcomers have a new atmosphere, and reusing the younger generation can improve the fortune of the great fortune."

"In this case, the emperor will take his leave first."

Yang Xuan nodded to He Ziming, He Xinzheng and his son.

Then got up and left.

this time.

He wasn't hiding his figure.

Instead, he left openly.


at the same time.

All civil and military officials of the entire Universiade Empire were visited tonight.

However, Yang Xuan could come to the door in person.

There is only one prime minister.

In fact, it's okay for him not to show up.

after all.

Huang Xuanming alone is enough to control the whole situation.

At that time, let alone let Yang Xuan ascend the throne as emperor.

Even if Huang Xuanming randomly called someone over and said that person was the emperor, no one would refute it.

Because if you refute, you will die.

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