"Kill me! We lost, but I refuse to accept!"

"Want to attack us with words and destroy our Dao Heart!"

"Using the most ruthless method, killing people and punishing others, your honor is thinking too much."

Wang Shan sadly found out that he couldn't do anything to Yang Xuan.

He calculated his teammates and created two demigods to fight, but it's useless now.

Moreover, there is no escape from the fate of death.

Therefore, he planned to die comfortably.

As for the others, they are still trying to force Yang Xuan to come out.

But Yang Xuan kept talking, and they couldn't lock Yang Xuan.

The person with ghost eyes was also killed by Yang Xuan, and he was one of the five soul reincarnators who just died.

Now what everyone hopes is for Wang Shan to delay time so that they can find a chance to force Yang Xuan to show up.

"Wang Shan, there is one thing that you thought wrong from the beginning"

"Originally, I don't want you to be hit too hard."

"But since you are not convinced, then I will convince you!"

This time, as soon as Yang Xuan's voice fell.

above the void.

A series of black ripples quickly condensed into a ladder to the sky.

Every step of this ladder is formed by the condensation of terrifying black spiritual laws.

Immediately afterwards.

He was dressed in a pitch-black robe, his eyes were pitch-black, without any whites, but he looked like a god-like young man.


He is God!

He is indeed God in this world!

The only ghost!

Appeared from the endless void.

Behind the boy, there is a girl holding a blood-red umbrella.

The girl is as beautiful as a celestial being. Although she is surrounded by ghostly auras, she has a delicate face and body.

But when people take a look at it, they will feel that their minds are healed by a certain mysterious power.

And that boy's aura.

It is like the supreme and ruler of this world.

His existence, as if standing there, is the core of the world.

The moment he showed up.

It seems that the whole world is cheering for him, boiling for him.

Countless howling ghosts appeared around him one after another.

A large number of black phantoms emerged from the void, and then knelt down to him.

Shouted in the mouth: "My God!"


Above this survivor base.

With the appearance of teenagers.

Suddenly the space vibrated.


There are even more doors, which appear with every step he takes.

Those doors, gradually centered on the young man, were arranged one by one to form a huge circle.

The appearance of every door.

This is the prison of hell!

After the siege circles of those ghost gates, this place was completely dominated by Yang Xuan.

There is a terrifying coercion coming.

When the thirty-seven doors are fully revealed.

That boy also happened to come down from the sky.

The girl with the blood-red umbrella also quietly followed behind the boy, like an accompanying maid, without saying a word.

"Wang Shan, I also want to thank you!"

"If it wasn't for you, I still wouldn't be able to find this world!"

"After all, I was originally planning to prepare for the exam at the Creation Academy."

"But who wants you to threaten to kill me!"

"I am a person who never likes to be threatened!"

"Since you said it, you're going to kill me!"

"Then I, I will definitely kill you!"

"It's just that the difference between me and you is that I don't speak harsh words!"

"I don't understand. When we were in school, the teacher didn't teach us once or twice. The villain dies because he talks too much, and the villain dies because he reveals his killing intent in advance!"

"Why, you won't listen!"

The boy walked up to the net and grabbed the opponent's head.

Then tap lightly.

PS: They all say that I am watery, but I have put in a lot of effort to create this atmosphere. Everyone, do I have water......

Chapter 84 Beyond time, the law of cause and effect (please customize! Please subscribe!)

Following Yang Xuan's actions.

Wang Shan suddenly felt dizzy.


Just listen to a loud noise.

Wang Shan's head hit the ground directly.

But even Yang Xuan was surprised.

This Wang Shan is not as lucky as Wang Changhe back then.

Because of this reincarnation, the power Yang Xuan gained was too fast and too strong.

As a result, he didn't grasp his strength well.

Just this moment, Wang Shan's head was actually crushed.

"Ah this..."

Before the people around showed their shocked eyes.

Yang Xuan was the first to be shocked.

You know, this Wang Shan is also a soul reincarnated at any rate.

Why is it so weak.


"Reverse, restart!"

Yang Xuan thought for a while.

He whispered into the void.


In just a split second, the thirty-seven huge ghost gates above the sky trembled in unison.

Immediately afterwards.

At each gate of ghosts, there is a black silk thread of supernatural law, entangled towards Wang Shan, who lost his head on the ground, died in body but remained alive.


Wang Shan didn't know what happened.

He thought Yang Xuan was going to kill him.

So, instinctively want to struggle.

But what surprised him was.

The silk threads formed by the terrifying black spiritual law not only did not bring him any harm.

Instead, let his physical body quickly recover to life.

After waiting for about half a minute.

All the black silk threads disappeared and entered Wang Shan's body.

And he Wang Shan.

Obviously, my head has become a habit before.

Now it has fully recovered.

The state was exactly the same as when Yang Xuan grabbed his head.

Such a weird situation.

Not only Wang Shan was stunned.

Even the reincarnated souls around them were stunned.

"The law of time!"

There was a reincarnated person who couldn't help but said.

They have been reincarnated in many worlds, and have seen many people who were rescued from serious injuries.

They have seen rebirth of severed limbs and rapid recovery.

Even the living dead, flesh and bones.

They have seen these too.

But Wang Shan's situation is different from those situations.

The living dead, flesh and bones, can only be achieved by obtaining geniuses and treasures.

Not one person can do it simply by using some kind of spell.

Even some special worlds can do this.

Then such spells are only allowed to be used in their world.

One of the reincarnations was reincarnated in a western magical world.

The laws there can bring people back to life.

But resurrection, living dead, flesh and bones, these kinds of resurrection abilities all have a premise, that is, they have indeed died once.

This trace of dying once can be seen by some great powers, or special eyes and spells.

But Wang Shan.

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