They understand.

This enemy is able to play around with himself and others, plus he doesn't take them seriously at all.

The identity of the main world must not be too low.

At least, it has to be a real fairy.

In the face of a true immortal, he would not hesitate to do anything to integrate with the supernatural laws of this world.

They really can't beat it.

So far.

One of the primordial spirit reincarnations took the lead and said: "Your voice is so scary, even if you are a real immortal reincarnated, do you think you can stop us from leaving with just a word of yours!"

"Hmph! I'm already ready to return!"

"Since your honor has come as a true immortal, I will not participate in this game."


The soul reincarnation who stood up.

Although I am defeated, although I want to run.

But the performance has become, I am definitely not a loser, it's just that I don't want to play that feeling anymore.

"The primordial spirit is silent, and the true spirit returns!"

Seeing this soul reincarnated, he gently closed his eyes.

The power of the primordial spirit quickly gathered.

He was indeed about to start preparing to return as early as when the projection of the five ghost gates was shattered.

According to his 917 experience.

The next thing is a matter of thought.

Even a true immortal would never want to prevent his return.

Take a step back.

The opponent was really strong, and killed his soul in a while.

However, he didn't think he would perish either.

The True Soul Reincarnation Tower is above the real immortals.

Even if the primordial spirit can't be brought back this time, at least the true spirit can return.

"The retreat this time is only for the next time to ascend to the throne!"

"It's just a real fairy, this time I have got the law I want, and I will become a half fairy after I go back!"

"When I accumulate a few more reincarnations, I will definitely be able to become a celestial being!"

"When the time comes... hehehe!"

The person who was reincarnated from the primordial spirit became happier the more he thought about it.

It seems that in his mind, all adversity has become his way to become stronger.

But soon, his consciousness froze.

In the next second, I was secretly startled.

He almost went mad just now!

"The invasion of supernatural rules is pervasive, I must maintain my Dao heart!"

"Eh? No!"

"Shouldn't I go back to the Tower of Rebirth?"

"Why are you still here now!"

"Ah... ah... what's going on?"

The soul reincarnation soon realized the seriousness of the problem.

He obviously silenced his primordial spirit, but he did not leave this world.

"No! No, it's because my primordial spirit is not silent!"

"Although I did that, there is an invisible force manipulating my primordial spirit to keep running."

"What kind of power is this?"

"I remembered. When I was still in school, a teacher mentioned that in some special worlds, the power of rules will appear!"

"If a certain person absorbs a lot of rules and completes himself, he will become the master of the world."

"If you devour all the rules, you can even become that side of the world."

"But incarnation into the world is not necessarily a good thing."

"Because you may be assimilated by the will of the world. Although your own personality has improved, you will become nothing if you become a stone!"

"So, sometimes you can't pursue perfection too much, you must weigh the pros and cons."

"Instead of incarnating into the world, step into the rules of devouring 99% of a world, leave one percent, and then make yourself the master of that world."

"After all, becoming a master is a terrifying existence that can modify the rules of the world with one word and one action."

"Of course, only in that world."

This reincarnation in the Yuanshen period thought of what he had learned in a class when he was still in school.

At that time, he really didn't pay attention to this class.

Because he didn't think at all that he had the opportunity to encounter such a special world.

But the world is impermanent, and I have won the lottery.

He encountered such a world.

However, the person who devoured a lot of power of rules was someone else.

"Rules, world, master!"

"Change the rules with one word, and decide the world with one word!"

"You have become the master of this world!"

The soul reincarnated roared into the void.

As soon as he finished speaking, the others understood what he meant.

"Damn it, it's like this!"

"It's over, the true spirit can't return."

"Leave us alone, we are all people in the same world, there is no need to fight, is there?"

"I am willing to sacrifice the bronze gate, please spare me my life."

"My lord, I'm just a little Primordial Spirit cultivator. If you really can't, you can devour my Primordial Spirit. Just put my true spirit back."

After understanding this point.

Immediately, half of the primordial spirit reincarnators have begun to give in.

Even Wang Shan's eyelids twitched at this moment.

He also understood how strong the enemy was.

Even if he has two powerful demigods, he doesn't have the slightest chance of winning.

But he is not reconciled!

"I'm going to give it a try, just in case!"

boom! boom! boom!

Wang Shan hadn't begged for mercy, and then suddenly there was a sound of explosion.

It turned out that there were five Yuanshen reincarnated, and they exploded on the spot.

After they exploded, they merged directly into the black water on the ground.

Totally dead.

"Everyone is a reincarnator. Although I am not a good person, I did not destroy a world for my own selfish desires."

"So, as I said, as long as you can force me out, I will give you a way out."

"But there is a time limit, the specific time depends on my mood!"

"If you don't even have the strength to force me out, what are you doing alive!"

"Every one of them came three hundred years earlier than me, and it's a disgrace to the main world to be mixed up like this!"

Yang Xuan's sarcastic voice appeared in the ears of the remaining ten reincarnators.

His voice was still the same as before.

Just being heard by everyone caused them to be slightly injured.

But compared to physical and soul injuries, spiritual injuries are the most terrifying.


Especially Wang Shan.

After he heard Yang Xuan's words.

Unable to hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Damn it! Can a true immortal bully people!"

"You descended as a true immortal (ccff), and you shamelessly merged with the spiritual law."

"Even while we were not paying attention, one person refined a full thirty-seven bronze doors. What right do you have to say that we are weak?"

"Could it be that a true immortal can do whatever he wants?"

Wang Shan finally couldn't control it anymore.

He is the patriarch of the Wang family, and in Shuncheng, the main world, he is also a prominent figure.

Now being insulted like this, even if the other party is a fairy, he can't help but reply.

not to mention.

He is really depressed.

I planned everything and arranged everything myself.

It took three hundred years to complete the greatest reincarnation layout in life.

But Yang Xuan's strong arrival not only took away the greatest opportunity that should belong to him.

Now even they do not plan to let go.

Take a step back.

It's fine if you don't let it go.

Reincarnated in many worlds, seeing life and death.

He also thought about it a long time ago, it is not impossible for him to die on the way all the way to the present.

But if you kill, you kill, and when you kill, you kill.

Such nonsense makes me feel like a king, I don't accept it!


"A true immortal can do whatever he wants!"

"If you are a true immortal, you can compete with me."

"Unfortunately, you are not!"

Yang Xuan's voice came from all directions again.

The supernatural rules contained in the voice made Wang Shan and others start to bleed from their seven orifices.

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