Chapter 193 The Snow Mountain Sword Master Returning to the Youth

[Unexpectedly, the Snow Mountain Sword Master could actually rejuvenate in this way. 】

[It is said that the Snow Mountain Sword Master once put forward an idea back then, using the body as a sword to sharpen oneself with the blood of taboo, which can fade away the twilight and regain the edge. I did not expect this to be true. 】

[God, he actually walked out of such a path, if he continues to kill the saint, wouldn’t he be able to return to the top? 】

[The Snow Mountain Sword Master has blazed a new trail and walked out of an unprecedented path, and his strength must go further. 】

[To be able to walk such a path, the Snow Mountain Sword Master is really an evildoer, it seems that the battle between him and Lu Zhuang is a bit suspicious. 】

[Originally I thought Lu Zhuang would win, but now I am not sure. 】

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

The Snow Mountain Sword Master has taken a different path, and has the potential to return to the top, and it may even be one step closer.

Countless people were shocked.

What a wicked evildoer this is.

Originally, many people thought that Lu Zhuang would win the battle between Lu Zhuang and the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

But at this moment, many people are beginning to waver.

On the Internet, the percentage of betting on Luzhuang’s winnings originally accounted for 80%, but at this moment it has begun to quietly drop.

In the afternoon, another message spread on the Internet.

[The Snow Mountain Sword Master shot again, Yu Cangyunfeng beheaded the crane saint. 】

At the same time, a photo was distributed.

In the photo, the Snow Mountain Sword Master is younger, and the whole person is like a sharp sword.

Hundreds of sword shadows float around his body, like an emperor in a sword.

Behind his head, there are two blood red long swords floating, exuding scarlet sword light.

The appearance of this photo undoubtedly made everyone more confident in the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

In online gambling, Lu Zhuang’s approval rate dropped directly to 70%.

Kunlun Palace.

Tianzun Temple.

The three Tianzuns are naturally also paying attention to the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

Seeing that the Snow Mountain Sword Master has taken a different path, it is very likely that he will return to the top, or even go further.

The expressions of excitement suddenly appeared on the faces of the three Tianzun.

Great Tianzun was even more tearful.

A look of admiration appeared on Santianzun’s face, “As expected of the Snow Mountain Sword Master, how can such a peerless Tianjiao be comparable to that of Luzhuang children.”

“Yeah, it is not an exaggeration for this Snow Mountain Sword Master to call it a Peerless Tianjiao. The Holy Master had praised it at the beginning. The Sword Master was born for the sword.” Er Tianzun also said with a look of exclamation.

“The sword master is so strong, my son’s revenge can be avenged.” Da Tianzun clenched his fist, a hint of happiness flashed across his face.

at the same time.

Tianluo City and Lu Zhuang also knew about the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

“It’s really amazing to be able to take a different path and walk this way.” Lu Zhuang was a little surprised.

The talent of this Snow Mountain Sword Master is really amazing.

For a while, he was a little expectant.

In the next few days, almost the entire network was reporting about the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

The limelight of the Snow Mountain Sword Master actually faintly overshadowed Luzhuang.

The next day, the Snow Mountain Sword Master cut two more saints.

Behind him condensed a fourth blood sword, and the sword shadows around him reached thousands.

But his appearance has become younger, he has become a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s, and his whole person is refreshed.

On the third day, the Snow Mountain Sword Master cut the Three Sages with a sword in one day.

A seventh blood sword was condensed behind him, and the number of sword shadows around him reached tens of thousands.

His appearance returned to a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s.

The aura on his body became even stronger, and countless sword lights shot out between the opening and closing of his eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

On the fourth day, the Snow Mountain Sword Master killed the Five Saints in one day.

The blood sword behind him condensed twelve handles, and the number of sword shadows around him reached tens of thousands.

And his appearance directly returned to the appearance of a young man in his 20s and 30s.

On the fifth day, the Snow Mountain Sword Master cut the Five Saints again.

Almost all the saints who had escaped from Lu Zhuang after the last battle of the Saint League were killed by the Snow Mountain Sword Saint.

Many saints even went into hiding in fright, all trembling.

For five consecutive days of frantic killing, seventeen saints were beheaded within five days.

For a time, the prestige of the Snow Mountain Sword Master directly overshadowed Lu Zhuang, and he was in the limelight for a while, and he was even named a sword lunatic.

After five consecutive days of killings, seventeen blood swords condensed behind the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

Each blood sword represents a forbidden saint falling in his hands.

The shadow of the sword surrounded by him is even more than a hundred thousand handles of horror.

His whole person seems to have turned into a sword nest.

And his appearance is even more rejuvenated, becoming a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

At this time, the Snow Mountain Sword Master exuded a sense of determination, as if it were an unsheathed divine sword.

He exudes a terrifying sword intent, constantly cutting the void around him, and anyone who approaches him will be hurt by the sword aura on his body.

Someone posted a picture of the Snow Mountain Sword Master on the Internet, and countless people immediately fry the pot.

No one can believe that this young man with red lips and white teeth was a dangling old man five days ago, looking dying.

At this time, compared with a few days ago, the approval ratings of the two have completely reversed the betting on the Internet.

Originally, most people supported Lu Zhuang, but now it’s the other way around.

Almost most people bought the Snow Mountain Sword Master to win.

[The Snow Mountain Sword Master sharpened his edge with taboo blood, and after killing 17 saints in a row, his strength has reached an extremely terrifying state. 】

[Silent mourning for Lu Zhuang, the Snow Mountain Sword Master in this state is really too strong, I even doubt whether Lu Zhuang can survive a sword. 】

[The end of Lu Pirates is here, everyone open a bottle of good wine to celebrate…][The Snow Mountain Sword Master is too strong. I have stacked buufs for five days. This is a bit too bullying. I strongly urge the Snow Mountain Sword Master to let Lu Zhuang make a hundred moves first. 】

[Lu Zhuang’s road of invincibility is finally going to be ended. 】

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

The state of the Snow Mountain Sword Master is really invincible, and every strand of sword aura on his body can split space.

The whole person is like a killing machine, to kill all enemies.

Just ask who can stop the Snow Mountain Sword Master in this state.

Lu Zhuang is very strong, but compared to the horror displayed by the Snow Mountain Sword Master at this moment, people are still more willing to believe in the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

In the anticipation of countless people, the fifth day has arrived.

On this day, the weather is not very good.

The sky is gloomy.

There was a sense of tension and dullness in the air throughout Tianluo City.

In the sky, even the sun seemed to hide in fright.

In the eyes of countless people, the Snow Mountain Sword Master came.

He did not fly, but stepped forward.

He didn’t emit the slightest aura fluctuation, as if he were a mortal.

At this moment, he seemed as if a divine sword hid his peerless edge.

When he reached the door of Lu Zhuang’s house, he stopped.

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