Chapter 192 Snow Mountain Sword Master descends

Kendo is famous for attacking.

The Snow Mountain Sword Master is recognized as the number one in the world.

Although he is very old, some people even suspect that he can’t lift the sword anymore.

But he is still the master of the sword, still the one who attacked the first.

No one dares to question how sharp his sword is.

Whether you can beat or not is one thing, and whether you can beat or not is another.

Most people think that the Snow Mountain Sword can’t beat Lu Zhuang, but no one doubts whether he can hurt Lu Zhuang.

Many people are betting on how Lu Zhuang will be injured under the attack of the Snow Mountain Sword Master’s No. 1 Attack.

In addition, there are people who have opened life and death betting online.

Is to bet on whether there will be deaths between Lu Zhuang and the Snow Mountain Sword Master in this battle.

Or between the two to decide the winner or lose within the number of moves, etc.

There are all kinds of tricks.

Regarding these online, as the protagonists of this decisive battle, Lu Zhuang and Xueshan Sword Master were not interested.

At this moment, Daxueshan.

“Master, he has challenged.”

The young man said to the Snow Mountain Sword Master.

“Down the mountain.”

The Snow Mountain Sword Master nodded, carrying the sword, and walked down the mountain with the young man.

On this day, the wind and snow that had shrouded the Daxue Mountain for many years stopped.

Thousands of miles away from Daxueshan.

There is a big black river.

The name is Heishuihe.

At this moment, on the Heishui River, a black black tortoise with the size of several hundred feet is floating above the water.

It is the body of the black water mysterious tortoise of Shengmeng.

In the last battle between Lu Zhuang and Shengmeng, he saw that the situation was not good and ran away ahead of time.

Only then took a life.

After returning to his lair, he was always uneasy, worried that Lu Zhuang would come to him.

So these days I have been paying attention to the situation in Luzhuang.

When he learned that the Snow Mountain Sword Master was going to challenge Lu Zhuang, his heart suddenly sighed with relief.

The ordinary people on the Internet don’t know the power of the Snow Mountain Sword Master, but as a member of the Saint League, he knows the horror of the Sword Master too well.

It’s not that you’re old-fashioned as stated on the Internet, and you don’t have the power to lift your sword.

He was fortunate enough to have seen the sword master take action.

That sword cut through everything, unstoppable, unable to describe in words.

Left an indelible impression in his heart.

It seems that I can sleep peacefully.

The body of the Blackwater Black Turtle slowly sank into the water.

Suddenly, a bitter cold hit, and snow suddenly floated in the sky.

Heishui Xuangui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly a shadow of death came to his heart.

By the river, a white-haired old man walked slowly over with the help of a young man.

It is the Sword Master of Snow Mountain.

“The Sword Master is coming, I wonder what you have sent?”

A touch of fear emerged in Heishui Xuangui’s heart, and he pretended to be calm and said.

“I’m here to borrow something from you.” Snow Mountain Sword Master said.

“I don’t know what the sword master wants to borrow?” Heishui Xuangui asked.

“I borrow your life.” Snow Mountain Sword Master said.

As soon as these words came out, Heishui Xuangui’s pupils suddenly shrank, “You and I have no grievances, why do you want to kill me?”

“In the past, in order to occupy a piece of water, you launched floods to flood the three big cities in this area, causing countless human deaths and injuries. I can remember this account for you.” The Snow Mountain Sword Master said slowly.

“What’s wrong with you, don’t you care about the three clans?” Heishui Xuangui asked.


The Snow Mountain Sword Master sighed for a long time, “I wanted to be like that Luzhuang, and put down you monsters who are messing up the world. The Holy Lord blocked me. He told me that where there is light, there is darkness, and the power of monsters rises. Unstoppable, only harmony with light is the right way.”

“At that time, I gave him face and gave up, and then I found out that I was wrong.”

“He Guangtongchen is the way of his Kunlun saint master. My way is kendo. It is only right to show the edge. How can I be with the light and dust? Today I will sharpen my edge with the blood of yours and cast my supreme kendo. .”

After that, the Snow Mountain Sword Master shot directly.

He broke off a peach branch from the peach tree next to him.

At this moment, this ordinary peach branch seemed to turn into a peerless sword.

With a wave of the Snow Mountain Sword Master, a terrifying semi-transparent sword energy cut through the void and pierced straight towards the black water mysterious tortoise.

“Too much deception.”

The black water black turtle’s complexion changed drastically, and the black water quickly turned into a tortoise shield in front of him.


The semi-transparent sword energy easily pierced the tortoise shield condensed by the black water, and the terrifying sword energy pierced the tortoise shell of the black water mysterious tortoise fiercely.


A soft sound.

Time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Hei Shui Xuangui’s eyes stared, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

Suddenly, boom!

The huge body like a mountain suddenly exploded.

The entire black water mysterious tortoise burst into flesh and blood in the sky.


With a flash of golden light, the Blackwater Black Tortoise was resurrected, and its body was reshaped.

Immediately after he was resurrected, he hurriedly wanted to sink into the river to escape, but found that the entire Heishui River had been frozen by ice.

Even in the blink of an eye.

His limbs and even the blood in his body began to freeze.

He found that he could not escape at all.

There was a heavy snowfall under the sky.

Among the snowflakes, sharp sword qi emerged and began to cut his flesh.

“Sword Master, please spare your life…”

Heishui Xuangui felt completely panicked, and hurriedly begged the Snow Mountain Sword Master for mercy.

The Snow Mountain Sword Master was unmoved.

Huh huh!

Countless sword auras flashed between the snowflakes, directly cutting the black water mysterious tortoise into countless pieces.

Then the black water mysterious tortoise resurrected again and was cut by sword energy again.

Repeated this several times, the black water mysterious tortoise finally died completely.

With a scream, behind the head of the Snow Mountain Sword Master, a blood-colored long sword condensed out.

At the same time, the Snow Mountain Sword Master changed his whole person.

Black hair grew out of a long, white hair.

The figure is more upright and the whole person becomes younger.

And his breath became more fierce, and the whole person was like an unsheathed divine sword.

Since the Snow Mountain Sword Master made an appointment with Luzhuang, his every move has attracted the attention of many people.

Soon, the Snow Mountain Sword Master’s killing of Blackwater Black Turtle spread on the Internet.

[The Snow Mountain Sword Master beheads the tortoise clan taboo on the banks of the Black Water. Why on earth? 】

[The decisive battle with Lu Zhuang was approaching, but the Snow Mountain Sword Master suddenly ran to kill a forbidden saint, which is really puzzling. 】

[It is reported that this black water mysterious tortoise once launched a flood, flooding three cities, killing countless people, it really deserves to die. 】

This news immediately aroused heated discussion among everyone.

Many people are wondering why at this juncture, the Snow Mountain Sword Master suddenly ran to kill the Blackwater Black Tortoise.

At this moment, a photo was posted on the Internet.

It is the photo of the Sword Master of Snow Mountain.

The only difference is that the Snow Mountain Sword Master in this photo is older.

The sullen look that was before it was gone.

And below this photo, there is also a line of text commentary.

【Shock! After the Snow Mountain Sword Master killed the Blackwater Black Tortoise, he became younger and even stronger. 】

For a while, everyone was shocked.

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