Chapter 172 The Fall of the Saint

How did Luzhuang feel stronger again.

Lu Zhuang’s strength was already very strong when he was in the closed realm of Tianzong.

They can hang their three taboo saints and beat them.

But at that time, the reason why Lu Zhuang was strong was relying on the power of the few magic weapons at hand.

Its true strength has not yet reached such an exaggeration.

How much time has passed since this Luzhuang’s strength has increased so much, could this guy just hang up?

Lu Zhuang didn’t care about what other people thought. After flying Tang Batian with a punch, he directly summoned the Colorful Pagoda.

Among the few treasures he got this time, the colorful pagoda attack is not high, but the auxiliary function is very good.

It is an extremely rare treasure, and it is very convenient to use.


The colorful pagoda grew rapidly, flying directly into the sky, spinning towards Tang Batian.

Colorful lights fell one after another, directly covering Tang Batian.

At the same time, the colorful pagoda was squeezed down with the strength of Wanjun.

“Want to suppress me?”

Tang Batian’s expression changed, and he quickly wanted to escape from here.

But under the cover of this colorful light, he only felt that his whole body was extremely heavy, and he was struggling to move.


Lu Zhuang moved, and Yaoyao blasted out a punch.

A white light wave with a big mouth blasted out of his fist, traversed the void, and blasted directly on Tang Batian.

There was a boom.

Tang Batian exploded straight away.

With a scream, golden light flashed, Tang Batian was resurrected, and his physical body condensed again.

However, he quickly became desperate.

Because under the suppression of this colorful pagoda, even if he was resurrected, he was still shrouded in colorful light, unable to escape.

Can only watch Lu Zhuang throw another punch.

“I think you have enough lives to kill me!”

Lu Zhuang sneered and punched again.

With a bang, Tang Batian was blown up by him again.

“Lu Zhuang, don’t deceive people too much!”

At this moment, Tang Batian was suddenly scared.

The big day in the back of his head spun crazily, sending out horrible energy lights, trying to break free from the shackles of this colorful pagoda.

However, he was injured several times by a six-eared macaque and a nine-tailed celestial fox before being killed by Lu Zhuang twice.

The state at this time is much worse than before.

It was impossible to escape the suppression of the Colorful Pagoda at all.


Tang Batian exploded again.

“Lu Zhuang, the Saints Covenant stipulates that the saints can’t kill them all. If you kill me, everyone will be angry.”

Tang Batian resurrected again.

A face has long lost its previous arrogance, full of fear.

At this moment, he really felt the threat of death.

“Now I know I’m afraid?” Lu Zhuang sneered, “I once said that if you dare to hit my family, you must die. I killed so many people, but there are still people who don’t have a long memory. Today I want to kill Saint. Let the people of the world remember this lesson.”

After speaking, Lu Zhuang punched out again.

“Pirate Lu, I am a member of the Saint League, if you dare to kill me, the Saint League will definitely not let you go…”


Tang Batian exploded again.

And this time, he could not be resurrected.

At the same time, the entire sky suddenly turned blood, and there was a rain of blood inexplicably.

This is the heavenly crying imagination that only appears after the saint’s fall.

“Heaven is crying, this is because a saint has fallen…”

“Oh my god, in how many years hasn’t a saint fallen…”

“Heaven’s crying vision has appeared, I’m afraid this world is about to change again.”

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom was shocked.

The fall of the saint, this is a shocking event, the world will be shaken by this.

Tianluo City, by the Tianluo River.

Everyone watched as Tang Batian was killed by Lu Zhuang again and again in this way, and finally disappeared completely.

A coolness emerged from behind one after another.

Too ruthless, these methods are really terrifying.

The saint is so powerful that it can’t be killed at all under normal circumstances.

But now, they were so real and clear that they saw a saint being killed in full view.

This is too much for everyone.


At the moment when Tang Batian fell.

Above the sky, the purple-backed sky clam that was fighting with the gibbons suddenly turned around and ran.

Regardless of the damage to the Eucharist, he directly forcibly aroused the blood.

The huge body was extremely swift at this time, and those long frog feet slammed into the sky directly.

With another kick, the whole body was completely melted into the void.

All this happened too fast.

Electric flint.

So fast many people still haven’t reacted.

The Netherworld Fire Phoenix who had joined hands with him subconsciously froze for a moment, and when he reacted, his lungs suddenly exploded.

“Asshole, how dare you sell me…”

Nether Fire Phoenix roared, and turned around quickly to escape.

However, it was too late.


A colorful little tower flew over, emitting colorful light, and directly suppressed the Nether Fire Phoenix.

“Grandpa Lu is forgiving, I am willing to surrender to you, please forgive me…”

Nether Huofeng was so guilty that he couldn’t even take care of the saint’s face, crying and begging Lu Zhuang for mercy.

Lu Zhuang was too lazy to bother.

If this Nether Fire Phoenix hit the idea of ​​his own family, he must die.

Besides, this guy is too poor in aptitude, what’s the purpose of being at the bottom of the saint’s existence.

Immediately, Lu Zhuang shot directly.

A punch was blasted out.


The nether fire phoenix exploded and died.

The black flame rises, and he is resurrected again.

He wanted to escape in fear, but was suppressed by the colorful little tower and couldn’t escape at all.

Lu Zhuang was expressionless, and raised his hand with another punch.


Nether Fire Phoenix died again.

After repeating this five times, Nether Fire Phoenix could no longer be reborn.

In the sky, it rained blood again.

At this moment, the entire Dragon Kingdom boiled again.

The saint is hidden from the world, and his life is so strong that he is almost immortal.

In the past, it was rare for many years to experience the phenomenon of crying.

But today, in this short period of time, there have been two celestial crying phenomena.

This is simply incredible.

[There are two consecutive days of crying imagination, what is going on? 】

Soon, this matter aroused heated discussion on the Internet.

The sky crying imagination means that there is a saint falling, this is a big melon, and it attracted everyone’s attention in the first place.

Because Lu Zhuang had just rushed back, he immediately shot Tang Batian and Nether Fire Phoenix.

The whole process is too fast.

Therefore, when the sky crying phenomenon appeared, things here had not had time to spread on the Internet.

But soon everyone knew.

[The two Tiancry visions were caused by Lu Zhuang immediately. Just now, in his Tianluo City Lair, he shot and killed two saints in succession. 】

Soon, someone posted what happened in Tianluo City on the Internet.

Some people even recorded the process.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves!

For a while, the entire network was boiling.

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