Chapter 171 The Return of Lu Zhuang

By the Tianluo River, under a big tree.

A middle-aged man in a white shirt and a young man are looking up at the sky.

“Lord, the Supreme may be in danger, shall we not take action?”

“No hurry, I always feel that Luzhuang is not that simple, and it won’t be too late for me to make a move when the Gibbon Monkey also loses.”

. . . . . .

Above the sky.

Tang Batian looked at the nine-tailed celestial fox that he had shot out, grinned, and then rushed out again with a flash of fire.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you.

He wanted to kill the nine-tailed celestial fox in one go.

In the distance, the gibbous monkey transformed into five clones, and with six to two, they actually suppressed the Nether Fire Phoenix and the Purple Clam.

Seeing the situation here, he was a little anxious, and quickly wanted to go to support him.

He is too far away, and Nether Fire Phoenix and Purple Back Sky Clam entangled him tightly.

There is no time to support.

In desperation, he could only watch Tang Batian chase and kill the nine-tailed celestial fox.

“Die to me!!!”

Golden light flickered in Tang Batian’s eyes, his right fist blasted toward the nine-tailed celestial fox as if holding a round of the sun.

Rumbling. . . . . .

At this moment, a violent sound suddenly came.

Like a supersonic fighter plane breaking through the sound barrier, the sound resounded throughout the sky above Tianluo City.

This voice immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and everyone looked up.

I saw a blank space in the distance, and in the middle, a small black dot was approaching here extremely fast.

“It’s Lu Zhuang, but Lu Zhuang turned out to be back.”

Someone had sharp eyes and had mistaken the identity of the visitor, and suddenly couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Lu Zhuang? Isn’t Lu Zhuang trapped in the small space of Fengtianzong’s secret realm?”

“Is the news fake?”

“Impossible, this news was personally said by the forbidden saint in the sky, there can be no falsehood.”

“Could it be that Lu Zhuang broke the space barrier of that small space?”

“It may also be the conspiracy of this Luzhuang, this Luzhuang chicken is very thief, he does not do this kind of thing once or twice.”

“Yes, he just wants to trick those who are hostile to him out and kill them. It’s too insidious…”

Everyone talked a lot.

Tang Batian originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill the nine-tailed celestial fox, but when he saw Lu Zhuang flying at extremely fast speed, he hurriedly took shape.

Tang Batian, Nether Fire Phoenix, and Zibei Sky Clam, all three had their pupils shrunk.

Especially Nether Fire Phoenix and Purple Back Sky Clam, there was a panic on their faces.

When the Tianzong Secret Realm was sealed, they suffered a big loss in Lu Zhuang’s hands, and they were even cast a psychological shadow.

Seeing Lu Zhuang now, I was shocked subconsciously.

“Impossible, how could he break through the space barriers there…”

Nether Huofeng looked incredible.

He had tried how strong the space barrier was.

Even if he hit with all his strength, it would only leave a tiny crack the size of a hair in the space barrier.

It is simply impossible to create a passage that can accommodate one person in and out.

Is this Lu Zhuangte still a human?

“Quah! The little thief is back, what shall we do? Do you want to run away?”

Purple back sky clam asked with some guilty conscience.

“Can you run away? You didn’t see him running so fast. I’m afraid we were caught up by him before we ran far. Fortunately, the nine-tailed celestial fox was severely injured by Tang Batian. When he comes back from Lu Zhuang, we will still be in a three-on-two situation, which may not be without the strength of a battle.

Nether Fire Phoenix said with a guilty conscience.

It’s too late to say, then fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Zhuang had already flown over the riverside villa.

With a swish, he directly caught the nine-tailed celestial fox falling downward in midair.


The nine-tailed celestial fox was not lightly injured, and was initially a little desperate, but when Lu Zhuang came back, a touch of joy suddenly appeared on her face.

With a hum, the whole person directly attached to Lu Zhuang’s body.

Holding such a stunner, Lu Zhuang couldn’t help feeling a little hot on his body.

“Master, the Lun family is injured.”

Nine-tailed Tianhu said with an aggrieved look, frowning slightly, with a pitiful look.

“Oh, where did you get hurt?” Lu Zhuang asked.

“The Lun’s family is injured here.” The Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox touched his chest with a slender finger.

Lu Zhuang lowered his head and saw a deep gully at a glance.

In the nostrils, two nosebleeds suddenly flowed down.

He looked at the nine-tailed celestial fox, feeling a little dry and dry, “Are you trying to breathe in my yang again?”

“Then you give it?”



“Hey, I said you two.” Not far away, Tang Batian said quietly.

The cross tendons appeared on the forehead.

He couldn’t bear the scene before him.

What a fight, this pair of dog men and women are here for me and me, not paying attention to themselves at all.

It’s too pretentious.

Upon hearing this, Lu Zhuang turned his head.

He glanced at Tang Batian, then took his gaze back again.

He took out a pot of pill, took one out and stuffed it into the mouth of the nine-tailed celestial fox.

This pill was obtained from the secret realm of Fengtianzong, and was of extremely high quality.

After taking a pill, the nine-tailed celestial fox could not help but let out a strange sound, “Um…”

Hearing this sound, Lu Zhuang’s breathing suddenly stagnated, and he almost didn’t hold it.

What a grinning little fairy.

“You take a break here first, and leave it to me here.”

Lu Zhuang said.

The nine-tailed celestial fox had to reluctantly get down from Lu Zhuang.

Lu Zhuang turned and looked at Tang Batian, “Who are you?”

“This seat is Tang Batian, the lord of the Overlord’s Palace. You dare to kill my son. Today I am here to kill your family and avenge you.”

Tang Batian gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Zhuangdao.

Lu Zhuang nodded, “It is indeed very tragic to lose a child in old age. If this is the case, then I will send you down to reunite with your son.”

Hearing this, Tang Batian immediately became angry with anger.

“The teeth are sharp, I want to see what you can do.”

Tang Batian snorted coldly, the big day spinning behind his head, exuding a monstrous aura, the whole person turned into a flame and killed Lu Zhuang.

“I can’t help myself!”

The corner of Lu Zhuang’s mouth rose slightly, and he slammed forward with a flat punch.

It was bombarded with Tang Batian’s flame-like fists.


There was a loud noise.

Tang Batian’s fists exploded suddenly, and the flesh and blood stubble splashed.


He screamed, and he flew out upside down.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

As powerful as Tang Batian, he was defeated with just one move in Lu Zhuang’s hands. . . . . .

“Huh… what did I see?”

“Play it…”

“Am I dazzled?”

“Tang Batian was defeated, and he was defeated in one move…”

“This Luzhuang, is it really so scary?”

The crowd was in an uproar.

In the previous battle, Tang Batian showed a very powerful strength.

It didn’t even take much effort to defeat the nine-tailed celestial fox.

It can be seen that even at the taboo level, this Tang Batian’s strength definitely belongs to the best.

But such a powerful Tang Batian was beaten by Lu Zhuang with just one hand.

This is simply incredible.

In the distance, Nether Fire Phoenix and Zibei Sky Clam saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

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