Chapter 155 Xiao Ke’s plan to make a fortune

After grabbing the small bronze bell from Xiao Ke, Lu Zhuang spent another long time in the secret realm.

However, there was not much harvest, only dozens of exotic fruit trees were found.

But Lu Zhuang was quite satisfied.

This time the secret realm practiced him has gained a lot.

First obtained four element beads, then two inheritance steles in the Taoist space, and even two very powerful magic weapons from Na Xiao Ke’s hands.

These things can be jealous just as they are thrown away.

And he actually got it with no effort, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Immediately, Lu Zhuang found a cave and sat down cross-legged in the cave.

Then took out the two inheritance steles.

He was a little curious in his heart, wanting to know what stunts were in this heritage stele.

He first took out the small stone stele.


An energy was input in his hand, and the stone tablet suddenly lit up.

At the same time, a message flooded his mind.


Lu Zhuang couldn’t help but feel a little moved when he knew that the stunt in this stone tablet turned out to be a taboo technique.

He has seen taboos.

This is a very powerful magical power.

The last time he was fighting with the gibbous ape, the other side displayed taboo techniques and transformed himself into a huge ape with a height of more than a thousand feet.

Strength greatly increased.

This is a good thing.

Later, he took out another stone tablet.

Injecting spiritual energy, the same message appeared in his mind.

Recorded on this stone tablet is a magical power called the Star Reaching Hand, which can send out a big hand to attack the enemy.

This star picker is divided into two forms, the first is called the star picker, and the second is called the broken star finger.

This is the stunt of the ancient Fengtianzong to suppress the bottom of the box, with the power of destroying the world.

Lu Zhuang did not hesitate to learn both of these stunts.

In the past, he used the terrifying cultivation base and invincible flesh to crush the enemy in battles with people.

Although it is very cool, but after all, there are a lot of changes.

And now that he learned these two stunts, his attacking methods are undoubtedly richer.

A dilapidated stone house stands alone in the wilderness.

At this moment, a figure was walking out of the stone house.

“Hahahaha…I Xiao Ke is really the son of destiny. I can’t imagine that I can get such a reward if I just enter this broken house and make a shit. What kind of luck is this…”

Xiao Ke looked smug.

He held a blue-black brick in his hand.

This brick is inconspicuous at first glance, but a closer look reveals that the bricks are actually engraved with mysterious lines.

Strands of terrifying coercion radiated from this brick body.

There is a heavy artistic conception in this coercion.

Every strand seemed to crush the mountain.

This is actually a supreme treasure that is not weaker than the Seven Baby Pagoda and the small bronze bell.

“Hahahaha, Nalu…”

Xiao Ke looked smug, and subconsciously wanted to arrange Lu Zhuang’s sentence.

But he had just spoken, and he immediately held back.

Because he realized that something was wrong, he felt that there seemed to be a vague murderous intention behind him.

In an instant, he raised a heart suddenly.

Fuck, the thief must have come again, hiding behind me.

He must have guessed that I am the son of luck, so he has been following me, trying to pick up the bargain behind me.

No, I can’t scold him.

I’ll be done in that way.

He has even more reason to grab my things.

I can’t put this handle into his hands.

Xiao Ke pondered slightly, when he had an idea.

So he immediately changed his tone and pretended to worship.

“Big Brother Lu is really a role model for my generation. He has cleared countless demons in the territory with his own power. How can I be as good as him?”

“Big Brother is the supreme standing on the top of the mountain. Even if I can’t stand by him, at least I must stand on the mountainside, so that I can look up at his back and see his unparalleled demeanor.”

As soon as he said this, he obviously felt the killing intent behind him dissipate.

Xiao Ke breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and it seemed that he was betting right this time.

This Lu Zhuang just likes to be flattered by others, this kind of person is really disgusting.

Xiao Ke tried to squeeze a happy smile and slowly turned his head to look.

He was stunned at this sight.

Because what stood behind him was not the Lu Zhuang he had imagined, but an unfamiliar middle-aged man.

The man was looking at him at the moment. There was a strong look of fear and awe on his face.

He looked at Xiao Ke with a flattering expression, “Unexpectedly, your Excellency turned out to be Saint Lu’s brother. I didn’t intend to disturb you, just passing by, goodbye!”

The middle-aged man bowed, turned and left.

Xiao Ke froze for a moment, and then reacted.

The middle-aged man definitely wanted to attack him, but he was frightened by borrowing the name of Lu Zhuang.

That Lu Pirate’s name is so easy to use?

Xiao Ke’s eyes lit up suddenly.

At this moment, he seemed to open a door to make a fortune.

Immediately, he shouted directly at the middle-aged man, “Stop, who let you go?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man stopped in his footsteps and turned around slowly, “Anything else for you?”

“Don’t think that I didn’t feel your murderous intention just now. My elder brother is Lu Zhuang. You dare to have murderous intent on me. Are you not afraid of injuring your friends and relatives?” Xiao Ke said with a sneer.

The middle-aged man couldn’t help his face changing, “What do you want?”

“Give me all the valuables on your body, and the knife in your hand, I look good, and give it to me.” Xiao Ke said with an arrogant expression.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man’s face suddenly became gloomy, “Your Excellency must not be too much, I am just giving face to Saint Lu, do you really think you are my opponent?”

Xiao Ke laughed and squeezed the bricks in his hands. “What if I can’t beat you? If you know that my elder brother is a taboo saint who has the power to reach the sky and the earth, if he knows that someone dares to bully me, then your whole family will Wait for death.”

“You…” The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He stared at Xiao Ke for several seconds, but in the end he couldn’t bear the fear of Lu Zhuang in his heart and was discouraged.

“Take it!” The middle-aged man glared at Xiao Ke.

In the end, he had to tearfully handed over all the valuable things on his body and the weapons in his hands.

Then, with a depressed look, he left.

Looking at the pile of things on the ground, Xiao Ke’s mouth was crooked.

This life is really ups and downs, and he vaguely feels that he is about to develop.

“The thief robbed me of two treasures, and now I will borrow his name and take back everything I lost.”

There was a faint plan to make a fortune in Xiao Ke’s heart.

And just as Xiao Ke was proud of his plan, suddenly a voice came from the corner behind him.

“Little brother, wouldn’t you be afraid that the thief would know if you do this?”

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