Chapter 154 Son, Isn’t Being Strong for Father?

“Little thief Luzhuang, sooner or later let you see how good Laozi is.”

Outside the bronze gate, Chu Wudi shouted, and the power of his whole body gathered towards his right fist.

He blasted a punch, and a dazzling light ran across the sky.


With a shocking sound, a mountain hundreds of feet high in the distance was directly knocked out by a punch.

Seeing the destruction caused by Chu Wudi’s punch, the faces of the people in the Senluo Palace suddenly showed admiration and excitement.

“Son, is it strong for the father?”

Chu Wudi laughed, turned his head to look at Chu Tianliu, and asked.

“My father is invincible.” Chu Tianliu said with a look of admiration.

“The hall master’s supernatural power is beyond the world!”

“Hall Lord is invincible in the world!”

“The lord of the palace can definitely destroy that Luzhuang child, and promote my reputation of Senluo Temple.”

The crowd cheered again and again, and the eyes of Chu Wudi were full of admiration.

Chu Wudi laughed loudly, and a feeling of pride emerged from his chest, “At this moment, I want to chant a poem.”

“The lord is in good spirits, I will wait for it to listen.”

Everyone was listening.

Chu Wudi groaned for two seconds, and then slowly said, “The wind is depressed and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return…”

“Ahem…” Yuan Tu coughed quickly and reminded him, “Hall Master, I’m wrong.”

Chu Wudi was taken aback, “What’s wrong?”

“Unlucky,” Yuan Tu said.

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Chu Wudi nodded and explained, “I read too much recently, and I remember it was a little messy, hey, forget it, don’t read it.”

At this moment, suddenly a spy from Senluo Temple ran over.

“Hall Master Qi, there is a Tomb of Ten Thousand Soldiers a thousand miles away, and there is a suspected ancient god soldier left by Feng Tianzong. At present, many big forces have rushed past.”

“The Tomb of Ten Thousand Soldiers, it is interesting. I have just soared in strength. I am missing a magic weapon that can match my strength against the sky. Let me go to the Tomb of Ten Thousand Soldiers. This time I want God to block and kill the gods and Buddhas Stop and kill the Buddha!”

Chu Wudi waved his big hand, and a group of people flew away into the sky.

Lu Zhuang came out of the space from Dao Zang and was randomly teleported to the vicinity of a bell tower.

He was going to check it out in the bell tower.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped and stopped.

A weird look appeared on his face, “Hey, I ran into an acquaintance.”

At the moment, at the gate of the bell tower, a young man was walking out of it.

Xiao Ke’s face was full of triumph.

He stepped on a pad, stepping on a very cheerful and arrogant pace.

I almost danced with the wind.

In his right hand, he held a small bronze clock.

This small bronze clock looks very simple, with countless mysterious and complicated inscriptions engraved on it.

Shake it lightly, and you can make a sound of a great road, which is deafening.

Anyone can see the extraordinary of this small bronze clock with just a glance.

This must be a very, very great magic weapon.

“Hahahaha…I, Xiao Ke, must be the kind of heavenly chosen son in the legend. You can get such a treasure if you enter a bell tower casually. This luck can’t stop it.”

“Thinking that the Luzhuang dog thief of Damn it took me a colorful pagoda and cut my chances. Unfortunately, Xiao Ke deserves to be prosperous. After being snatched by the Luzhuang dog thief, I could get another one in a blink of an eye. With such luck, if the Luzhuang dog thief knew about it, he would be so jealous that he would cry, hahahaha…”

Xiao Ke laughed wildly.

This life is like a village where there is nowhere to go, and there is a bright future.

Don’t be discouraged when you are unlucky, maybe you will run into good luck if you take two more steps.

Just when Xiao Ke was complacent, suddenly, a voice came from behind him.

“You are so high-profile, aren’t you afraid that Lu Zhuang will come to grab your chance again?”

“Joke, if he dares to come, I will smash his dog’s head off in an hour.” Xiao Ke didn’t even think about it, and said directly.

Then, he suddenly reacted.

Damn it, where does the sound come from?

How could this voice be so familiar?

An ominous premonition surged in Xiao Ke’s heart, and he slowly turned his head, just in time to see the smiling face.

It was the Lu Zhuang that he cursed.

Damn it! Xiao Ke was scared to pee directly.

He knelt down with a plop, “I, I, I… I was farting just now, believe it or not?”

“Believe it, it’s on me.” Lu Zhuang nodded, and then his gaze fell on the small bronze clock in Xiao Ke’s hands, “What good things have you picked up again? This thing seems to be related to me. what.”

Xiao Ke immediately cried.

It’s so amazing, it’s hard to get a treasure, before I can use it, it’s gone.

With a crying face, Xiao Ke handed the small bronze bell in his hand to Lu Zhuang, “Take it!”

“Brother atmosphere.”

Lu Zhuang smiled and took over the bronze bell.

Catch it in his hand and shook it slightly, only to hear a bang, a sound wave radiated from the small clock in his hand, and blasted on a mountain in the distance.


After a loud noise, the mountain top several hundred meters high disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Lu Zhuang couldn’t help his eyes light up.

This small bronze bell is awesome, and it is definitely a good treasure with such power.

“Thanks a lot.”

Lu Zhuang thanked Xiao Ke, then turned around and left with a smile.

At this moment, Xiao Ke knelt on the ground blankly.

Seeing a mountain in the distance that was flattened by a small bronze bell, he suddenly felt an unspeakable colic in his heart.

It was as if a heart had been slapped severely.

Even breathing became difficult.

He covered his chest with both hands, and his entire face became distorted.

A tear mixed with anger, aggrieved, sad, unwilling, fell from his eyes.

“A beast, a beast, deceiving people too much, Luzhuang dog thief, I will never die with you…”

. …

To the west of the secret realm.

A stone cliff is stuck with countless weapons.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, all kinds of weapons are available.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of fighting shook the sky, and a large group of people were fighting for weapons on this rocky cliff.

Among them is a group of people who are particularly strong.

All those who dared to fight with them were beheaded by them.

This group of people is Chu Wudi and others of Senluo Temple.

At this moment, Chu Wudi was holding a very simple Euphorbia in his hands.

With a wave of it, this big halberd can emit a terrifying light blade with unparalleled power.

“Hahahaha…This wild halberd is worthy of being the first divine weapon of the ancient Fengtianzong. I am afraid that there will be no weapon stronger than this wild halberd except for the sword of the Great Snow Mountain. NS.”

Chu Wudi was very proud.

He waved the wild halberd again and again, splitting out a series of light blades, and beheading all the nearby people who were not pleasing to his eyes.

Seeing the invincible spirit exuded by Chu Wudi, the eyes of the people in the Senluo Temple couldn’t help but a deep look of awe.

“Son, are you strong for your father?” Chu Wudi asked, turning his head to look at Chu Tianliu.

A strong look of admiration appeared in Chu Tianliu’s eyes, “Father is strong in the winter!”

“Hahahaha…My son said it well, I got the cultivation base of the inheritance, and now I have this magic weapon, it is really blessing my Senluo Temple, then how can Luzhuang children compete with me?”

Chu Wudi laughed, his pride suddenly came to life, “At this moment, I want to chant a poem.”

“The lord is in good spirits, I will wait to listen.”

Everyone in Senluodian immediately raised their ears respectfully.

Holding a wild halberd in his hand, Chu Wudi stood on the top of the stone cliff, looking down at the people below.

He groaned for two seconds, and then slowly said, “I am smiling from the side to the sky, and I will leave two Kunluns…”

“Cough…” Yuan Tu coughed quickly and reminded him, “Hall Master, it’s wrong.”

“Unlucky?” Chu Wudi asked.

“Hmm…” Yuan Tu nodded.

“Forget it,” Chu Wudi felt a little boring, and then waved the halberd in his hand, “Go, let me go and destroy the Luzhuang kid.”

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