Chapter 151 Puppet Armor

That’s it, I regret not listening to the words of the Suzaku team.

Venerable Xuanwu looked desperate.

In his horrified eyes, one of the figures moved.

It can be vaguely seen that this is a terrifying creature with six arms.

A Great Sky hand stretched out slowly and grabbed Venerable Xuanwu in the palm of his hand.

Then squeeze hard.

With a bang, accompanied by a scream, peace was restored here.

In the distance, the seven members of the Suzaku team were hiding in the dark, watching the situation here.

When they saw that Venerable Xuanwu was like a bug, pinched to death by that terrifying creature, several people were immediately shocked.


“Looking down…fucking trough…”

“Venerable Xuanwu is dead, he actually died like this…”

“It’s terrible, I never thought that there are so many powerful people hidden around that villa.”

“Fortunately, we paid the money, otherwise we would all have to hang out here today. This place is 10,000 times more terrifying than we thought.”

“Venerable Xuanwu doesn’t listen to advice, he will go his own way. He died has nothing to do with us, he did it himself.”

“Let’s go back quickly. We must not make any rash moves anymore. We must wait for the opportunity.”




Secret realm.

Lu Zhuang was flying aimlessly.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a group of figures flying eagerly in one direction.

“what happened?”

Lu Zhuang looked at the hurried expressions of these people, wondering if something had happened, or something extraordinary had been discovered.

Immediately turned his head and looked at Wu Hong next to him, “Go and ask what happened?”

Wu Heng quickly flew out obediently, and took a person to ask.

Not long after, Wu Heng came back.

“Sage, it’s a good thing, a great thing, someone has discovered the ancient Fengtianzong Taoist space, which contains the ancient Fengtianzong’s unique skills, and now many people have rushed to that place.”

“Dao Zang Space…” Lu Zhuang groaned.

Then he turned his head and flew in that direction, “Let’s go and see too.”

In the gray space.

Two huge stone steles suspended above the sky.

Huh huh!

At this moment, a group of figures appeared in the space.

“This is the Taoist inheritance stele of the ancient Fengtianzong. As long as you get this inheritance stele, you can get the ancient Fengtianzong’s unique skills.”

Someone looked excited, and immediately thought of putting the two stone tablets in his bag.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong.

Because he found that all his own cultivation base had disappeared.

There are certain rules in this space, which can actually seal people’s cultivation.

Huh huh!

At the same time, many people flew in.

“Sure enough, there is a heritage stele here. Today, it is me who is on this stele.”

“No, all my cultivation bases have disappeared, this space is weird.”

“The same is true for me. My earth-shaking cultivation base was sealed in an instant.”

“Damn, my divine sword destroys the world, and now I have lost all its power. Fortunately, I still have this unicorn arm that has been training for fifty years. This punch can still kill a large number of people.”

“Me too, my vast cultivation base has also been sealed. Originally, I could crush a hundred thousand mountains with one foot, but now I can only crush a hundred mountains.”

Many people found something wrong with themselves after entering this space.

The whole body repair base has been sealed.

Their faces changed, and their hearts were timid.

The root of the transcendent is the cultivation base. If the cultivation base is lost, it is no different from ordinary people.

Except for those few transcendents who strengthen their physical bodies.

The physical quality of ordinary transcendents is actually very fragile.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.

The entire space began to shake violently.

“What’s the matter? Is this space about to collapse?”

Everyone changed color.

Some even turned around and ran towards the exit.

“Look at the underground, it seems that something is coming out.”

Someone pointed to the ground under the stele and said.

Beneath the two stone steles, one by one, the soil packs began to bulge.

Accompanied by a rumbling sound, stone men more than ten meters high crawled out of the ground.

“This is a common puppet armored person in the ancient sects. In the ancient times, many sects made this kind of puppet armored soldiers to guard the home and guard the sect.”

“These puppets are very powerful, and they are not afraid of death. If you want to get the two inheritance steles, unless you defeat these puppets, it seems that a big battle is inevitable.”

Someone explained.

Hearing these words, many people’s expressions suddenly changed.

These puppets are so powerful that they feel invincible just at a glance.

At this moment, everyone’s cultivation base was sealed, and their combat power dropped to a freezing point.

How can one contend with these puppets under the circumstances

It’s a pity that these puppet soldiers don’t think about what everyone thinks, as soon as they got out of the ground, they went straight to kill them.


Seeing this scene, some people immediately turned and ran.

However, some people stayed, because the inheritance stele was so embarrassing.

It’s too unwilling to leave like this.


Someone yelled and killed the puppets.

For a time, more than a dozen puppet soldiers fought with these extraordinary men.

The roar, the shouting and killing ceaselessly.

Boom boom boom!

Each of these puppet soldiers is infinitely powerful, and they are hard to damage with swords, and they are not afraid of death.

Under the attack of these puppets, one by one, the transcendents continued to fall.

The screams and the sound of fighting reverberated throughout the space.

In this fierce battle, a few figures were exceptionally conspicuous.

“Hahaha, even the sky will help me, today this heritage stone Laozi is about to be ordered.”

A middle-aged man with a metallic luster on his body looked up to the sky and smiled.

He waved his fist to face a puppet armorer, but he didn’t let the wind fall in the slightest.

At first glance, this person is a strong body refiner who specializes in cultivating the flesh.

In addition, there are four other men who are also like this man.

All belong to that kind of supernatural being with a strong physical body.

The flesh is extremely powerful, able to shake with these puppets without falling into the wind.

Among them, there is a thin man who is a little different.

This person does not have a strong physical body, but his body is extremely agile.

He holds a firearm in his hand. This firearm is very extraordinary, powerful, and unaffected by the rules of space.


Beams of light were shot from the muzzle, blasting on the puppets.

With one blow, the puppet armor could easily penetrate the hole.

Under the continuous attack of the six people, they finally eliminated the puppet soldiers.

At this moment, in this space, except for the six of them who were still standing, all the others were seriously injured or simply turned into corpses.

Obviously, if nothing happens, the two inheritance steles will soon fall into the hands of two of the six.

“These two stone monuments belong to me. I see who dares to grab them with me.”

“What are you? Only the strong are worthy of these two stone monuments!”

“Then see the real chapter under your hand!”

“Very well, my unicorn arm for fifty years has long been hungry and thirsty…”

And just when the six people were about to continue to divide up and down, suddenly, two more figures appeared in this space.

It was Lu Zhuang and Wu Heng who arrived.

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