Chapter 150 Venerable Xuanwu

After being said by Venerable Xuanwu, the faces of the seven members of the Suzaku group suddenly looked a little ugly.

This Venerable Xuanwu didn’t understand anything at all, and was still taunting them there.

“In this case, then we won’t prepare your share.” One of them said angrily.

“It’s a joke. Only you idiots will do things like sending money to the enemy, and I don’t need it.” Venerable Xuanwu said with a cold snort.

Hearing this, the atmosphere of the team suddenly solidified, and no one continued to speak.

After the man who went to withdraw the money, several people continued to set off.

In a short time, they came to the riverside villa.

Several people took out a piece of black cloth to cover their bodies, and then flew up to the roof without a sound, and lay down on the roof next to the yard.

At the moment, in the hall.

Yan Xiaoxing was looking forward to seeing Luzhuang’s clone, “Master, it’s time to pay me a salary today.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, how much is this month?” Lu Zhuang asked.

Yan Xiaoxing quickly took out a small notebook from the left pocket, and then took out a small calculator from the right pocket, and calculated it when Lu Zhuang’s face was there.

“Return to zero, return to zero, return to zero, add one, add one, add one…”

After about three or four minutes, Yan Xiaoxing stopped, “It’s three hundred and two yuan in total.”

Lu Zhuang’s face showed a suspicious look, “There are so many? It used to be more than one hundred and two hundred, how come it has become more than three hundred this time? Are you keeping a false account?”

“Where is it?” A panic flashed in Yan Xiaoxing’s eyes, “I won when I was fighting the landlord.”

Lu Zhuang was taken aback.

Have you ever fought a landlord with Yan Xiaoxing recently? Doesn’t it seem?

At this moment, Lu Dongmin came over, “Xiao Zhuang, those guys are here again.”

“Who?” Lu Zhuang asked.

“That’s the few money-giving boys you mentioned.” Lu Dongmin said silently.

Then a bright light flashed in his eyes, and a picture was projected onto the opposite wall.

In the picture, it is the scene of the seven members of the Suzaku group and Venerable Xuanwu on the roof.

Lu Zhuang suddenly became a little speechless, these guys are actually addicted to sending money.

But when Yan Xiaoxing saw that it was these people, he was suddenly overjoyed.

Because it means that she can get a commission again later.

“Xiaoxing, leave it to you.” Lu Zhuang turned his head and said to Yan Xiaoxing.

“Good.” Yan Xiaoxing agreed with a smile.

A figure with a disheveled hair separated from her body and floated out towards the door silently.

On the roof, several members of the Astral Organization were lying there silently.

Venerable Xuanwu tried to rush into the courtyard below several times to steal the Spirit Gathering Formation.

But I resisted it.

Because there is a feeling in Mingming telling him that as long as he goes down, he will undoubtedly die.

At this moment, a feeling of being peeped came, and several people suddenly felt a little creepy.

“That feeling reappeared.”

“I feel someone is watching me, and we seem to be being watched again.”

“I’d better go back first, I feel a little flustered, every time I come here I feel very uncomfortable, as if I will die at any time.”

“Yes, I feel that way too.”

“In this case, let’s stop here for today. Anyway, we won’t be able to figure out the situation in a short while, and we may have to observe a few more times, or let’s go back today.”




Several people crept up to their feet.

Turning around, not surprisingly, they ran into the disheveled guy again.

The seven members of the Suzaku team were a little speechless.

Why is this guy here every time.

Venerable Xuanwu looked at Yan Xiaoxing’s clone curiously.

He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to blackmail the people of the Constellation Organization repeatedly.

Perceiving the aura on Yan Xiaoxing’s body, he suddenly became speechless.

Such an ant-like thing, even dared to blackmail them.

Is this world crazy?

The seven members of the Zhuque team had been prepared, and quickly took out the money they had just withdrawn from the bank and handed it to Yan Xiaoxing, whispering, “This is from the seven of us, and he has nothing to do with us.”

Yan Xiaoxing took it silently.

Very tacit understanding.

Yan Xiaoxing ordered the money, and then gave way to the seven members of the Zhuque team.

“Brothers pay attention to things!”

One member of the Suzaku group gave Yan Xiaoxing a thumbs-up, and then the seven got up and left.

When it was Venerable Xuanwu’s turn to pass, he was stopped by Yan Xiaoxing reaching out.

“Get out of here!”

Venerable Xuanwu stared at Yan Xiaoxing coldly, and the killing intent on his body spread out.

However, Yan Xiaoxing was not in the slightest frightened by the other party.

She stretched out her palm to shine in front of Venerable Xuanwu.

Seeing the word “money” written on Yan Xiaoxing’s palm, Venerable Xuanwu suddenly became speechless.

This person is simply asking for money but not life.

Just when Venerable Xuanwu wanted to make a move, a man in the Vermillion Bird group who had just walked a few steps suddenly said, “Wait a moment!”

“What?” Venerable Xuanwu was a little unhappy.

This guy even dared to stop doing it himself, couldn’t he tell his identity?

“You can’t do it here, otherwise we will not be able to leave if we startle the room.” The man from the Vermilion team whispered.

“Haha.” Venerable Xuanwu smiled at that time.

How can you be so timid as a mouse?

Besides, he is very confident in his methods.

What Luzhuang stayed at home was just a clone.

According to what he understood, the strength of this clone of Lu Zhuang was at most equal to the level of the Celestial Lord.

He is the top venerable, although he still can’t beat that Lu Zhuang clone.

But he believed that after he had destroyed the guy in front of him, there would be no problem with An Ran leaving here.

The seven members of the Suzaku team saw that Venerable Xuanwu refused to listen to the advice. They were scared to pee at the time, and they turned around and ran away quickly.

In a few blinks, he disappeared into the darkness of night.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Xuanwu couldn’t help but jump with blue veins on his forehead.

These bastards dare to do this, and they must let these guys taste how good they are when they go back.

Venerable Xuanwu closed his eyes and looked at Yan Xiaoxing in front of him, “I’ll say it again, go away or die.”

Naturally, Yan Xiaoxing would not let go, still blocking the front of Venerable Xuanwu.


Venerable Xuanwu was immediately angry, and he hit Yan Xiaoxing’s body with a punch.

With a bang, Yan Xiaoxing’s clone flew out like a kite with a broken line.

Venerable Xuanwu also knew that this place shouldn’t stay for a long time, so he hurriedly wanted to leave.

But he had just opened his legs, and his whole person was fixed there.

Huh huh!

One after another, huge figures, as large as mountains, rose from the ground all around.

In the dark night, I couldn’t see the appearance of those figures, but I could see the eyes that were bigger than lanterns, exuding indifference and bloodthirsty rays.

A series of terrifying eyes fell on him.

“Tianzun, they are all Tianzun, my god…”

Venerable Xuanwu suddenly felt his scalp numb, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky.

He felt the soles of his feet soft and his tongue became dry.

He wanted to run, but under the aura of these terrifying figures, he couldn’t move at all.

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