Chapter 148 Elemental Beads

Lu Zhuang took Wu Heng, and after a short time, the two came outside a grotto.

There are four caves in this grotto.

The entrance of the cave is not big and can only accommodate one person to walk.

Lu Zhuang leaned over to the entrance of the cave and took a look.

I saw a deep chill from the cave, and even the sides of the cave were covered with frost.

The second cave exudes a scorching breath, like a sea of ​​magma fire.

A green mist exudes from the third cave.

As for the fourth cave, there were bursts of thunder and lightning.

Ice, fire, poison, electricity, each cave represents a kind of elemental power.

Lu Zhuang turned his head and looked at Wu Heng next to him, “You go in and find out if there are any treasures inside.”

“Me?” Wu Heng pointed at himself.

These four caves exuded the breath of death, just standing at the entrance of the cave, he felt a little scalp tingling.

In such a terrifying place, this Lu Zhuang actually let him go in for investigation?

Doesn’t this want him to die?

“Nonsense, don’t you want me to investigate?” Lu Zhuang glared at Wu Heng fiercely, “Will you go? If you don’t go, there will be no use value, and it will be useless if I keep you.”

If I go to your mother, I know this bastard will not let me go easily…

Wu Heng scolded in his heart. He originally thought that he had finally escaped, but now it seems that Lu Zhuang had no intention of letting him go.

But he did not dare to resist.

Although this cave is dangerous, it may not be deadly.

But if he refused Lu Zhuang, this Lu Zhuang would probably kill him on the spot without hesitation.

“I’ll go.” Wu Heng lowered his head, not daring to show the slightest displeasure.

Bite the scalp and entered the first cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, he felt a terrible chill.

A layer of frost formed on the hair and eyebrows.

And this was not over yet, as he got deeper, the chill in the cave became more terrifying.

When he reached a depth of one hundred meters, the whole person was already shaking.

You must know that he is a powerhouse at the Tianzun level.

How cold is the cold that even a strong Tianzun level can’t bear.

After Wu Heng entered the cave, Lu Zhuang looked around again.

He found more than fifty exotic fruit trees on the hillside to the west.

Sure enough, as Li Congming said, there are many different fruit trees in this secret realm, and he has found so many casually.

But just as Lu Zhuang was searching this area, the news of his arrival had already spread in the secret realm.

“No, Demon Lu is here!!!”

Many people panicked immediately after learning that Lu Zhuang had also come to the secret realm.

Because during this period of time, Lu Zhuang is really in the limelight.

The road to his rise is to climb up on countless bones.

Lu Zhuang’s arrival meant that this trip to the secret realm would be exhausting again.

outside world.

Deep underground, the constellation organization headquarters.

A group of high-level officials are in a meeting.

“Good news, then Demon Lu has gone to the ancient Fengtianzong secret realm. This is an opportunity.”

“Yes, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“The two teams sent to Tianluo City last time failed again. We must learn our lesson this time.”

“According to the Suzaku team, last time it was the Xuanwu team who had a grievance with others, and they were touched to the room, and all seven of them were destroyed.”

“This bunch of trash…”

“It seems that these guys from the Suzaku team are more reliable. Although they didn’t succeed, at least they came back without risk every time.”

“Yes, these guys have a hard life, and sometimes luck is also a kind of strength.”

“As for the news about that spiritual gathering formation, the star master and his old man already know it, and he values ​​it very much, ordering us to seize the gathering spirit formation at all costs.”

“Unexpectedly, the star master took this matter so seriously. It seems that we can’t fail anymore.”

“I suggest that the White Tiger team is still assisted by the Suzaku team. In addition, the White Tiger and Xuanwu will go together, two venerables, fourteen kings, such a strong lineup, this time will definitely not fail again. ”




In the secret realm of Fengtianzong, Lu Zhuang returned to the cave.

Not long after, Wu Heng came out of the cave.

Wu Heng was very miserable at this time.

Both of his ears have been frozen, and the soles of his feet have also been frozen.

The whole person kept swaying, as if guilty of madness.

Wu Heng was about to cry.

He was the elder of the Heavenly Chosen Sword Sect, a strong man of the Heavenly Sovereign level, but was forced to explore this ice cave, and even his ears and feet were frozen.

This Luzhuang is simply inhumane, just a demon.

No, I can’t go on like this, I have to find a way to escape, or I will definitely be played by this demon to death.

“How is it?” Lu Zhuang asked.

“Fortunately, I didn’t insult my life.” Wu Heng raised his right hand and stretched it out in front of Lu Zhuang.

He was holding a bead in his hand, and the bead exuded a bitter chill.

“It turns out that the cold air in this cave came from this bead.” Lu Zhuang was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this little bead could exude such a terrifying chill.

He reached for the beads, only to find that Wu Heng was holding the beads tightly and refused to let go.

Lu Zhuang’s face suddenly became cold, “Let go!”

Wu Heng cried, “I want to let go, too, but I can’t do it.”

“Hey, do you still pretend to be with me?” Lu Zhuang sneered before grabbing the opponent’s finger and breaking it.

Just hearing a click, one of Wu Heng’s fingers was broken.

It turned out that his hand had completely frozen into a popsicle because he held the bead for too long.

At this moment, as the finger fell, Wu Heng’s palm suddenly appeared cracks, and then burst with a bang, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered on the ground.

Wu Heng looked at his empty shoulders, and immediately cried, “Look, I really can’t let go.”

Looking at the fleshy ice cubes on the ground, Lu Zhuang was slightly stunned.

Looking at Wu Heng with some pity, he immediately waved, picked up the ice bead on the ground, watched it, and put it away.

Then he pointed to the second cave, “Go ahead.”

Wu Heng suddenly became furious.

Too much deception! Haven’t you seen yourself become like this? Actually let him go.

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at Lu Zhuang.

When he met the cold gaze of Shang Luzhuang, he suddenly calmed down as if being splashed with cold water on his head.

I… I endure!

Under Lu Zhuang’s gaze, Wu Hengzhi bit his head and turned around again and entered the second cave.

This second cave is completely opposite to the first cave. The first cave is icy and bitterly cold, while in the second cave it is extremely hot, as if in magma.

Wu Heng didn’t dare to be careless. After entering the cave, he hurriedly ran his cultivation base and recovered his body. Only then did he carefully walk into the cave step by step.

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