Chapter 147 The Name of Saint Lu

“Hey…” Lu Zhuang almost laughed.

He has always robbed others, but there are still people who dare to snatch him on the head, “Old man, do you know who I am?”

“Who are you? Are you famous? The old man is Wu Heng, the chosen sword sect. I think you should have heard of my name. Please report your name and let me see how amazing you are.” Goatee said. Said.

“My name is Lu Zhuang,” Lu Zhuang said.

“Lu Zhuang?” Wu Heng frowned.

He seemed to have heard the name, but he didn’t have much impression.

The main reason is that he spends his days in retreat and practises, and he rarely pays attention to outside affairs.

But judging from the age of this son, he seems to be in his twenties or thirties.

Such a young man’s cultivation is at most at the venerable level, so there is nothing to worry about.

“The nameless junior, I’ll say it again, hand over the things to me. Maybe there are some elders in your family that are great, but in this secret realm, if I want to kill you, no one can save you.”

Wu Heng said coldly.

Lu Zhuang almost didn’t get angry.

This year there is such a life and death.

He felt the breath of the opponent, but it was only a Heavenly Sovereign level.

A little Tianzun even pretended to be so big in front of him.

Just when Lu Zhuang was about to take action and teach Wu Heng a vicious lesson, suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came from behind him.


Lu Zhuang immediately dodged his figure and avoided it.

With a bang, the rock that Lu Zhuang had just stood on suddenly burst open.

Lu Zhuang looked back and found that it was a huge scorpion over five feet tall that was attacking him.

This scorpion should have emerged from the ground far away, should have some kind of hidden talent, when it appeared, it was silent.

Then Wu Heng saw the scorpion’s face suddenly changed, and he felt that this scorpion had a strength comparable to his own.

“Damn, there is a fierce beast of this level here. I am afraid that this kid will be over. It is a pity that the precious fan and those different fruit trees on his body will fall into the mouth of this fierce beast.”

Wu Heng said with some regret.

At the same time, Lu Zhuang shot.

Directly took out the Samadhi-lihuo fan and slammed it towards the big scorpion.

With a bang, endless flames emanated from the fan, turning into a sea of ​​fire, and swept straight toward the huge scorpion.

Under the terrifying flames, the huge scorpion suddenly let out a scream.

However, this scorpion had the strength of Tianzun level after all, and was not so easy to be burned to death for a while.

Although his body was burning with raging flames, he still rushed towards Lu Zhuang frantically.

Sure enough, he is not afraid of death! Seeing the scorpion beast madly rushing towards him, Lu Zhuang rose straight into the sky.

Raising his fist, an ordinary punch hit the scorpion’s head.

With a bang, the huge scorpion beast burst to pieces.


Seeing this scene, Wu Heng took a breath.

This kid is too powerful, but mainly because of the other’s fan.

That fan is probably a great treasure.

No, that fan must be snatched.

Wu Heng quietly took out a tube and pointed towards the sky.

With only a squeak, a fiery red light came out from the tube and rose into the sky.


The red light exploded in the sky, turning into a gorgeous sword-shaped firework.

Lu Zhuang just finished killing the scorpion, turned his head and saw this scene, he couldn’t help being stunned.

What is this old man doing?

“Hahahaha…” Wu Heng looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to be so capable. It’s not bad, but you have to hand over what you have today.”

“Seeing the fireworks in the sky, this is my signal for the assembly of the Heavenly Selected Sword Sect. Our people from the Heavenly Selected Sword Sect are nearby. They will be here soon if they see the signal. If you don’t hand over your things, The consequences are serious.”

So confident? Lu Zhuang chuckled.

Immediately he directly sat down on a rock next to him, “That’s it, I will wait for your people from the sect to come over.”

Wu Heng laughed immediately when he saw that Lu Zhuang was so big.

Very good, after the people from my sect come, see if your kid can still laugh.

In a short time, a group of figures flew over from a distance, and landed directly beside Wu Heng.

“Uncle Wu, I wonder if you call us to come here?”

A young man asked after saluting Wu Heng.

“Everyone work together and take that kid down for me.”

Wu Heng grinned and pointed to Lu Zhuang, “This kid has an extremely powerful fan that can emit terrifying flames. Please pay attention, don’t be hurt by the flames. As for the strength of this kid, it’s just average, everyone. Don’t care too much.”

Following Wu Heng’s finger, a group of people suddenly looked towards Lu Zhuang.

At the moment when Lu Zhuang’s appearance was clearly seen, many people couldn’t help but change their expressions.

Especially the young man who just talked over there, his pupils shrank, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He walked over to Lu Zhuang and asked cautiously, “Excuse me, are you Lu Shengren?”

“Oh, you know me? I thought your Heavenly Chosen Sword Sect had just been connected to the Internet.” Lu Zhuang laughed.

With a plop, the young man knelt down in front of Lu Zhuang, “The villain has no intention of offending the saint’s majesty, and begs the saint for his life.”

Saint Lu?

Over there, everyone in Heavenly Selected Sword Sect was stunned.

A few of them were still a little puzzled, when they heard the three words Lu Shengren, they all reacted immediately.

A group of people rushed over and knelt in front of Lu Zhuang.

Anyone who pays a little attention to the latest news has probably heard of the name Lu Zhuang.

Luzhuang has several names.

King Lu, Zun Lu, Demon Lu, God of War, Saint Lu…

In just a few months, Lu Zhuang’s name changed one after another.

Accompanied by the bloody wind, heads rolled.

I don’t know how many people died under his butcher knife.

The name is bloody, and it’s fascinating.

Bang bang bang bang…

The kowtow sounded constantly.

A group of people knelt in front of Lu Zhuang and kowtowed.

One by one, with horror on their faces, they hated Wu Heng to death.

This bastard had no eyes to know Taishan, and he provokeed Lu Motou.

This fucking is going to kill the entire sect.

At this time, the scene Wu Heng watched in the distance was completely stunned.

“Lu… Lu Sheng? Fuck… Saint!”

Wu Heng only felt that his head was hit hard by someone, and his head was buzzing.

The one who he robbed was a saint?

Do evil, what kind of evil did I have done…

For a moment he only felt his legs become soft, and fell to the ground with a snap.

“Okay, give me all the things you have on you, and then get out.” Lu Zhuang said to the group of guys who were kowtow in front of him.

“Thank the saint for your kindness, thank the saint for your kindness…”

A group of people immediately received an amnesty, and quickly handed over all the valuable things on their bodies.

Lu Zhuang didn’t look at it either, and he rolled up everything on the ground with a wave of his hand, and put it away.

Then walked to Wu Heng, “As for you…”

Huh, Wu Heng knelt down in front of Lu Zhuang, kowtow.

Bang bang bang bang…

Like a chicken pecking at rice, he cried bitterly while kowtow, “Sage forgive me, Sage forgive me, please don’t kill me, spare my dog’s life…”

Lu Zhuang squinted, not knowing what he thought of, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, as long as you follow me to do things, I will let you go after a while.”

Hearing what Lu Zhuang said, Wu Heng’s paragraph was relieved, “Thank the saint for not killing, and thank the saint for not killing.”

“Get up and follow me.”

After Lu Zhuang finished speaking, he flew directly into the sky and flew forward.

Wu Heng did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly followed.

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