Chapter 46

On the auction stage, a woman with a hot body walked up.

Lin Mo took a look. This man should be at the level of a martial artist, which is pretty good.

The woman smiled and said: “Hello everyone, I will still host Yafei today, and I won’t talk too much nonsense. Now let’s go to our first thing.”

There was cheers below, and obviously, many people were also directed at this hot hostess.

“The first thing is the core of a hundred high-level alien beasts. The attributes are five types: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Everyone can use it to refine weapons or alchemy.”

Although the first thing that came up was not very precious, it was definitely enough in quantity, and it had a complete set of five attributes.

There are not many people competing, after all, ordinary martial artists can’t afford it, and they are mainly sold to major forces.

Sure enough, the major forces are vying for it soon.

“I pay ten million.”

“I pay thirty million.”

“I pay fifty million.”

The price of the kernel of the advanced alien beast is about two million, one hundred, and the price is about ~200 million.

Soon, these inner cores were bought by Jidongwuguan for 150 million yuan, which was about 80 million yuan more than the outside firms.

However, we must also consider the issue of discounts by outside firms. ,

The auction continued. The first item was aimed at the major forces, and the second item was clearly prepared for the ordinary warriors below.

Lin Mo is also very familiar with this thing.

True Dragon Pill!

Ten real dragon pills are taken to enhance body strength, restore strength, etc.

Soon, ten True Dragon Pills were snatched by the warriors below.

The price of this thing is only tens of millions, and compared with the first one, it is still a lot more expensive.

The auction continues.

Soon, there were all kinds of weapons, all kinds of pills, and all kinds of strange things, and even some low-level monsters were auctioned off.

The martial arts master below is very enthusiastic, and the martial king above also occasionally shoots.

Basically, as long as the upper Wu Wang made a move, the people below would not dare to intervene.

This is the deterrence of King Wu.

Similarly, this is also the reason that Wang Tiannian refused to give Lin Mo a special invitation letter at the beginning. This represents a kind of power of King Wu and will not give it casually.

Of course, after testing Lin Mo’s strength, even if Lin Mo doesn’t want it, he will give it away.

Otherwise, it would be a humiliation to Lin Mo to let Lin Mo, a man with the strength of a martial king, sit down.

If you don’t know, it’s okay, knowing that to do so is a kind of belittling of the power of King Wu.

The auction soon entered the midfield.

Lin Mo didn’t make any shots once. He didn’t like these things. The main reason was that his cultivation method was different from that of others.

Another thing was brought up.

This is a beast egg the size of a basketball.

Yafei smiled and said: “The next thing to be auctioned is the eggs of the general-level alien beast Thunderbird. Everyone knows that the loyalty of the alien beast raised since childhood is much better than that of surrender. This Thunderbird’s The egg was also obtained by our internal martial artist with great effort.”

“Thunderbird flies extremely fast and has extremely powerful attack power. It can be said to be a very good partner for everyone in the future. The starting price is 100 million yuan.” Yafei said with a smile.

One hundred million yuan is not cheap, and the scene is suddenly a little quiet.

This price is equivalent to the entire wealth of an intermediate martial artist.

Although the mid-level martial artist was jealous, he didn’t make a move. If he bought it, all his net worth was lost. Moreover, the growth of the alien beast was extremely costly. Even if he bought it, he might not be able to afford it.

“One hundred million.” A senior martial artist shouted.

As this person began to shout, another senior martial artist shouted: “120 million.””One hundred and fifty million.” A pinnacle martial artist shouted.

As Yafei said, raised since childhood, loyalty is excellent, and Thunderbird is a flying alien, which is more valuable than ordinary aliens.

Soon, the price reached 200 million.

This is already the pinnacle of the junior general level alien beast.

At this time, Lin Mo was sitting in his room.

He has the mood of thunder, and this thunderbird egg feels extraordinary to him, as if something powerful is conceived in it.

“Three hundred million!” Lin Mo said.

In an instant, the sound below stopped abruptly, and everyone stopped fighting.

From 200 million to 300 million, it can be said to have improved a lot.

But listening to this voice, some people are also very curious. This voice sounds very young.

This should not be King Wu, but a descendant of King Wu.

“Three hundred and thirty million, how about your honor? I want this thing myself.” A voice came from another King Wu box.

Obviously, this King Wu thinks so too.

One is required by my younger generation, and the other is required by King Wu himself.

Unless it is something very necessary, everyone will take a step back.

Lin Mo shouted coldly: “You want it by yourself, and I want it by yourself, the same as everyone.”

The opposite was King Wu from Qingfeng Martial Arts Hall. He was surprised at what Lin Mo said at this time.

This person who made an unfamiliar young voice turned out to be King Wu!

“Three hundred and fifty million!” Lin Mo shouted, without giving way.

“In that case, let’s do our best. 400 million.” The other party shouted.

“Five hundred million.” Lin Mo continued to shout.

He got a lot of money before, but he didn’t mind fighting against each other here.

Anyway, for Lin Mo, it has not been difficult to get money. Recently, he just bought a pill, and there is no shortage of pill.

The martial arts hall on the opposite side was slightly silent, and the price they paid was actually far more than the price of this Thunderbird.

Below, Yafei looked at the two private rooms curiously.

As the host, she actually doesn’t know who the King Wu in the private room above is.

But from the sound, she judged that one of them should be Wu Wang Liu Faxian of Qingfeng Martial Arts Museum, and the other was very young, and she couldn’t hear it at all, so she was very curious.

But she was very happy in her heart. The price of this Thunderbird had almost doubled, and her commission was much higher.

“Five hundred million, for the first time, is anyone still quoting?” Yafei shouted.

Liu Fax did not say a word, obviously giving up.

Soon, this thing was photographed by Lin Mo.

Thunderbird eggs were quickly delivered to Lin Mo’s room, and Lin Mo paid the money.

He touched the shell of the thunderbird egg with his hand, and suddenly felt a thunder current move.

Lin Mo displayed a thunder and lightning mood, a trace of thunder and lightning condensed in his hand, and then was quickly absorbed by the thunderbird egg.

This made him feel very interesting, so he simply watched the auction while inputting lightning into the thunder beast egg.

The following things began to become advanced, almost all things used by King Martial Arts or Pinnacle Martial Masters.

For example, an Epiphany Pill, after taking it, can quickly perceive the mood, and more than 800 million were sent.

Another example is a Broken Mirror Pill, which was used by the peak martial artist to break through the king of martial arts.

The price went straight to 2.4 billion and was bought by a Wu Wang.

In the back, there are some pills used by King Wu, as well as weapons, treasures, etc. Basically, the price is not less than 300 million.

Even one of the hidden pictures was sold at a sky-high price of tens of billions.

This makes Lin Mo feel for the first time that he is really poor.

After the artistic conception has been cultivated to a certain level, it is profound meaning.

So for King Wu, if he could comprehend the profound meaning, his strength would be greatly increased.

Gradually, the auction is almost over.

Lin Mo continued to input thunder and lightning, and his mental power was also very exhausted at this time.

He doesn’t have energy, and his artistic conception is actually consumed by spiritual power.

Lin Mo took out a Suzaku Pill and took it, and his mental strength was quickly replenished.

At this time, Thunderbird eggs absorbed more and more energy.

This made Lin Mo a little curious, could this Thunderbird be born?

He took out a contract that the other party had just sent, stuck it on the Thunderbird egg, and dripped another drop of blood on it.

Signing a contract, a method invented by the warrior to control alien beasts.

Lin Mo doesn’t have energy, but he can use it directly with this contract formation.

The entire contract quickly entered the Thunderbird egg, and Lin Mo immediately contacted the Thunderbird.

In the next moment, Thunderbird absorbed more lightning.

The auction finally ended, and some people started to disperse.

On the Qingfeng Martial Arts Hall, Liu Faxian walked towards Lin Mo. He wanted to see which Martial King it was.

With such a young voice and such a stranger, he always felt that he was cheated by the other party.

Maybe it was a martial artist, or maybe a martial artist.

Only when I got here, no one came out after waiting for a while.

Liu Faxian sneered in his heart, becoming more certain that his previous guess was correct, and the other party did not dare to come out.

At this time, a few King Wu came over curiously and asked about the situation. After knowing the situation, they all stopped and watched curiously.

If this is the case, a martial artist pretends to be King Wu, then he is provoking the majesty of King Wu and is to be punished.

Even if this is the auction of Tianxuan Commercial Bank, it is the same.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Not long after, Yafei also rushed over.

Wang Tiannian had already left, and quickly sent all the property obtained from this auction to the headquarters of the Tianxuan Commercial Bank. This time the transaction volume was extremely large, so there should be no problems.

At this time, she is completely responsible here.

Regardless of Yafei’s hot and beautiful appearance, her strength is also not simple, she is already a pinnacle martial artist.

“Everyone, what’s the matter?” Yafei asked with a smile.

“It’s okay, I just want to get to know the King Wu here, but I didn’t expect that the other party hasn’t come out yet.” Liu Fax just handled it casually.

“Then I will accompany you to wait for a while.” Yafei said.

Everyone waited silently, but the Wang Tiannian and others whom Lin Mo knew did not come here. At this time, they didn’t even know Lin Mo.

In the room, Lin Mo took another piece of Suzaku Pill.

More lightning energy poured into Thunderbird eggs.

Lin Mo was very skeptical at this time, is this really Thunderbird’s egg?

This absorbs too much lightning energy.

If it weren’t for Lin Mo, most people would not be able to support it.

The lightning energy he used now can be used by a city for several months.

Lin Mo is not in a hurry. At this time, the more lightning absorbed by the Thunderbird eggs, the happier he will be. This means that the Thunderbird’s strength or level is stronger and higher.Not long after, Lin Mo took out another Zhuque Pill to replenish his mental power.

At this time, the people waiting outside also felt something was wrong.

Especially Liu Fax, he felt that there seemed to be a strong thunder and lightning energy in the box.

…… …… 0

Liu Fax himself is also a Thunderbolt property, so he only shot and bought it before.

They waited for another hour, when suddenly a powerful thunder and lightning energy escaped from the room, directly blowing up the entire box.

They saw that the previous Thunderbird egg had already changed a lot at this time, and the lines on it were much more than before.

“This… is this Thunder Dragon Egg?” someone said suspiciously.

The next moment, the Thunderbird egg shattered with a chuckle, and a small Thunder Dragon rushed out of it.

This turned out to be a Thunder Dragon!

This Thunder Dragon is still very small at this time, only half a meter high, but the majesty on the body is a Thunder Dragon.

Liu Faxian only felt black in front of him and almost vomited blood.

He actually gave up a Thunder Dragon.

Oh my god, five hundred million!

Only 500 million yuan!

As long as he grows up, he can become a Beastmaster-level Thunder Dragon, and it is also a Thunder Dragon with very powerful attack power.

Five hundred million yuan, this is simply a free gift.

Why, why didn’t I just insist on it?

If he knew it was Thunder Dragon, let alone 500 million, it was 5 billion, 15 billion, he would buy it too.

Yafei was also very dazed at this time.

Why did Thunderbird eggs become Thunder Dragon eggs?

She had identified this egg before, and it was clearly a Thunderbird egg.

She was complacent about selling 500 million before, but now she keeps smiling bitterly.

A Thunder Dragon Egg sold for a price of 500 million yuan, it is estimated that other firms will laugh to death.

At the same time, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not in charge of the identification, otherwise he would be responsible for this accident.

At this time, in the crowd, an old man fainted directly on the ground when he saw the situation.

The thunder dragon egg of the Beastmaster level was identified as thunderbird egg by him, and he was finished.

Unless he can make up the money, the expulsion is the lightest.

A fame was ruined and became a joke ever since.

The thunder dragon flopped in the air a few times, Gaga yelled a few times, and then quickly rushed towards Lin Mo, plunged into Lin Mo’s arms, and rubbed his head affectionately.

Lin Mo rubbed his head happily, and he was full of joy in his heart. Five hundred million photographed a Thunder Dragon, which is a huge profit.

Lin Mo also had some guesses in his mind at this time.

The reason for this situation is that Thunderbird itself was born, but the father of this guy should be Thunder Dragon.

Dragons can produce offspring with almost any creature.

This thunderbird was originally born as a thunderbird, with at most some dragon characteristics, but the lightning input by Lin Mo was strong enough to allow this thunderbird to evolve, directly fading the characteristics of thunderbird, and becoming a thunderbird like its father.

In general, its mother was not strong enough to provide enough energy for it to become a dragon, but Lin Mo made up for it, so this is the case.

Lin Mo is holding Thunder Dragon and intends to go back.

He glanced at the people around him, but he didn’t care.

Liu Faxian gritted his teeth and suddenly walked up and stopped Lin Mo.

ps: A big chapter with more than four thousand words. Spoon.

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