Chapter 45

At this time, a person quickly walked out of the auction, and this person quickly walked towards Lin Mo and others.

As soon as he walked over, he smiled and said, “Lao Qiu, Lao Chen, they are all here, why are you still standing here? If you want to chat, come and chat with me.”

“Pharaoh, you have to make up a special invitation letter for us.” Chen Mingfeng said with a smile.

Wang Tiannian showed a look of stunned expression on his face, and then smiled: “Which Martial King is going to come, tell me earlier, I will personally send the special invitation letter over.”

“Far away in the sky, right in front of you, is this little brother.” Chen Mingfeng said with a smile.

Wang Tiannian turned to look at Lin Mo, somewhat puzzled.

He thought it was the king of martial arts, but Chen Mingfeng actually told him that it was the young man in front of him.

He looked at Lin Mo and found that he couldn’t see Lin Mo’s realm.

“I don’t know who this is?” Wang Tiannian asked.

The special invitation letter is not something you can get if you are the son and wife of King Wu.

Usually, if you want to come, King Wu will take it with you.

This is also a high-end level created by Xuan Tian Wu Hall. If anyone can go up at will, then it is not compelling.

“Lin Mo, from our martial arts gym, or else, the two shook hands.” Qiu Yunshan said with a smile.

Wang Tiannian looked at Qiuyun Mountain and Lin Mo suspiciously.

660 handshake, which can express friendship, but in the same way, it can also mean testing strength.

Listening to Qiu Yunshan’s meaning is to let yourself test it.

It’s just how strong this little guy can be. Don’t be careful when you crippled his hand. It won’t look good.

But since Qiu Yunshan said so, Wang Tiannian did not refuse.

He stretched out his hand and smiled at Lin Mo: “Happy meeting.”

Lin Mo also stretched out his hand, and the two held them together. The next moment, Wang Tiannian began to increase his strength.

He is still very careful.

He first used the power of the junior martial artist level.

In his opinion, Lin Mo should also have martial arts power, otherwise Qiu Yunshan shouldn’t let himself test.

Sure enough, after using the power of a martial artist, Lin Mo’s expression remained as usual, and there was nothing in the palm of his hand.

“You deserve to be a young hero.” Wang Tiannian said with a smile.

“You old devil, let’s just increase your strength, don’t underestimate him.” Qiu Yunshan suddenly saw that Wang Tiannian was using more than one million jin of strength.

More than one million is a very scary figure for ordinary people, but for them (bdeh), it is really small.

Hearing Qiu Yunshan’s words, Wang Tiannian was also angry.

He thought to himself that since you said that, then I’m not polite, and I’ll crush the other’s palm by then, don’t blame me.

He suddenly increased his strength from more than one million catties to more than five million catties.

What shocked him was that Lin Mo still looked plain, and there was nothing in his palm.

At this moment, his expression became a bit solemn.

“Does he really have the power of King Wu?” Wang Tiannian was shocked.

He was standing very close to Lin Mo at this time, and looking at Lin Mo’s face, he could still feel a little immature.

The higher the martial artist’s level of cultivation, the more he can keep his youthful appearance.

But even if he keeps his youthful appearance, there will be no such immature situation.

This situation can only show that Lin Mo’s age is really not that big.

Wang Tiannian increased his strength again, this time directly to 9 million catties.

This is already the ultimate strength of a martial artist.

But even at this time, Lin Mo’s womb is still very relaxed.

“Well, you can get this special invitation letter.” Wang Tiannian suddenly shouted.

This represents his recognition of Lin Mo’s strength.

“What, did he really get it by strength?”

These young people were full of shock when listening to Wang Tiannian’s words.

In the past, they thought that they were geniuses waiting for others, but only today did they know that compared with Lin Mo, waiting for others is a waste.

Wang Tiannian did not continue to test. In his opinion, Lin Mo can have such a strong strength at such a young age, and it is completely achievable.

He was about to pull out his palm when he heard Lin Mo smile and say, “Why don’t I test it too.”

After that, Lin Mo also started to increase his strength. His palm power instantly broke through the limit of 10 million catties, reaching 12 million catties.

Wang Tiannian only felt a pain in his palm, and quickly increased his strength.

Although he also possesses great power, he just didn’t use his power just now.

Both began to increase their strength.

Wang Tiannian’s expression also began to become solemn, and he no longer regarded Lin Mo as a junior, but as an opponent like him.

Lin Mo’s hand oscillated slightly, and at the same time he destroyed the sword intent, showing all his domineering sword intent.

At this time, he had a full 21 million catties in his hand, which was terrifying.

Wang Tiannian also began to sweat on his forehead at this time.

He was only about 20 million jin of strength, and at this time he was shocked to find that he was a little bit unable to do Lin Mo.

“Okay, stop here.” Qiu Yunshan suddenly stepped in.

He also saw that something was wrong, and quickly stopped it.

Wang Tiannian couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t display all his strength, Lin Mo’s strength gave him the same feeling of horror.

“A hero is a young man, great.” Wang Tiannian arched his hands.

Chen Mingfeng next to him also looked at Lin Mo solemnly at this time.

To be honest, Lin Mo’s strength also scared him.

Qiu Yunshan smiled and said, “How about it, I said you have to send him a special invitation letter.”

Wang Tiannian nodded and said, “It is true, I admire the strength of Brother Lin very much.”

He quickly asked people to fetch a special invitation letter and handed it to Lin Mo in person. At the same time, he took out a membership card and said with a smile: “If you want to buy something, Brother Lin can come to me for a 20% discount. .”

The 20% discount is lower than the 30% discount offered by Jin Dayuan.

However, Xuantian firm is higher than Tianlan firm.

Maybe there will be something that you can’t buy at Tianlan Commercial Bank, so you can come here to buy it.

A group of people entered the auction building from a special passage and went directly to the fifth floor.

Lin Mo walked into a private room alone.

He found that from this private room, he could see many people below, but he couldn’t see the private rooms of other kings.

At this time, the lower part was almost full of people, and the rooms of the other kings were also lit up, indicating that there were people inside.

Lin Mo did the math, there are probably thirteen martial kings.

It is estimated that King Wu from the three major martial arts halls have come to participate.

Of course, at such a large-scale auction, some Wu Wangs from outside will come over here deliberately.

Finally, as time came, the auction officially began.

ps: I went on a blind date tonight, delayed the code word, a 30-year-old single old man, hiding his face and crying. .

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