Chapter 397

Because he knew that nothing would happen to Lin Mo, he quickly followed the smell of the same kind to leave, planning to see what his kind would look like on this sunset mountain side.

In this way, Lin Mo quickly left Lin Mo’s side, but when he caught up with his kind.

But without catching up with him, he had to return to this side. When he returned to this side, he found that the battle on this side was over.

He saw Wang Dalong spitting out blood in the mouth, and he was dying at 13, so he showed around and smelled the smell of Lin Mo, and then he hurried towards Lin Mo. Come here.

At this time, when Lin Mo got everything done, he caught a few wild rabbits near him, and then began to peel the skins and start roasting them.

When Lin Mo was roasting wild rabbits, Lin Mo had followed the smell and found Lin Mo’s side. He saw Lin Mo was roasting wild rabbits, so he quickly came to Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo was roasting these rabbits there. He felt a sound around him. When he looked back, he saw that it was Lin Mo who was back.

He watched Lin Mo open his mouth and said to him, “You fellow, when I was fighting the rock beast just now, where did you go?”

“You ran out when you were looking at me roasting a wild rabbit. Did you find it along the smell?”

Lin Mo watched Lin Mo open his mouth and said this to him. When he finished saying this, he turned a bit, the wood in his hand turned the rabbit’s meat a bit, so that the other half of the rabbit was exposed to fire. bake.

Just when Lin Mo was doing such an action, Lin Mo heard what Lin Mo said to him, so he said to Lin Mo: “Master, you don’t need me to fight with the rock beast. ”

“So I just stood by. Suddenly I smelled the same smell, so I followed it and took a look, but then I didn’t follow me and came back.”

When he finished saying this to Lin Mo, Lin Mo realized that Lin Mo was chasing after the same kind.

But he didn’t catch up, so he rushed back. When Lin Mo knew what Lin Mo was doing, he stopped asking Lin Mo.

So as soon as she saw Lin Mo listened to what she said, she stopped talking. She quickly slumped on the ground, and waited for Lin Mo to roast the rabbit meat, and then she could eat it herself.

While waiting, Lin Mo suddenly thought that Wang Dalong was vomiting blood over there, and he looked as if it didn’t work.

So he decided to tell Lin Mo about this matter, and when Lin Mo thought of this in his heart, he raised his big head.

Then 907 looked at Lin Mo and said, “Master is right. I want to tell you one thing. When I was looking for you over there just now, I saw that the rock beast was dead.”

“And one of the few people you saved before is lying next to the rock beast, his body is pressed against the big claws of the rock beast, and he seems to be spitting blood there.”

Lin Mo watched Lin Mo speak and said this to him. When he finished speaking, he saw Lin Mo took the rabbit meat off the fire and looked at it. It should be cooked.

At this time, Lin Mo was holding the roasted rabbit meat and took a look. When he decided to give it to Lin Mo, he suddenly heard what Lin Mo said. .

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