Chapter 396

At this time, the strength of the whole body of the rock beast was in this palm, so when he slapped Wang Dalong to the ground, he couldn’t lift it up, but died completely.

When he died, he felt relaxed, because he always thought that Lin Mo was the one who shot him to death.

So until the moment he died, he was happy.

But at this time, Wang Dalong didn’t think 907 at all, that he was slapped to the ground by the rock beast like this.

When he fell to the ground, he felt a very heavy weight on his body, and he felt very painful all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a sweet mouthful of blood squirting out of his throat, and he realized that he was injured.

He quickly looked at the thing pressing on him. It didn’t matter if he looked at it, he saw that the thing pressing on him was actually the claws of a rock beast.

When Wang Dalong saw this, he wanted to cry without tears, and was very sad. He didn’t expect to see if this rock beast was dead.

As a result, he fell to the ground by the counterattack of the rock beast before his death, and he was seriously injured now, he could feel that he couldn’t get up at all now, and he couldn’t move too much.

Because just now when he fell to the ground with a palm of the rock beast, he had already caused very serious damage to his body, and now the claws of the rock beast were pressing on his body.

He couldn’t push away the claws of the rock beast at all, he could only let the claws of the rock beast press on himself, and he felt very difficult to breathe now.

Because the claws of this rock beast were very heavy, he was seriously injured when he pressed it down, so he was particularly eager to cry without tears.

I thought of myself, if I didn’t want to come and see this rock beast, I wouldn’t look like this.

Now in this sunset mountain range, no one will pass by here at all. It seems that I am going to win this place here.

Just when Wang Dalong thought of this in his heart, he regretted deeply in his heart. He felt that if they had left with Yu Xian’er at that time.

Then I should have left this sunset mountain range by now before I return to the city, and then I was eating and drinking with big mouthfuls, following those people bragging about that experience…

It turned out to be better now, because I wanted to follow Lin Mo, and then came here, but I was about to die miserably here.

When Wang Dalong was thinking about it, he felt that he was particularly aggrieved, but he couldn’t help it no matter how aggrieved. He found all this by himself.

When Wang Dalong thought about it, he suddenly felt that the internal organs in his stomach were particularly uncomfortable, so he vomited a big mouthful of blood.

Then, he vomited another big mouthful of blood. In this way, Wang Dalong spit out several mouthfuls of blood in a row. He now felt that he was very weak.

Not far from death, Lin Mo came here when Wang Dalong knew he was going to be 4.7, and he came to the rock beast.

Seeing Wang Dalong’s appearance again, he turned around and left here, looking for the smell to find Lin Mo.

Just now, when he watched Lin Mo fighting with the rock beast, he had nothing to do with him. He suddenly smelled the same smell, so he quickly left Lin Mo’s side. .

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