Chapter 330

Just as the big python was about to wander quickly, Lin Mo held the scimitar in his hand, and saw the big python as soon as he turned around.

Seeing that he was holding a scimitar and was going to walk quickly, how could Lin Mo let this big python be?

Lin Mo quickly took it, and the scimitar chased towards the constrictor. Lin Mo thought that using this scimitar to slash at the constrictor could cause damage to his body.

But when cutting, we must pay attention to the place to be cut, because Lin Mo still wants the snake skin of this big python to make armor, so he can chop this snake skin in a mess.

So when Lin Mo was thinking like this, he quickly chased the boa constrictor with a scimitar, and when Yu Xian’er not far away saw this, he couldn’t believe his eyes at all.

Because he felt that when a few of them dealt with this big python, it was quite laborious, so many people were not the big python’s opponent.

The boa constrictor cleaned them up completely without much effort and severely wounded each of them.

But now I see Lin Mo is chasing this big python so fast, and this big python is actually afraid that Lin Mo wants to flee here quickly.

Yu Xian’er couldn’t believe his eyes at all, and felt that this completely subverted his imagination. He didn’t imagine Lin Mo was so powerful. After the big python confronted him for a few times, he got up to run away.

Yu Xian’er really wants to know who Lin Mo is who suddenly appeared?

Just when Yu Xian’er thought of this, Lin Mo already took the scimitar and quickly chased the boa constrictor.

Lin Mo’s speed increased quite quickly. It caught up with the boa constrictor very fast, and then cut off the boa constrictor’s tail with the scimitar in his hand.

While slashing, he said to the boa constrictor: “You guy (bdeh) is really shrewd, knowing that I can’t deal with me, I want to run for fear of injury, but can you run my palm? Eat me One knife.”

Lin Mo waved the scimitar in his hand and slashed towards the tail of the big python. He planned to cut the tail of the big python first.

Although it can’t cause him too much damage, it can also chop him.

Lin Mo said to him as he slashed at the big python. When he finished saying this, he didn’t stop his hand movement, and slashed over with a scimitar.

At this time, the big python, who was walking fast in front, heard what Lin Mo said behind him, he knew that Lin Mo was chasing him.

He was about to turn her huge head quickly, looked at Lin Mo, and saw Lin Mo slashing towards its tail while waving a knife.

He wanted to evade the machete with his tail at once, but his speed was indeed not as fast as Lin Mo’s. Only seeing Lin Mo wielding a machete, he slashed on its tail.

When the big python saw this, he immediately felt the sharp pain from its tail, and he knew that Lin Mo was indeed the one who could hurt him according to what he thought in his heart.

Because of the short contact just now, he knew that Lin Mo’s two punches hit him, but it caused him a slight internal injury.

It’s not like the humans who were injured by him before, so he always wanted to escape. .

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