Chapter 329

Easily escaped the attacks of these various tails, and then the direction he fell after jumping up was on the tail of this big python.

Lin Mo intends to grab the tail of this big python, and then follow him to see where he can run, he is attacking his body, so that it can cause harm to him.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this in his heart, this big python didn’t think that when he intended to sweep Lin Mo with its tail, it would make Lin Mo distracted.

Then he ran away quickly, but he didn’t expect that Lin Mo not only was not swept aside by himself, but jumped onto himself instead.

This made this big python wonder what to do, so he swayed his body vigorously trying to throw Lin Mo off.

But no matter how she swayed, he didn’t shake Lin Mo off, and Lin Mo tightly grasped the tail of the big python at this time.

At this moment, the dangling body of the big python came to the position where Yu Xian’er was just now, and Yu Xian’er had already taken all his teammates with him.

They have reached a very safe place. Yu Xian’er looked at what happened to Lin Mo and this big python.

He showed a nervous mood there, wondering if Lin Mo could deal with this big python, but she knew she couldn’t step forward to help.

Because he couldn’t help Lin Mo at all, he might take his own life instead.

So Yu Xian’er at this time could only be by the side, looking at everything in front of him from a distance, while Lin Mo at this time saw the big python rolling his body.

When he wanted to throw himself away, he actually came to the place where Yu Xian’er was just now, and Lin Mo saw the scimitar that Yu Xian’er had used before.

When Lin Mo saw this, he felt that he used this scimitar to pierce the body of this big python, which would cause him some damage.

Otherwise, he would attack the body of this big python with his bare hands, although it could cause some damage to it.

But it is unlikely to be too harmful, so when Lin Mo thought about this, when the boa constrictor was about to shake its tail, he wanted to throw himself out.

Lin Mo suddenly jumped off the tail of the big python, and then quickly rolled to the place where Yu Xian’er was before.

He quickly grabbed Yu Xian’er’s scimitar, and when he grabbed it, he quickly rushed towards the python.

At this time, when the boa constrictor was tumbling his tail, he suddenly felt that Lin Mo on his tail was no longer on his tail.

He felt that he had successfully dumped the damn human being, just when she was particularly happy.

Suddenly she saw Lin Mo again, and she rushed towards herself with a scimitar.

This scared the big python enough, because the big python could already feel it, and Lin Mo could do harm to it.

But (good money king) it’s not like the previous humans could not cause any harm to him, so when the boa constrictor saw this Lin Mo holding this scimitar.

He knew that he had to flee here quickly, otherwise he would really die here, so the moment the boa constrictor saw this.

Just thinking about nothing, moving in one direction quickly, and then desperately walking towards the front, intending to leave here quickly and stop fighting with Lin Mo. .

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