Chapter 33


Lin Mo’s current situation is actually like this.

With the transformation of mind power, that is, mind power, it can break through the limitations of the human body and explore the outside. Even if the mind power is strong enough, it can manipulate some things and turn into a sword fairy.

The power of mind is also one of the hallmarks of King Wu.

The pinnacle martial arts masters in the martial arts hall did not have the power to reach the standard, but their spiritual power.

It can be said that the difference between the king of war and the warrior is even greater than the difference between the warrior and the warrior.

Lin Mo just wanted to strengthen his mental power, but suddenly reached the point of King Wu.

“After only half a month of training, he actually possesses the spirit power of the King of Martial Arts. I meditate while practicing. The progress is really terrifying.”

Although Lin Mo took the Vermillion Bird Pill to practice, he knew that the real scary thing was his talent when he was practicing.

Although Zhuquedan is precious, many people can still buy it.

But their mental development is far worse than Lin Mo.

“Mental force unit test, I can get a machine to test it later.” Lin Mo smiled.

The offensive power of the Wulord level is mainly physical power, while mental power is still auxiliary.

Putting down the book, Lin Mo walked out of the library.

As soon as he walked out of the library, Lin Mo saw Sikong Yuehua standing with a young man.

Sikong Yuehua’s expression was not very good, it was obvious that he was dealing with the opponent, but he did not dare to offend him.

Lin Mo took a look, walked over, and asked, “I’m going back, do I want to go together?”

Sikong Yuehua was overjoyed. She was very annoyed by the entanglement of the other party at this time. The appearance of Lin Mo was like a savior to her.

The person who entangled her was also a member of the genius club, a few years older than her, and was already an intermediate martial artist.

Ever since she joined, she has been pursuing her wildly, but Sikong Yuehua has no interest in him at all.

Moreover, Sikong Yuehua had heard that this man was very scumbag and went to pursue women.

She naturally didn’t want to have a relationship with such a person.

Luo Qingkong looked at Lin Mo, his expression flashed with coldness, and said, “Who is this? Yuehua, don’t you introduce me.”

Sikong Yuehua said with a smile: “He is Lin Mo, the champion of this competition.”

Hearing what Sikong Yuehua said, Luo Qingkong’s eyes flashed a little, and he said with a smile: “So you are Lin Mo. I heard that the club wanted to invite you to join several times, but I couldn’t see anyone.”

“I’m cultivating.” Lin Mo’s tone was cold, and he had no interest in communicating with each other.

He looked at Sikong Yuehua: “Let’s go, I have to practice when I go back.”

After speaking, he walked away and Sikong Yuehua quickly followed.

Luo Qingkong’s expression became more ugly, and he snorted coldly in his heart: “I thought it would be great to win a championship, no matter what, I will teach you a lesson today and let you know that the sky is great.”

It has been a few years since Luo Qingkong joined the headquarters.

He was already a junior martial artist when he joined, and now he has reached an intermediate martial artist. He still finds it very easy to teach a rookie champion.

He chased up quickly, stopped Lin Mo and Sikong Yuehua, and said with a smile: “Lin Mo is it, why don’t we discuss how to do it, you are the champion, I think you are not weak.”

Hearing this, Sikong Yuehua looked a little flustered, and quickly looked at Lin Mo, and was about to tell Lin Mo not to discuss with Luo Qingkong, when he heard Lin Mo agree.

Lin Mo smiled and said: “Yes, it’s boring to learn alone. How about pressing something? I have two money cards here, one for 70 million and one for 80 million. Why don’t you choose one and take out the corresponding Money, let’s take a gamble.”

Luo Qingkong widened his eyes, swallowed his saliva, and looked at Lin Mo dumbfoundedly. Is your bet a bit big?

Luo Qingkong is not Lin Mo, his wealth is only hundreds of millions.

The resources he usually spends on cultivation are actually not less than Lin Mo, but the improvement in strength is far from comparable to Lin Mo.

Moreover, his earning power is far from comparable to Lin Mo.

“Why, I don’t dare, it doesn’t matter, if I don’t dare, then forget it.” Lin Mo’s tone was obviously disdainful, and he sneered.

Seeing Lin Mo’s expression, Luo Qingkong gritted his teeth and shouted, “Got it!”

Isn’t it only 70 million? If you win back, you will have to double your wealth.

“Which one do you choose, or two together?” Lin Mo asked again.

He faintly looked at Luo Qingkong, with a sneer in his heart, playing with himself, waiting to kill you.

Looking at the two money cards, Luo Qingkong felt a lot of pressure.

If you choose 70 million, it doesn’t mean you are afraid. If you choose 80 million, if you lose, you don’t have to lose 10 million more.

As for the two in one, it is impossible, he has not thought about it.

One hundred and fifty million, even if I sold him, I couldn’t make all of them.

He thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and shouted, “Just bet 80 million.”

“Okay, courageous enough.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Someone gave him 80 million for free, and today was lucky.

“Where to fight?” Lin Mo asked.

“Just in the genius club, there is a special venue.” Luo Qingkong said.

“Whatever.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Looking at Lin Mo’s smile, Luo Qingkong felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But then he felt that this was Lin Mo’s tactics. He had been promoted to an intermediate martial artist for more than a year, and he had mastered the sword. Even if Lin Mo was a champion, he might not have his own strength.

The three entered the genius club, which is worthy of being the gathering place for the strongest geniuses in the martial arts hall. It has a huge building, a large open space, and a huge open-air arena.

The three of Lin Mo came in and did not attract the attention of others, but when Lin Mo and Luo Qingkong boarded the ring for the week, they immediately attracted the attention of other people in this talented club.

Some people came to watch.

“Who is this person? Actually want to fight Luo Qingkong?” Someone said curiously.

“It’s Lin Mo! The champion of this competition.”

The answer was not Sikong Yuehua, but Qin Lenglan.

She looked at Lin Mo, her eyes full of war.

“It turns out to be the champion of the competition, but if a newcomer wants to defeat Luo Qingkong, I am afraid it will be difficult. Or, let him teach him a lesson. Otherwise, I don’t know how good it is.”

“Yes, I heard that the chairman asked him to invite him to join. I haven’t seen anyone after going there a few times.”

These people are all arrogant people, and they are very upset when they know that they have been invited several times but have not been successful.

At this time, one person came out, and the others gave up their positions one after another.

“President, you are here too.” Someone said with a smile.

Murong Tianhua nodded and looked up at the ring.

At this time, on the ring, Lin Mo shouted: “Let’s start.”

There is no referee in this type of arena competition, and they are all controlled by themselves. Generally, those who call the start are the controllers of the arena.

In the eyes of many people, Luo Qingkong should be shouting.

Luo Qingkong also found that the rhythm was controlled by Lin Mo.

He quickly rushed towards Lin Mo, swinging his fist and attacking Lin Mo.

For a moment, countless shadows of fists enveloped Lin Mo.


Luo Qingkong’s expert skills burst into countless shadows of punches instantly, true and false, when you think it is true, resist the past, but you find it is false, when you think it is false, but it becomes true, a punch Knock you off.

Lin Mo didn’t fight back, so he moved his body quickly in a small area.

Failed, Failed, or Failed.

All of Luo Qingkong’s attacks failed.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was extremely surprised, Luo Qingkong’s Feiying Fist had been taught by them, and it was extremely difficult to deal with.

And now, Lin Mo actually avoided all of them.

“Good reaction and judgment ability.” A warrior sighed.

The others also nodded.

Murong Tianhua was also very surprised at this time, even if he went up, he couldn’t do better than Lin Mo.

Qin Lenglan looked at Lin Mo with shock, and Lin Mo became stronger.

It has only been half a month, and he has not improved much, but he has improved tremendously.

Shouldn’t you actually join the club?

No, joining the club to communicate with people, and to learn from many people can make rapid progress.

It’s just that Lin Mo is practicing alone, so why does he make progress so quickly?

Is this the difference between evildoers and ordinary people?

On the ring, Luo Qingkong became more and more chilled as he fought.

How can I win if I can’t even fight Lin Mo.

“Have you played enough? It’s time for me to shoot.”

Lin Mo’s voice sounded.

Luo Qingkong quickly stepped back to defend,

But the next moment, Lin Mo’s fist fell on his chest, and severe pain occurred. He only felt that the scenery in front of him changed rapidly, and the whole person had flew out and landed on the ground.


Luo Qingkong coughed twice and looked at Lin Mo in horror.

So strong, so perverted, he didn’t even have the power to resist.

“You lose, it’s time to pay.” Lin Mo smiled.

“Pay, what is the payment?” someone asked curiously.

Sikong Yuehua said with a smile: “The two of them bet, and the one who loses is to the one who wins 80 million.”

Sikong Yuehua was in a very good mood at this time, presumably after this time, Luo Qingkong would not pester herself again.

Listening to Sikong Yuehua’s words, the people around were shocked.

Eighty million, this is not a small number, it can even be said that Luo has emptied all of his wealth.

Luo Qingkong used to feel pain in his chest, but now not only his whole body hurts, but his heart hurts even more.

Eighty million, I have to run several times in the wilderness to earn it back.

“This time, I don’t want to give me a face, so how about it?”

A voice sounded.

Lin Mo turned his head and saw a young man, and then sneered: “Who are you, if you are willing to work for him, I don’t care. If you don’t have money, don’t pretend to be a big tail wolf here.”

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, the people around him were stunned and looked at Lin Mo in shock.

It’s awesome, I actually talked to the president like this.

That’s right, the person who just spoke was surprisingly Murong Tianhua.

Murong Tianhua said with a smile: “It’s okay. Why don’t you fight with me. If you win, I will give you another 80 million. If you lose, then this thing will be forgotten.”

“Lin Mo, be careful, this is Murong Tianhua.” Qin Lenglan shouted.

Hearing Qin Lenglan’s words, many people in the martial arts hall looked at her angrily.

But Qin Lenglan didn’t care at all. She had such a temperament. There was only one opponent in her eyes, and that was Lin Mo. Naturally, she didn’t want to see Lin Mo lose to others.

“Murong Tianhua.”

Lin Mo smiled: “It’s okay, it’s boring to always bully some rubbish, it’s finally someone who can fight.”

Below, Luo Qingkong’s face flushed, and he shouted angrily: “I’m not rubbish.”

Just the thought of being easily defeated by Lin Mo, what is it if it is not rubbish. .

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