Chapter 32

Qiu Yunshan glanced at it, and it turned out to be a gluttonous thought.

The idea of ​​gluttonous meditation is one of the most advanced meditations in the martial arts hall. After practicing, in addition to enhancing mental power, it also has a strong offensive power.

Used well, it can even directly devour the souls of others.

But this exercise also has a problem, that is, if it swallows too much spiritual power from others, it may cause one’s spiritual power to be not pure enough, which is similar to the star-attracting Dafa that Lin Mo saw in his previous life.

“Are you sure, in fact, the thoughts of the sword king Ming and the goddess Ming are also good.” Qiu Yunshan said.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “No, that’s it.”

For Lin Mo, this is really good. It can improve himself quickly. As for the impure mental power, as long as he doesn’t absorb it randomly.

What Lin Mo was after was the absorption effect of this gluttonous thought, whether the effects produced by himself after taking the pill could be absorbed.

Taotieming thought that it would cost tens of millions of points. Lin Mo had accumulated more than 1 million points in the branch before, plus the 13 million points he gained this time, which would add up to almost the same amount.

The points of the headquarters and branches are connected and can be used everywhere.

After buying something, Lin Mo returned to his villa.

He took out a picture, on which was a huge gluttonous head.

Lin Mo looked at the pattern while thinking silently in his heart, and at the same time threw a Suzaku Dan in his mouth.

Zhuquedan quickly melted in Lin Mo’s mouth, making Lin Mo’s spirit better.

After just watching for a while, Lin Mo still didn’t get started.

“Don’t I have enough talent?” Lin Mo was a little frustrated.

If you let other practitioners know Lin Mo’s thoughts, he would have to vomit blood.

Among them, those who have successfully cultivated, which one didn’t take a long time.

Lin Mo temporarily gave up his mental power and began to cultivate his body.

Push-ups, squats, sit-ups and other training methods that have long been eliminated by the martial artist, have exerted very good results in the hands of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo’s daily increase in strength is about 70,000 jins of strength. Including the recovery time, it will take a total of about six hours.

Among them, Lin Mo can quickly replenish his strength by taking pill. Otherwise, eating exotic animal meat alone will take more time.

Today this kind of training method can still satisfy Lin Mo’s cultivation. If he gains hundreds of thousands of jin every day in the later stage, then using these methods to practice, I am afraid that it will take too long to fully practice.

For example, Lin Mo can obviously increase one million catties of strength every day, but because of the practice method, the time spent every day can only increase 300,000 catties of strength, so this method of cultivation will not work.

But for now, it is still possible to continue to practice.

Lin Mo slowly pressed his hands down. At this moment, the mind and body were under tremendous pressure, while the strength of the body skyrocketed rapidly.

Sweat spread all over Lin Mo, just like rain.

Lin Mo was cultivating, and he raised his head inadvertently. Seeing the gluttonous picture, he suddenly felt his mind exploded.

No matter how he looked before, he couldn’t form a gluttonous pattern in his mind.

If you can’t form, naturally you can’t meditate.

But now, he just took a look, and there was a gluttonous phantom in his mind.

This shocked Lin Mo.

“What’s the matter? My talent suddenly became so good?”

Lin Mo thought about it for a moment, and then found that the problem was in his practice.

Usually his talent is similar to that of ordinary people, but once he starts to cultivate, his talent becomes different.

Who can do this with him, doing push-ups will increase 10,000 catties of strength, and doing sit-ups will increase 20,000 catties.

Lin Mo started doing push-ups while watching gluttonous pictures.

Sure enough, the image of the gluttonous map in his mind began to become clear, and finally, it became as clear as the picture.

Lin Mo began to meditate silently. As he visualized the gluttony, Lin Mo found that his mental power began to become stronger.

Not only that, but the effects of the previously taken Zhuque Dan were fully absorbed.

Lin Mo was overjoyed and continued to practice.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

In the training room, Lin Mo is practicing while meditating.

Suddenly, he felt a rumbling in his mind, as if something had changed.

The next moment, Lin Mo found that he could sense everything around him.

This kind of induction is different from before.

The previous induction was only a rough one, belonging to the sixth sense, but now, it is just like seeing with the eyes, even clearer than seeing with the eyes.

Lin Mo sensed that the range he could sense was about three meters, not very large.

He tried to condense his mental power. The next moment, a gluttonous phantom appeared, rushed towards the front, and disappeared quickly, while Lin Mo felt that his mental power was exhausted.

Of course, this kind of consumption is a kind of recoverable.

“I don’t know what level of mental power I have reached, look back and look for a book.” Lin Mo said in his heart.

After testing his mental power, Lin Mo walked to the machine and punched it violently.

Five hundred and sixty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-eight catties.

Senior martial artist!

After half a month of hard work, Lin Mo’s physical strength has now stepped into the level of a senior martial artist.

Lin Mo tried to kick again.


The machine beats quickly.

Five hundred and twenty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-four catties.

The leg strength is surprisingly much stronger than the fist.

Lin Mo shook his fist again, this time using shocking power.


His fist hit the machine, but Lin Mo felt that the entire villa was shaking.

The machine numbers jumped quickly, and the next moment, quickly emerged.

Eight hundred and three hundred and six thousand four hundred and eighty-two catties!

Pinnacle Warrior!

After performing the shock, Lin Mo’s offensive power has reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

Moreover, Lin Mo found that he was already close to the limit of this machine.

Even Lin Mo wondered whether this villa would collapse directly once he used his Wuwang level strength.

“Go to the martial arts library to look up mental problems.” Lin Mo said to himself, changing his clothes and going out.

It’s been more than a month since I came to the headquarters of the Beast Martial Arts Hall. Lin Mo found that he was still unfamiliar with himself.

He clicked on a nearby electronic device and began to look at the map.

“Lin Mo?” A slightly delighted voice sounded.

Lin Mo turned to look, smiled and said, “Sikong Yuehua.”

Sikong Yuehua walked over and saw Lin Mo looking at the map. He smiled and asked, “You are really hardworking. You have been cultivating for half a month. Until now, I haven’t even visited the martial arts gym.”

Lin Mo nodded, he really hasn’t visited yet.

“Where I want to go, I’ll take you there.” Sikong Yuehua said with a smile, she is still very willing to befriend Lin Mo.

After getting acquainted with the martial arts gym for the past two months, she discovered that she had never seen someone with a better talent than Lin Mo.

“I want to go to the library to check the information.” Lin Mo said.

“The library, I’ve been, I’ll take you there.” Sikongyuehu said.

Lin Mo smiled and said, “Thank you very much.”

Sikong Yuehua led Lin Mo towards the library, and smiled as he walked and said, “Lin Mo, you haven’t joined the club yet.”

“Club, what is that?”

Lin Mo knows a lot about various clubs in his previous life, but Lin Mo doesn’t know what the clubs are like here.

Sikong Yuehua explained: “It’s just an alliance formed by some people, but it takes a certain threshold to be able to enter, and those who enter can help each other, etc.”

“You joined?” Lin Mo asked.

“Well, I joined the genius club.” Sikong Yuehua said.

The genius club, this name is very vulgar, but if you dare to name it, the people in it should be geniuses.

Sikong Yuehua continued: “There are all kinds of geniuses born in these years. For example, the champions of the competition have joined. Qin Lenglan, Jin Chengyu and I have joined. They should have invited you.”


Lin Mo doesn’t know it himself. He is closed these days, and there are signs of denial of access hung on the door. It is estimated that the other party will choose to leave when he comes.

But for Lin Mo, such a club is actually not very interesting.

“The organizer is King Wu?” Lin Mo asked curiously.

“No, it’s a veteran genius called Murong Tianhua, the pinnacle martial artist, very powerful.” Sikong Yuehua said with a sigh, obviously admiring this person very much.

Lin Mo seemed a little disappointed, he was only the pinnacle martial artist, he could actually be regarded as the pinnacle martial artist.

If this is the case, as soon as you join, you will not become the ceiling of the club, which is boring.

“Lin Mo, do you want to join?” Sikong Yuehua asked.

“It’s boring not to join.” Lin Mo said lightly.

What Sikong Yuehua was about to say suddenly got stuck.

She originally thought that if Lin Mo wanted to join, she could help introduce some people to Lin Mo.

She has met many strong people in the past two months.


Sikong Yuehua smacked her lips, not knowing what to say.

Sure enough, there is still a gap between himself and the evildoer.

I feel very honored to be able to join the genius club, but for Lin Mo, it is totally boring.

The library finally arrived, Lin Mo and the two walked in.

Lin Mo looked for the area of ​​books about mental power, and started to check some books. Soon, he found what he needed. .

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