Chapter 327

Now I finally saw Yu Xian’er dragging everyone to safety.

Lin Mo knew that at this time, he should teach this big python a bitter lesson, let him know that not all human beings will be bullied to death by him.

Lin Mo looked at the boa constrictor who had just been punched twice by himself, and said to him: “You beast, let me meet you today, then you don’t want to leave alive.”

“You have hurt so many human beings. In normal times, you probably haven’t swallowed many human beings. Let me avenge these human beings today.”

“Let me kill you, so that the souls of the human beings who have been swallowed by you can rest in peace. Now you will die obediently.”

“I will definitely kill you after skinning you cramps, roasting your meat to eat, in order to pay tribute to the dead humans.”

Lin Mo looked at the big python in front of him and said this to him. He knew that what he said should have happened in reality.

This big boa constrictor lives in the interior of this sunset mountain range, and should often encounter human experience, so that the people in his mouth don’t know that there are more.

They were all the ones that didn’t see people or dead bodies. They all entered his blood basin and became his gastric acid secretion.

Let yourself get rid of this boa constrictor today and avenge those who died.

When Lin Mo watched the big python saying these words to him, the big python completely understood Lin Mo’s words, but he was a high-level strange beast that had been alive for a long time.

So he could understand what Lin Mo said. When he understood what Lin Mo said, he looked at Lin Mo.

He didn’t attack Lin Mo at the first time. He knew that the human in front of him should immediately attack him very violently, because he was a high-level alien beast.

The level of sensitivity is quite high, so when he feels the breath of Lin Mo after saying these words.

He knew that the human in front of him should be very powerful. He might not really be her opponent, but might really be like what he said.

He would die under his hands, and then he would be like he said he would suffer cramps.

The flesh on my body would be eaten by this human, just like I had eaten a lot of humans…

At this time, the big python suddenly felt a wave of tremor in his heart, and he was thinking about whether or not this time.

Give up attacking the strange man in front of him, do you want to take advantage of the opportunity to flee here for a while, so that you might not die.

Just when the big python thought of here, Lin Mo said these words to the big python, but saw the big python.

It actually seemed to show a little timid look, Lin Mo knew that this big python should have heard what he said just now.

In uniting the harm he caused to it just now, there should be some fear, fearing that he would die into his own hands.

When Lin Mo thought about this, he couldn’t help but despise this big python in 4.7, thinking of this big python in his heart.

It’s really that a high-level strange beast that has lived for a long time still showed such an expression.

He actually wanted to escape, how could he disfigured his wish, but now he feels that its skin is quite good, planning to make a protective armor? .

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