Chapter 326

He wants to help Lin Mo, but he knows that his strength is not enough. He will only add chaos to Lin Mo and will not help Lin Mo at all.

So I might as well be here, as Lin Mo said, take care of his injured partners first, and rescue Xiao Dezi first.

Take a look at the situation of Xiao Dezi, let their injuries stabilize first, and then try to find out how to help Lin Mo.

When Yu Xian’er thought of this, he stopped paying attention to Lin Mo and this big python. He first came to Xiao Dezi’s side and began to check Xiao Dezi’s injuries.

When Yu Xian’er looked at Xiao Dezi’s injury, she found that although Xiao Dezi said he was motionless now, as if he was dead, he still had weak breathing.

When Yu Xian’er saw this place, he was very happy. He thought that if Lin Mo came one step later, then Xiao Dezi would really die.

Because now Xiao Dezi is left with his last breath, if he is not there and he helps him with treatment, he may really die.

So Yu Xian’er was very grateful to Lin Mo, but he knew that Xiao Dezi would be the first thing to do, so Yu Xian’er quickly searched for pills in his pocket.

People like them who often come out to take on some tasks to experience, are often treated with some pills for injuries.

These pills are also commissions they usually earn from taking on tasks and doing experience, so they will divide these commissions into several parts and then use them to buy some of their commonly used things.

So Yu Xian’er had a small pill bag containing these pills, and he quickly searched for some precious pills in it.

He planned to feed all these precious pills to Xiao Dezi, so that he might be able to keep Xiao Dezi’s last breath.

Because Yu Xian’er didn’t know which of these pills would work on this little Dezi, he simply gave him all these precious pills, and there was always one that would save his life.

Yu Xian’er quickly searched for pills in this cloth bag.

At this time, Lin Mo didn’t pay attention to Yu Xian’er at all. He just looked at Yu Xian’er and finally thought that he had brought Xiao Dezi to him, and he came back to his senses.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Bringing Xiao Dezi to flee here quickly, when he reached a safe place, Lin Mo knew that he should buy time for Yu Xian’er and lead this big python away.

In this case, the big python would not find that Yu Xian’er was secretly saving people, so Lin Mo quickly seduced the big python.

…….. …… …

Walking in one direction, he occasionally caused some damage to the big python, and then from time to time he sprinted to the side a few times.

As long as Lin Mo succeeded in taking this big python to another place, he saw that Yu Xian’er also took advantage of this opportunity to successfully rescue everyone.

Lin Mo knew that at this time, he could deal with this big python boldly, because Yu Xian’er knew that Yu Xian’er’s friends were all injured on the ground just now.

He couldn’t leave this side on his own at all, and he couldn’t deal with this big boa constrictor.

So he followed the big python entangled here, but there was no way to fist. Spoon.

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