Chapter 286

So Lin Mo didn’t worry at all, and was able to meet the two people who had just left.

In this way, Lin Mo also began to look for a place to live nearby. He didn’t want to go too far, because if he went too far.

When the time comes, you won’t be able to see the actions of these people, you can’t listen to these people, and you can’t get too close to these people.

Because Lin Mo is afraid of being too close to these people, if these people are walking around these four Thursdays.

You will definitely find yourself there, so Lin Mo can’t be here too close.

Just when Lin Mo thought of this in his heart, he began to look around for a place to rest.

At this time, Lin Mo didn’t even know that when he was looking for this place to rest, that Wang Dalong, Yu Xian’er, and the remaining few people were discussing something together.

If Lin Mo had noticed that these few of them were discussing things together, they would have noticed that these few of them had said something.

Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er are discussing about the mercenary hunting ~ hunter guild.

But Lin Mo was not here at all, and he didn’t notice that they would gather together and talk about this mercenary hunter guild.

If Lin Mo were here, he would know that Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er were members of the Mercenary Hunter Guild.

Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, these few of them are the lowest-level members of the Mercenary Hunter Guild, and they work together to do some tasks in exchange for some rewards.

At this time, Lin Mo didn’t notice this at all. If he noticed this, he would hear Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er.

What they and others are talking about is about another green macaque, not about the big python mentioned earlier.

So Lin Mo completely missed this important news. If Lin Mo was here, he heard the news of another strange beast.

At that time, he will definitely follow Wang Dalong and Yu Xian’er, behind them.

But now Lin Mo doesn’t know, Lin Mo has now found a place to rest when he finds this place.

He made a mark, and then returned to the place where he was separated from Xiaobai at the beginning.

· ···Seeking flowers············

Because when he separated from Xiaobai, he didn’t tell Xiaobai that he was looking for a place to live nearby.

Instead, he asked Xiaobai to find him and waited here, but now that he found a place to live nearby, he should go back and see how Xiaobai’s situation is.

…….. …. 0

See if Xiao Bai has also found a place to live, or if he has not found anything, just like this, Lin Mo hurried back to the way he came.

When he hurried back to the original place, he found that Xiaobai didn’t know when he had come back. He was lying in the grass, bored, waiting for himself.

When Lin Mo saw this, he quickly walked towards Xiao Bai, and came behind Xiao Bai’s.

He opened his mouth and said to him, “Xiaobai, did you find a place for us to rest after you went out for a lap?”

Lin Mo watched Xiaobai open his mouth and said to him when he finished speaking. Spoon.

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