Chapter 285

At this time, the two of them are not in the same group at all, so when the two of them each propose to leave here temporarily, when they come to meet again in the daytime.

The two of them also glanced at each other vigilantly, and then each left here and walked in both directions.

At this moment, Lin Mo was watching everything in front of him in the weeds.

He had completely guessed it at this time. These people were not in the same group at all, and there was an analysis and dispute between them.

They may have formed this team temporarily to look for the green-haired macaques. Maybe they will wait to catch the green-haired macaque 840.

These people may still kill themselves, because Lin Mo thought in his heart that these people would team up to search for news about green-haired macaques.

Then it must be the only way to do this by being hit by someone else, if the green-haired macaque is really found.

Then, when they caught the green-haired macaque in the end, they would definitely swallow the bonus for themselves, and then start killing each other.

At this moment, Lin Mo thought in his heart that now that they are a whole, they will be scattered.

(bdeh)  Now when Lin Mo sees this, he no longer pays attention to what they are talking about here, but intends to start to take Xiaobai around to find a place to rest.

So when Lin Mo thought about this, he turned around and looked at Xiaobai next to him and said to him, “Xiaobai will look around here now.”

“Look to see if there are any caves, see if there are any places where we live, and rest here tonight.”

“Wait until tomorrow morning and follow these people to see what the green macaque they are looking for is.”

Lin Mo walked around and looked at Xiao Bai next to him and said this to him. When Lin Mo finished speaking, Xiao Bai nodded.

He understood why Lin Mo wanted to do this, because they came to this side of the sunset mountains mainly from experience.

If the green-haired macaque these people are looking for tomorrow is a very powerful alien beast, then they can come to catch a cicada with a praying mantis, and the oriole will be behind.

If these people can’t clean up the powerful green macaque, maybe Lin Mo will take action against this green macaque. This is also a kind of experience for him.

Although I don’t know what level of existence this green-haired macaque is, and how high it is.

But Xiaobai knew that Lin Mo already wanted to follow these people tomorrow, so he should quickly find this place for them to rest at night.

So when Xiao Bai thought of this place, he only quickly left the bushes, but began to look for any caves nearby.

When Xiaobai left like this, Lin Mo was not idle either.

Because he also intends to see if there is any place near here where they can live at night, just by Xiaobai’s words.

It’s a waste of time, Xiaobai went to the left and searched. You can go to the right to search.

So when Lin Mo thought of this, he quickly moved in the opposite direction and walked over.

When Lin Mo walked towards this side, he was thinking in his heart that the two people said that they wanted to leave, instead of operating their own way. .

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