Chapter 262

After Lin Mo’s short-term profit construction was completed, Bai Hu also rushed back.

Bai Hu held a Tier 4 spotted deer in his mouth and placed it next to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo simply treated the sika deer and roasted it on the campfire.

As the sunset mountain range entered the dark night, the strange beasts began to move, and the roar of the strange beasts could be heard in the ears from time to time.

After eating August 17th, Lin Mo didn’t have the mind to continue practicing.

Lin Mo was lying on the ground, staring at the full moon in the sky and staring in a daze.

He wondered what kind of secrets this world has, and what about the secrets that have been sealed for thousands of years?

What exactly happened thousands of years ago that caused civilization to appear to be faulted, or it was completely erased by some big people.

One after another mystery was finally in Lin Mo’s heart, which made him feel a little confused.

Now he can be said to have been attacked by the enemy. According to the power of the Holy Land of Light, it is estimated that it will not take long to find its traces, and then he will have to think of a perfect solution.

The final result of his trip to Leizhou, Lin Mo has already guessed something.

If nothing else, the real ruler of Leizhou is estimated to be Baihu, and Baihu’s strength is estimated to exceed his imagination.

But Lin Mo was unwilling, so he came here with his obsession.

Even though he knew the final result, he still chose to go deep into Leizhou to see the true face of Baihu, it was not in vain.

And because of Wang Liang’s death, he was completely unable to stay in the Central Plains anymore. Only when he became stronger could he be eligible to go back.

And Lin Mo can feel that this time he will have his chance in Leizhou!

This Leizhou is enough for him to experience, up to three years, as long as there are three years, Lin Mo can be sure, back to the Central Plains, he is not afraid of anyone.

There is still a gap between him and those old monsters who can’t get out of retreat.

However, Lin Mo can vaguely feel that he is only one chance from the Wuhuang stage.

After his strength reaches the Emperor Wu, as long as the old monsters in retreat do not take action, Lin Mo will temporarily have the power to dominate the world.

After Lin Mo thought it over, Lin Mo thoroughly understood his opportunity…

What he needs is a battle with the strong, and only battle can make him break through more easily.

And the sunset mountain range is just the best place, if there are a few powerful monsters in the mountain range.

Lin Mo can use them to achieve himself.

Lin Mo felt that if his current strength rushed into Leizhou, there would be a certain risk, and he decided to completely become Emperor Wu in the sunset mountains.

With this idea, Lin Mo began to regenerate his energy, and don’t let Bai Hu take him with him in the morning, looking for those powerful animals.

Lin Mo, a cultivator sitting cross-legged, time passed quietly.

A ray of morning sun in the sky has slowly risen.

4.7 Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a stale breath.

“Xiaobai, since you can perceive the existence of those alien beasts, now you take me to find the seventh-order alien beasts. I really want to see the power of the seventh-order alien beasts.”

Xiaobai is naturally a white tiger. He nodded when he heard Lin Mo’s words, took Lin Mo with him, and ran all the way based on his perception. .

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