Chapter 261

The sunset mountains are already relatively dangerous to Taoist Tianlong.

Moreover, the deeper the Leizhou, the stronger the strength of the alien beasts inside. Although the strength of the Tianlong Taoist is good for the younger generation, it is still not enough in Leizhou after all.

Lin Mo said, “Tianlong Taoist, this is a dangerous act.

And if there is an accident at that time, I want to protect with my strength, you ~ I am afraid it will be very difficult.

I now have a new idea, that is, you, I will be divided into two groups, and I will go deep into Leizhou-.

You organize a mercenary group near Leizhou, and then slowly expand your power.

Then I will find an opportunity to contact you, what do you think? ”

Taoist Tianlong agreed without any hesitation.

Taoist Tianlong looked at this huge sunset mountain range, and also had the urge to go.

He can feel that this canyon is also extremely dangerous, and this has not penetrated into the hinterland of Leizhou. If it is time to go into the hinterland of Leizhou, it will be very difficult to save his life with his strength.

Even if Lin Mo wants to protect himself, it is already difficult, and it is basically impossible to take care of him at that time.

As for the idea proposed by Lin Mo, he naturally agrees very much.

Moreover, it is very beneficial for them to divide their troops into two groups. On the one hand, he can recruit troops and form his own forces in Leizhou.

When the time comes, even if the people in the Holy Land of Light know the whereabouts of the two of them, the two of them will have a countermeasure, and they can fight with them by virtue of the forces they have formed.

And along the way, his translation of the altar news has basically informed Lin Mo.

And he knew that Lin Mo had two big monsters, a dragon and a white tiger. When these two came to Leizhou, that was the real return to their homeland.

Let Lin Mo be alone in the hinterland of Leizhou, he doesn’t have to worry about anything. If he can’t evaluate Lin Mo’s strength, there is nothing wrong with running.

Taoist Tianlong said seriously: “Okay, then do as you said! You and I are divided into two groups. If something happens or needs my support, please contact me in time.”

At this moment, Lin Mo and Tianlong Taoist are completely separated in this sunset mountain range.

Coming to this sunset mountain range, Lin Mo summoned the white tiger without hesitation.

· ···Seeking flowers············

After Bai Hu came out, he couldn’t help but watch the surrounding scenery.

Lin Mo looked at Bai Hu and said, “This sunset mountain range is extremely dangerous, and there are a lot of people who are stronger than you. The two of us should be careful on this road.”

Bai Hu also nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Master, I can feel the powerful alien beasts in the sunset mountains. When that happens, we can stay away from them.”

……… …….

Lin Mo rode on the white tiger and started his new journey in the sunset mountains.

With the white tiger as a transportation tool, Lin Mo’s journey has become significantly faster.

And because of the white tiger’s own deterrent effect, some alien beasts that are not as powerful as the white tiger will feel that the white tiger’s breath will give way one after another.

This journey is very stable.

As the sky gradually dimmed, Lin Mo decided to find a place to rest for one night and set off again tomorrow.

I found a fairly flat place and cut down several surrounding trees. Soon Lin Mo was lit a bonfire.

But the white tiger ran to the side and started looking for food. Spoon.

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