Chapter 251

If you enter Leizhou again, will those eighth-order beast kings and ninth-order beast kings appear?

If the white tiger is really found, then the white tiger can survive in Leizhou, it also indicates the strength of the white tiger, I am afraid that it will have at least the eighth rank, and may even reach the tenth rank beast king.

In the absence of a breakthrough, Lin Mo’s combat effectiveness can be compared with the eighth-tier Beastmaster at most.

No matter how strong he is, Lin Mo is not sure that he can handle it, but he wants to escape~ it should still be possible.

“Regarding Leizhou, it is indeed a place full of passion, but at the same time the horror of Leizhou is also enriched in everyone’s heart-.

But as long as you don’t go deep inside Leizhou, nothing will go wrong. ”

Ye Liangchen drank a long sip of wine, and he was talking peacefully.

The rain was rustling, and there was a sound of thunder from time to time, and even the sky slowly dimmed.

But there was another atmosphere in the ruined temple, and discussions were laughing and laughing around the bonfire in the ruined temple.

Taoist Tianlong was drinking wine, always feeling that Murong Qingcheng seemed a bit interesting to Lin Mo.

And this Murong Qingcheng has a very good temperament. If not surprisingly, he definitely belongs to that kind of high-level figure in the Lingxi Sect.

And he could feel that Murong Qingcheng’s strength was probably in the junior Wuzong.

You know, in such a remote force, it is estimated that there will not be a few people in the entire sect that can reach the strength of the elementary Wuzong at such a young age.

This Murong Qingcheng is definitely one of the proud children of heaven. Although it is indeed inferior to the people of some holy places, it is already a genius child in this place.

But Tianlong Taoist thinks Lin Mo and Murong Qingcheng are very good match.

Murong Qingcheng’s appearance is absolutely not bad, although he wears a veil, he can vaguely see the appearance of Murong Qingcheng’s general facial features.

Not to mention Lin Mo. Lin Mo’s appearance is very handsome, and very heroic. With a pair of sword eyebrows and star eyes, plus the facial features of the cheeks, it can no longer be described as handsome alone.

Moreover, Lin Mo’s strength is so strong that he almost beat the same generation. People who have Lin Mo in the same era as him will be ashamed.

· ···Seeking flowers············

A person like this who wants strength, strength, looks and looks is definitely the most admired person in that generation.

It is not surprising to say that Murong Qingcheng subconsciously has a good impression of Lin Mo.

Moreover, Lin Mo is very charismatic. After spending more than ten days with him, the Taoists of Tianlong were convinced of Lin Mo.

……… 0

Otherwise, it is impossible for Tianlong Taoist to follow Lin Mo’s true path, and he is absolutely convinced of Lin Mo.

“Brother Lin Mo, if you are going to Leizhou, you will definitely pass by our Lingxi Sect. Otherwise, when you pass by our Lingxi Sect, you will come and sit with us?”

Murong Qingcheng looked at Lin Mo and said, with a little expectation in his eyes.

Lin Mo did not hesitate, but agreed.

I happened to pass by the Lingxi Sect. It doesn’t matter if I go there for a few days. The most important thing is that Lin Mo wants to see if there are any records about Leizhou in the Lingqi Sect.

For this trip to Leizhou, Lin Mo must make a sure-fire plan. Moreover, Leizhou’s internal dangers are dangerous, and even a little carelessness may be overwhelming. Spoon.

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