Chapter 250

Li Chunfeng was startled when he heard Lin Mo’s question.

In his heart, he had thought that Lin Mo would ask all kinds of questions, but he never thought that Lin Mo would ask questions about Leizhou.

You must know that this Leizhou can be said to be a place of alien beasts, there are a large number of alien beasts inside, and ordinary people in this Leizhou do not dare to enter, if they enter, it will definitely be dead.

Even though they have lived near Leizhou for so many years, they have never heard of anyone who entered Leizhou alone and came out of 810 alive.

Even though the masters of their Lingxi Sect are like clouds, they will subconsciously reject this idea whenever they hear about going to Leizhou.

Only because the horror of Leizhou is far beyond the imagination of outsiders, only those who live near Leizhou can realize the real horror of Leizhou.

As early as when they tied their horses under the grass, Li Chunfeng had already seen Lin Mo and their carriage.

At that time, Li Chunfeng had already determined that the identities of Lin Mo and the others were not simple, but even if their identities were too noble, they were nothing more than a name in Leizhou.

Without absolute strength, most people who dared to enter Leizhou alone were dead.

Although there are a lot of hunters in Leizhou, although they depend on alien animals for their livelihoods, they are still a minority.

Moreover, these hunters have very high requirements for strength, and ordinary people are not qualified to join the hunter team.

Li Chunfeng hesitated for a moment and said, “Dare to ask Xiongtai, are you heading to Leizhou?”

Lin Mo nodded and said: “The purpose of our trip is to go to Leizhou. I heard that there is a lot of geniuses and treasures there, so I want to meet the world there. Then I want to ask you about Leizhou. ”

Li Chunfeng sighed and said, “About Leizhou, even the locals nearby (bdeh) don’t really know how many strange animals there are in Leizhou.

The horror of Leizhou is by no means as simple as you think.

I don’t know the cases of these monster groups in Leizhou.

But there are three very large groups of alien beasts in the middle and outer periphery.

The spheres of influence of these three groups are very large. According to the current news, the strongest beasts of these three forces now have the strength of the seventh rank.

And those of Tier 5 and Tier 6 are countless, and the most important thing is just the external forces.

As for no one inside Leizhou, even if they did, they died in it. It is impossible to have the opportunity to explore the inside of Leizhou.

And because this side is very remote, those holy places and sects will not have any leisure to go here to investigate alien beasts.

But Xiongtai, if you want to find some natural treasures, you can go outside Leizhou, and you must never enter Leizhou’s interior.

If you really go in, I am afraid that you will die forever! ”

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, Lin Mo fell silent.

It seems that Leizhou is not so easy to enter. There are probably many difficulties and obstacles along the way to find the white tiger.

But now Lin Mo’s strength is infinitely close to the state of perfection, even facing the seventh-order beast king Li Chunfeng said, he is not afraid.

But the news now known is only about the periphery of Leizhou. .

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