Chapter 25

Although the headquarters of the Tianlan Chamber of Commerce is not here, but here is the headquarters of the three major martial arts halls, a very important city for mankind.

Here, the Tianlan Chamber of Commerce is so large that it is not even far behind the headquarters.

At this time, in the shop, Jin Dayuan was here impressively.

Jin Dayuan’s face was full of joy, because the previous large-scale transaction with Lin Mo made the headquarters very satisfied with him, so he was directly transferred to Xuanwu City as a manager.

Although they are also managers, they are not on the same level at all.

The only thing that made him a little regretful was that he couldn’t continue to do business with Lin Mo if he operated here, and the transaction with Lin Mo could only be handed over to others.

“With Lin Mo’s cultivation speed, he should be transferred to the headquarters soon, but I can’t break the contact, or maybe he was pulled away by other firms.” Jin Dayuan said to himself. Talk to yourself.

Although Tianlan Commercial Bank is strong, there are quite a few of them at the same level.

Just as he was thinking, a voice sounded: “Jin Dayuan, you are here too.”

Jin Dayuan was taken aback for a moment. The voice sounded extremely cordial. He quickly raised his head, and then revealed a look of surprise: “Master Lin Mo, you have also come to Xuanwu City.”

“Well, come to the competition.”

Jin Dayuan suddenly realized: “That’s right, in half a month, it will be the internal competition of the Beast Martial Arts Hall. With Lin Mo’s strength, winning the championship, I am afraid it will be easy.”

Lin Mo smiled slightly without denying it.

His attack power is now comparable to that of a senior martial artist, and it’s really not difficult to win the championship.

“Do you want to buy anything? I will be the manager here. If you have any needs, just tell me.” Jin Dayuan flattered.

“Not for the time being, the true dragon pill has not been used up yet, but gluttony pill, you remember to prepare it for me.” Lin Mo said.

The gluttonous pill is already a truly powerful pill, and it is estimated to be more difficult to refine than the true dragon pill.

“No problem, I will urge the headquarters.” Jin Dayuan said.

Before he was just the manager of a small city, and urging may not be effective, but now he is the manager of Xuanwu City, his status is different from before.

After bidding farewell to Jin Dayuan, Lin Mo walked around the city again. The king of martial arts did not meet again. After all, that is not Chinese cabbage, but there are many experts of martial arts level, and some of them give Lin Mo is under great pressure.

There were even several, giving Lin Mo the feeling that he was only one step short of stepping into the rank of King Wu.

“It’s worthy of being the headquarters of the three major martial arts centers. There are so many strong ones. My strength is nothing at all. I still need to work hard.”

Lin Mo thought about turning back to the hotel, planning to continue practicing.

His daily physical strength increase is limited, about sixty to seventy thousand catties, but he can also practice other things, such as concussion skills.

Last time I got stuck for 27 times and stayed still, Lin Mo knew that he had encountered a bottleneck.

In fact, other people encountered the bottleneck earlier. Some were stuck in the junior warrior’s promotion to the intermediate warrior, or in the subsequent levels, Lin Mo’s strength has been growing, and he has never encountered it at all, and has no knowledge of other people’s pain.

Lin Mo returned to the martial arts gym. It happened to be the previous martial artist who came back with the list. When he saw Lin Mo, he immediately shouted with excitement: “Lin Mo, the martial arts star list has been updated again. You are on the list.”

Lin Mo took it and took a look, and sure enough, the martial artist’s ranking had changed.In fact, at this time of year, changes are very rapid.

Before the competition, many warriors will challenge in private. Those who were previously ranked low may quickly become stronger, and some newcomers will appear.

Lin Mo took a look at his ranking, and it was not too high, only twenty-five.

The above is just a simple record: Lin Mo, Lan Fengcheng warrior, pinnacle warrior (guess), record, defeated Bai Mucong, skills, unknown.

When Lin Mo fought before, there was no energy to display, so the observers did not know Lin Mo’s strength.

In addition, Bai Mucong, who Lin Mo defeated, is the last one, so naturally it will not be too high.

Lin Mo took a look at the list and found that it was not himself who had changed the most, but another woman named Qin Lenglan.

There was no other party’s name on the list before, but now it suddenly soars to third.

In the opponent’s record, there was only one record, and that was a tie with the second-ranked Sikong Yuehua, a junior martial artist-level strength.

After Lin Mo finished watching, he went back to his room and continued to practice.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Early in the morning, Lin Mo changed into a black suit for combat, and his whole body looked heroic.

With the blood dragon knife on his back, after meeting Zhou Xingqing and others in the hall, they moved towards the resistance of the gathering.

During the fifteen days of cultivation, Lin Mo estimates that his strength has exceeded 4 million catties.

However, there is no power test machine in the hotel, so he is not sure.

As for the concussion skills, there is still no breakthrough, but Lin Mo feels that if it is a breakthrough, the enhanced strength of the skills is probably much stronger than before.

Although it is cool to have no bottleneck, it is not a bad thing to have a bottleneck. A bottleneck actually suppresses your progress, but does not eliminate your efforts. When the bottleneck is broken, all your efforts will burst out instantly.

Following the crowd to the square, people from other branches also gradually arrived.

The Beast Martial Arts Museum has branches in 42 cities.

There are ten people in each branch, for a total of 420 people.

At this time, the people in these martial arts halls stood still under the leadership of their respective curators.

After waiting for about half an hour, everyone arrived.

Then, on the high platform in front of the square, some big people also appeared.

None of these people have the aura of restraint, and the worst is the pinnacle of the martial artist.

And the three people in the middle are even more terrifying in strength. They did not conceal their cultivation base, and the martial artist marks on their foreheads are also revealed, and they are impressive martial artists.

“Everyone, I am the curator of the Beast Martial Arts Museum, Qiu Fengyun, and there are two deputy curators next to him. Many people must have seen us. Of course, there have been many newcomers this year. We can meet each other.” Qiu Fengyun shouted loudly. road.

Without going through a loudspeaker, his voice spread throughout the square, even Lin Mo suspected that the entire city could hear it.

“This competition is the same as before. You will be put into a wilderness, where there are alien beasts and various treasures. When you come out, you will record points according to the things you get, and the one with the most points will win the championship.”

“In it, you can fight, but you can’t kill. Killing is disqualified. No other requirements.”

Qiu Fengyun waved his hand after speaking, and immediately the curators began to lead people toward the venue of the competition.

Lin Mo originally thought that the trial location would be outside the city, but then found out that it was actually in a training ground inside the city.

This training field is huge, almost as big as Lanfeng City.

It can only be said that Xuanwu City is too big, and the three major martial arts halls are the overlords here, occupying too much space.

All the personnel entered through the eight gates of the training ground, and then quickly rushed towards the inside.

The training ground is huge, with hundreds of people entering. It is estimated that there is a lot of space for one person at one kilometer station.

As these people entered, at this time, the curators in charge, as well as some warriors from the headquarters, quickly entered a hall. In the hall, there were a lot of surveillance videos.

From here, you can see the situation.

For example, from the video at this time, it can be seen that every other distance, there is a law enforcement officer.

These people all guarantee that the warrior will not have trouble inside.

At this time, in addition to the people in the Beast Martial Arts Hall, the other two martial arts halls also had high-level officials to watch.

One of them was the elder Wang Lin Mo had seen in a firm before.

Wang Lao, as a powerful King of Wu, sat in the forefront with Qiu Fengyun and others.

At this time, the competition finally officially started.

In the training ground, there are trees everywhere, and there are even some ruins, which is almost indistinguishable from the wilderness.

Lin Mo walked casually, he didn’t care too much. For the column to hunt and kill the alien beast, as long as he encountered it easily, he was more interested in the so-called treasure.

According to the rules of the game, the things obtained in it will go out, but the points will be registered instead of handing in.

However, Lin Mo’s luck seemed to be bad. Not long after he left, he ran into a martial arts-level bipedal dragon.

At this time, in the lobby, the video about Lin Mo quickly zoomed in, while some video content was zoomed out.

The video here will quickly switch the size and so on according to the degree of primary and secondary.

Many people sighed when they saw Lin Mo encountered a martial artist-level strange animal as soon as he entered.

“This kid has bad luck. I met a junior general-level monster as soon as I entered, so he won’t be eliminated immediately, right?”

“Probably, I remember that this person is the 25th martial artist, the pinnacle martial artist, the strength is good, but it’s a pity.”

At this time, several people sitting with Zhou Xingqing all looked at Zhou Xingqing.

Everyone in the martial arts hall will wear their own martial arts badge when they enter, so they can tell at a glance that the person is from the Lanfeng City branch hall.

“Lao Zhou, it seems that your Lan Fengcheng is out of luck. It was hard to come up with a powerful one. As a result, as soon as you entered, you encountered a general-level monster. I am afraid I will quit.” The curator of the Xuanhucheng branch next to it. Said with a smile.

“Yes, it’s a pity. In the past few years, your branch library did not perform well, and you didn’t get much resources. This year, it looks the same.” Another curator also said with a smile.

The annual competition is actually a resource allocation. The better the results, the more resources are allocated.

No matter how good the relationship is in normal times, when others have fewer resources, they will naturally get more resources.

Zhou Xingqing smiled slightly: “For some things, it’s better not to rush to conclusions before the results are shown.”

“Oh, so, isn’t this kid still a junior martial artist?” The other said with a smile, obviously not believing it.

Last year, there was no such person in the Blue Maple Martial Arts Hall. They suddenly appeared this year. They were very surprised to have the strength of the peak martial artist. They really didn’t believe in the strength of the junior martial artist.

At this time, in the training ground, the two-legged dragon quickly rushed towards Lin Mo, and at the same time a pseudo-dragon’s breath came out from the two-legged dragon’s mouth, which was a high-strength corrosive liquid.

Lin Mo jumped up abruptly and easily avoided the bipedal dragon. The next second, he kicked out towards the bipedal dragon.

The bipedal dragon is huge, with a height of more than a dozen meters and a length of 20 meters, just like a huge beast.

But Lin Mo kicked his body and the whole bipedal dragon flew out. After rolling in the air, it hit the ground fiercely.

Before he got up, Lin Mo stepped on its head again, and with a bang, the bipedal dragon’s head exploded and died completely.

In the hall, the exclamation sounds one after another at this time, they were all surprised.

For them, elementary general level monsters can also be easily killed, but a young martial arts member actually has such strength.

The eyes of many curators flickered, and this time there was such a strong man in Blue Maple City. It’s hard to tell the situation this time.

“Zhou Xingqing, I didn’t expect you to hide deep enough.” Curator Xuanhucheng said in surprise.

Zhou Xingqing smiled and said, “That’s natural. This time, I’m here for the champion.”

He looked at Lin Mo on the screen, full of expectation.

At this time, the prince sitting in front was also slightly surprised.

“Why, the elder Wang knew him.” Qiu Fengyun said with a smile.

“I don’t know, but he saw it when he entered the city before, and he discovered that he was a good seedling at the time, but he missed it at the time, but he didn’t expect him to be so strong.” Wang Lao said with a smile.

“Who doesn’t know that Mr. Wang is the most accurate person. Since you said he is a good seedling, it seems that this little guy has a good talent.” Qiu Fengyun said with a smile.

He was also very happy that a new genius had appeared in Baiju Wuguan.

In the training ground, Lin Mo took out the inner core of the bipedal dragon and then moved on.

Not long after, two other warriors from Ice and Snow City passed by here, and their expressions changed drastically.

At a glance, they recognized that this was a general-level strange beast.

“Could it be that Jin Chengyu made the shot?”

“I don’t know, it may be other people who are advancing in the rankings. They are really ferocious. They directly blow the head of the alien beast. Let’s go quickly. Such people are not something we can deal with.”

The two hurried away, not daring to stay.

ps: More than four thousand words big chapter.

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