Chapter 24

Lin Mo got up early the next morning.

He didn’t practice yesterday, and he seemed a little uncomfortable, and he started exercising early in the morning.

There are still more than a hundred pills in his body, which can satisfy the cultivation for the time being.

After cultivating at noon and adding more than 60,000 jin of strength, Lin Mo finished his practice.

The spirit looked a little tired.

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo walked out of the room.

There is still half a month before the competition. During this time, they can stay in the hotel or walk around the city at will.

Lin Mo came out late, and the others had already gone to the headquarters to hang out.

The rules of the headquarters of the Baishou Wuguan are similar to those of the branch halls, so there is no need to pay special attention.

If there is any difference, there are probably more strong people here.

Lin Mo asked about the road and also came to the inside of the martial arts hall.

As soon as Lin Mo entered the martial arts hall, he saw a warrior who came from Blue Maple City hurriedly running out of it.

When the man saw Lin Mo, his eyes lit up and he shouted: “Lin Mo, something has happened. Our people have been bullied by other branches.”

“What’s the matter?” Lin Mo asked.

“When we came before, we met people from Blood Moon City. During the last match, we formed some beams. This time the other party made trouble for us, and several people have been rewarded by them. Now Qin Chuan and them Fight, but the situation is not good.” The man said anxiously.

“Why, can you play before the competition?” Lin Mo was a little curious.

He is also not clear about some rules.

“The two parties have agreed, and just go to the ring. Lin Mo, go there.”

Lin Mo nodded, no matter what, he is now a member of the Beast Martial Arts Hall in Blue Maple City, so naturally he wants to stand together.

Following this person, Lin Mo quickly entered the martial arts hall, and soon Lin Mo came to the side of the ring.

On the ring, Qin Chuan was fighting with the people in the Blood Moon Martial Arts Hall, but the situation was not good.

Qin Chuan’s strength is pretty good, comparable to an inferior advanced warrior.

The people at the Blood Moon Martial Arts Hall opposite were standard high-level martial artists.

The strength of the same high-level martial artist is actually very different. Those who have just entered the high-level martial artist have a strength of about 300,000 jin, while some peak high-level fighters have a strength of 500,000 jin.

Among them, there is a huge difference in the strength of 200,000 catties.


Qin Chuan was slapped on the chest by the opponent, and he flew out of the ring directly.

Seeing that it was about to fall on the ground, Lin Mo’s beast gave it a hold and placed it gently on the ground.

Lin Mo took a look, his injury was a bit serious, and his ribs were broken. Unless he took some pills, otherwise, the competition after half a month would be nothing to compare.

“From the Lanfeng City branch, anyone else, come up to me, haha, waste is waste, it’s all rubbish, I can’t help but fight at all.”

Qin Chuan’s face flushed when he heard the other party’s words.

Lin Mo also looked a little cold. With a tap of his foot, he went directly to the ring.

Seeing another person from Lanfeng City Martial Arts Center coming up, the person opposite sneered and shouted: “Remember, what defeated you was…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Mo: “Needless to say, I won’t remember his name for any rubbish.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Bai Mucong was furious, and he dared to underestimate himself like this.

He shouted coldly: “Since you are trying to die, I will perfect you and the battle will begin!”

Bai Mucong said and rushed towards Lin Mo quickly.

There is no referee in this kind of small arena, and the battle has already begun from the moment the two sides stand on the arena.

Bai Mucong pressed hard at his feet and hit Lin Mo with a fierce punch, hitting Lin Mo’s chest with one punch.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn’t respond, he smiled coldly in his heart. He couldn’t think so. He thought he was just a paper tiger, and he couldn’t even avoid it.

After he hit with one punch, he felt something was wrong, then he hit a few more punches, and then quickly backed away.

The people at the Lanfeng City Martial Arts Center were initially shocked, but then found that Lin Mo was fine, and then he was relieved.

Lin Mo swept his clothes and said contemptuously, “This is your strength.”

It’s not that Lin Mo looks down on him, it’s just that this strength is too weak.

Bai Mucong’s strength is actually pretty good. He is more than half a million catties. He is not a high-level warrior, but has reached the level of a peak warrior.

It’s just that for Lin Mo, there is no difference between a high-level warrior and a pinnacle warrior, they are all the same weak.

“How can it be?”

Bai Mucong’s face changed drastically, and he couldn’t believe it.

Although he didn’t use his full strength in the first punch, but in the next few punches, one punch was stronger than one punch.

But Lin Mo has nothing to do.

At this moment, several people in the crowd looked at Lin Mo with serious eyes.

These people are the real powerhouses in each branch, and they are also real contenders in the annual competition.

“It seems that this year’s Lanfeng City Martial Arts Hall is not easy,” said a young man standing in the crowd.

“Very strong, very good, if there is no such opponent, wouldn’t this competition be boring.”

In the crowd, a heroic woman said with a smile.

On the ring, Lin Mo chuckled softly: “Since you have done it, then I will do it next.”

Lin Mo’s voice fell, his whole person disappeared in an instant, appeared in front of Bai Mu Cong, and kicked out.


Bai Mucong’s body flew out without even having a chance to evade. He slammed into a pillar, then bounced back to the ground, spitting out blood.

Lin Mo said slowly: “You interrupted Qin Chuan’s two ribs, and I interrupted your six ribs. This is a lesson for you. Next time you bully me in Blue Maple City, think about it.”

The entire arena area was silent, with only Lin Mo’s voice.

Lin Mo turned his head to look at the remaining warriors in Blood Moon City, and asked, “Is anyone from Blood Moon City coming up?”

A few warriors in Blood Moon City wanted to scold their mother, so they went up.

Lin Mo just defeated the strongest in their branch.

Even the strongest guy was kicked and broken six bones by Lin Mo. Did they go up there and plan to break twelve ribs?

For a while, these people remained silent.

The people in Blue Maple City also looked at Lin Mo in shock, then flushed and extremely excited.

At this moment, as the Lanfeng City Martial Arts Hall, they felt dignity and glory.

Looking at the people in the Blood Moon Martial Arts Hall, Lin Mo also knew that they were afraid to come up, so he turned and jumped off the ring.

“Let’s go.” Lin Mo shouted.

These people hurriedly carried Qin Chuan and followed away, and the crowd had parted a road since.

Lin Mo and others returned to the martial arts gym, Zhou Xingqing came back soon.

Checked everyone’s injuries, and then heaved a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, it’s okay. Take some pills, and you can still catch up with the competition.”

Zhou Xingqing was really worried just now. In fact, this kind of thing happens every year before the big competition.

The Hundred Beast Museum encourages struggle, so there is no prohibition.

It just happened this year in their Lanfeng City Martial Arts Hall.

Even though Lin Mo is his most optimistic, he can’t let everyone else play.

“Lin Mo, thanks to you this time.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

“I am also Blue Maple City, I should.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

At this time, a person in the martial arts hall walked in and said, “Chairman, everyone, the star warrior list has come out.”

Star list?

Lin Mo has chased stars in his previous life, but in this world, do martial artists also have stars?

He took a look at the list and found that it was a ranking list of martial artists participating in the competition at the Baiju Wushu Hall.

There were thirty people in line.

Lin Mo took a look, but his name was not on it.

But it’s normal. It’s the first time for him to participate. Others don’t know it’s normal.

However, he saw an acquaintance on it, Bai Mucong who had just been defeated by himself.

This guy is at the bottom. If the list is updated, he should be replaced by himself, and he may even move up a few places.

Lin Mo looked first.

Jin Chengyu, a junior martial artist, has participated in two competitions, and his personal performance was the first in the previous competition.

There are two algorithms for the competition, one is for single player, and the other is for branch library results.

The scores of the branch libraries are the sum of the scores of all members.

The above briefly introduces Jin Chengyu’s skills and expertise, but it is not detailed.

Lin Mo looked at the second place, Sikong Yuehua.

This is a woman. The woman in the photo is very beautiful, full of heroic spirit, and is wearing white clothes.

Sikong Yuehua, a junior martial artist, also participated in two competitions, and led the martial arts members to win the first place last year.

In addition to these two people, Lin Mo glanced at the others. Among them, there were five of them at the martial arts level, and the rest were pinnacle martial artists.

In terms of information, the information recorded by Bai Mucong is also a pinnacle warrior.

“What, are you confident?” Zhou Xingqing asked with a smile.

“It’s okay, it’s not difficult.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

The others slapped their tongues, they knew that Zhou Xingqing was asking about the champion.

“That’s good, I still have a Vermillion Bird Pill. If you can get the first place in Lanfeng Martial Arts Hall, I will give it to you.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up. Zhuque Dan and Lu Tie Dan are of the same level, but unlike Lu Tie Dan, which enhances physical strength, Zhu Que Dan enhances mental power.

“Then thank the curator.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Zhou Xingqing left soon, and Lin Mo also left. Instead of returning to his martial arts gym, he wandered around the city.

Soon, he actually met an acquaintance.

ps: A big chapter with more than three thousand words. .

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