Chapter 215


“Tianlong Taoist, you take Wang Liang back to the cave first. There is formation blessing in the cave. If this group of gray wolves can’t get in, I will go and meet the gray wolf king for a while!”

Taoist Tianlong heard what Lin Mo said, and was immediately shocked.

“Lin Mo, don’t be impulsive. This time is different from last time. Compared with the pack of wolves, the previous batch of strange beasts are not at the same level!

Besides, most of the treasures in this secret realm have already been taken into your hands, so why bother to fight for a wolf king? ”

“This Cang Wolf King is extremely important to me. This is my chance! Besides, I don’t have any means to save my life. Don’t worry, take Wang Liang back with you.”

As soon as Lin Mo’s voice 787 fell, the whole person had already rushed in the direction of the group of wolves.

Lin Mo’s words made the Taoist Tianlong put his heart at ease. After all, he knew that Lin Mo had subdued the flood dragon, and the flood dragon helped Lin Mo. Even if he faced this group of gray wolves, he would still have the power to fight.

But Wang Liang, who was not aware of this incident, felt that Lin Mo was a true hero!

Even his previous views on Lin Mo have completely changed, and the grievances in his heart have completely dissipated, and there is a trace of awe in his eyes when he looks at Lin Mo.


There was a sharp roar, (bdeh) the entire wolf pack was under the control of the wolf king, and it instantly dispersed and circled in the direction of Lin Mo.

And Lin Mo didn’t rush, the flame whip appeared in his hand instantly.

As the distance narrowed, Lin Mo could see the appearance of these gray wolves thoroughly.

The Cang Wolf King was completely white, with a blue-white crescent mark on his forehead, and his body was more than three times larger than an ordinary Cang Wolf.

The blood-red eyes were full of violence, and the sharp teeth were already full of saliva.

Lin Mo is very greedy for the body of the Canglang King, and how about the Canglang King!

With a low roar from the Cang Wolf King, the wolves have already launched an offensive trend.

In just an instant, more than a dozen wolves had already rushed forward.

Looking at this posture, I’m afraid I was thinking of directly tearing Lin Mo’s body.

Lin Mo gave a cold snort, and the flame whip in his hand whizzed away.

In just an instant, the five whips had already been swung.

The gray wolf who had just surrounded him was kicked upside down by the blazing whip and flew out.

Laying on the ground wailing in bursts.

You must know that although this flame whip has a certain amount of damage to the body, it is really aimed at the soul.

The pain of tearing the soul was basically irresistible to this group of gray wolves.

In just the blink of an eye, the few gray wolves surrounding the front had lost the power to resist.

For a while, the gray wolf who was behind only stopped his footsteps and stared at him, but he didn’t dare to step forward.

The Cang Wolf King was full of anger when he saw this scene, and a roar came.

Soon, the gray wolves who had surrounded him directly rushed over.

Relying on the wisdom of the Canglang King, he has already distinguished it, and Lin Mo can’t help but with those few low-powered Canglang wolves.

And every gray wolf is very precious. Their family is still relatively difficult to give birth. If it weren’t for this weakness, this secret realm would have been occupied by the gray wolf family.

Rather than letting the pack of wolf cubs die, it would be better to let the powerful gray wolves next to them pass and take Lin Mo’s life.

At that time, as long as Lin Mo is swallowed, its strength can go further! .

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