Chapter 214

Taoist Tianlong sneered.

“It’s just some clowns who don’t need Lin Mo to take action at all. I am enough to clean them up.

If they dare to come over, I will tell them to come back and forth! ”

Hearing this, Wang Liang on the side even wondered if he had misheard, why even the Taoist Tianlong had become so strong.

Looking at Lin Mo on the side again, he found that Lin Mo’s expression was very flat from beginning to end, and he didn’t seem to regard these things as things at all.

But on second thought, Lin Mo’s methods are indeed strong.

If these people really match up, I’m afraid the winner will still be Lin Mo.

The three of them ate and drank enough, and then each immersed in their own cultivation. The powerful energy brought by the flesh and blood of this alien beast needs to be absorbed and refined by themselves, otherwise it will be wasted.

The night fell quietly and without interest.


Low roars sounded in my ears.

Hearing this sound, Wang Liang’s body was trembling.

He is very familiar with this voice, he already knew the source of this voice long before.

It is a very large pack of gray wolves, and the number of wolves has almost exceeded hundreds.

In addition, the wolf king among the wolves has also reached a strength comparable to that of the intermediary Wuzong, and there are also many low-level Wuzongs in the wolf group.

They are a group of organized and disciplined wolves, under the leadership of the wolf king, they are enough to dominate the entire secret realm.

Lin Mo Tianlong Taoist glanced at each other, then got up and walked out.

When Wang Liang saw this situation, he was about to shout something, but suddenly remembered his embarrassing identity. Then he closed his mouth, slowly stood up and forced his trembling legs to follow the two of them’s ass. Walked out behind.

A round moon hung in the sky, and under the shining of this round moon, one could clearly see a group of gray wolves slowly moving in their direction in the distance.

I don’t know if it is an illusion or something, Lin Mo only vaguely feels that there is a smell of evil spirit coming from him.

The wolf king in the distance seemed to have spotted them too, his eyes were full of blood red, and he howled in a low voice, and then the whole wolves howled.

“No, it found us~”!”

Taoist Tianlong said, he could feel the retreat in his heart from his tone.

“What to do, let’s run! We have no chance of winning against the gray wolves!”

Wang Liang’s whole voice trembled, and he was extremely scared now.

I even regret coming to this secret realm. It can be said that there are wolves and tigers behind.

Looking at this huge pack of wolves, Lin Mo is still thinking about how to maximize the benefits.

The strength of this Canglang King has reached the limit of the middle-rank Wuzong, and it is possible to step into the high-rank at any time.

Are you going to stay? !

At this moment, Lin Mo only heard an old voice coming from Linghai.

“. 々Master, that Canglang (Zhao Qianzhao) is not an ordinary thing, especially the wolf king in the race, it can be said to be a treasure, if there is something best in the whole secret realm, it is him!

Although the wolf king’s strength is only the middle-rank Wuzong, the essence contained in his flesh and blood has already surpassed the middle-rank Wuzong.

Moreover, the beast core contained in his body, if the owner can absorb it, is enough to advance to the high-end Wuzong paper. ”

After Lin Mo heard these words from Jiaolong, he already had a decision in his heart! .

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