Chapter 168

There is actually very little meaning of life in the world tree, just a little bit.

Even Lin Mo is very difficult to comprehend.

However, it is still a little bit of comprehension, and every time he comprehends, Lin Mo can gain something.

According to Lin Mo’s calculation, it will take about three months to fully comprehend it.

At that time, he will be able to have the law of life.

With reference to the laws in the tree of life, Lin Mo still took more than three months. It is conceivable how difficult it is to comprehend.

You know, when Lin Mo realized the profound meaning, it only took a few days.

And with the improvement of Lin Mo’s strength, his comprehension is actually increasing.

In fact, as everyone’s strength improves, so does their comprehension.

After all, the higher the level, the more complicated it is. If there is no improvement, it is still the same as before. It is basically impossible to realize it.

It’s just that someone promotes more.

Three months passed quickly, and Lin Mo was almost undisturbed in the cave.

Occasionally, there will be some resentful spirits and evil beasts, and they will be completely wiped out by Lin Mo in the slap. 13

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Standing in front of the machine, Lin Mo punched it.

4.536.2 million.

Only a few hundred million catties away from the advanced Wu Zong.

Lin Mo punched out again.


The whole mountain trembled.

This time Lin Mo added spiritual power.

Eighty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-five million catties.

When he broke out with all his strength, his power had reached the peak of Wuzong’s strength.

Lin Mo’s thought power still far exceeds his physical strength. This allows Lin Mo to add his body with his thought power alone. There is no need to superimpose any fields, shock power, etc.

Lin Mo opened his hand, and a little energy quickly condensed in his hand.

After three months of comprehension, he finally mastered the law of life.

Although few, but also mastered.

“Go out and take a look to see where the resentful spirits and beasts in this intermediate Wuzong area come from.”

The wraith spirits and evil beasts in the primary Wuzong area came out of the sea.

There is no ocean in the intermediate Wuzong area, so it should come from other places.

Although entering the intermediate Wuzong area this time, Lin Mo almost harvested 60,000 square energy crystals.

In addition to his previous energy crystals, the current energy crystals on his body have reached more than 80,000 square meters.

With so many energy crystals, it is estimated that some martial sages are not as rich as him.

Just after flying, Lin Mo felt something was wrong.

The power of cause and effect constantly warns that some people have to deal with themselves.

But there is no such feeling of danger.

Lin Mo didn’t feel wrong. His current strength is very strong. It is estimated that he can be the overlord in the high-level Wuzong area. In this intermediate Wuzong area, basically no one can do it if he wants to deal with himself.

Lin Mo flew towards the place where the power of cause and effect warned.

He wanted to see who it was that he wanted to deal with himself.

After flying for a while, he felt like he had entered a big formation.

At this time, more than a dozen Wu Zongs watched Lin Mo actually enter the big formation they arranged, and they were a little confused and surprised.

Prior to this, they also discussed, intending to let someone attract Lin Mo to come.

This kind of work is very dangerous. After all, Lin Mo is very powerful. If he tries to attract him, he may just die.

Of course, they also prepared enough treasures for the people who went there to ensure that the person can support and guide Lin Mo to this large array.

Of course, the most important thing to do before booting is to find Lin Mo.

If you can’t find it, how to guide it.

It’s just that they searched for more than a month, but they didn’t find Lin Mo.

This is too common on the ancient battlefield.

Many people just look for a place to retreat, while others can hardly find it.

Therefore, the person who led him did not set out at this time.

When seeing Lin Mo taking the initiative to enter this big formation, Wu Zong who was in charge of guiding almost laughed to death.

“Start the big formation.” one of them shouted.

Suddenly, the large formation quickly started and blocked Lin Mo inside.

Immediately, the twelve Wuzongs flew up quickly.

One of them looked at Lin Mo and shouted: “Lin Mo, you are looking for death by yourself, so don’t blame us.”

Lin Mo looked at them and said with a smile: “Since I am dying, can you tell me why you killed me?”

Lin Mo took a look. The twelve people seemed to come from different forces, which made him even more curious.

Although these people do not belong to the seven major forces, it is not simple to be able to unite twelve intermediate Wuzongs of different forces at once.

One of them sneered and said: “Lin Mo, blame yourself for killing so many Wuzongs of the Eternal Dao Sect. The other party has released a reward, and the reward is too rich. If you kill you today, we can get those rewards. .”

Lin Mo was a little surprised, it turned out to be like this.

At this time, thunder and lightning appeared in the blocked area.

The power of these thunder and lightning is extremely powerful, impressively high-level Wuzong peak lethality.

This makes these people very confident.

If such an attack falls on them, it is estimated that with a single blow, they can be completely finished.

At this time, there were thousands of such lightning in the blockade area.

At this time, these people quickly recorded a video. After Lin Mo of the province was killed by them, the Eternal Dao Sect did not believe it.

Not only that, they also started a live broadcast to let some people they know to witness together.

At this time, many people in the ancient battlefield have seen the situation here.

When they saw Lin Mo trapped inside and about to be attacked by the elementary Wuzong 757, these people were also completely shocked.


Thunder finally fell!

Thunder and lightning slashed on Lin Mo’s body.

Lin Mo discovered that this turned out to be a good opportunity to strengthen his body.

Under the attack of such lightning, I didn’t need to take pills to replenish energy.

This is definitely a very good time for cultivation.

Lin Mo started doing push-ups inside.

Thunder and lightning struck Lin Mo’s body without causing any harm to Lin Mo.

The picture at this time was shocking to many people, but at the same time it felt very strange.

Lin Mo found that in this situation, the effect was much better than his previous practice.

This kind of cultivation is estimated to be equivalent to the previous five days of cultivation.

Although these thunders are tough, Lin Mo’s body is extremely tough now.

Moreover, he himself possesses the profound meaning of Thunder, so there is no need to worry about getting hurt.

Soon, the first wave of Thunder attacks passed.

In the sealed area, Lin Mo is intact, nothing happened.

The twelve Wu Zongs looked at this situation, and they were all chilling.

They looked at each other, and they all saw the panic in each other’s eyes.

The next moment, they were ready to flee.

At this time they were full of regrets, and they would not have come to kill Lin Mo if they knew it.

Now I don’t know if I can survive next time. .

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