Chapter 167

Seeing that Lin Mo killed a disciple of the Eternal Dao Sect in a blink of an eye, those present were terrified.

Lin Mo can easily kill the people of the Eternal Dao Sect, so easily can kill them.

This strength is really abnormal.

Lin Mo waved his fists one after another and hit them hard.

For him, there is no difficulty in breaking these guys.

boom! boom! boom……

All the disciples of the Eternal Dao Sect died, and the soul power was swallowed by Lin Mo with the soul.

Immediately Lin Mo made a move, and Lin Mo put away the space rings of these people.

Lin Mo checked, and it was another 20,000 energy crystal income, which made him very satisfied.

He quickly looked around, wanting to see if there were any disciples who would reach the eternal sect.

However, Lin Mo is looking at the eternal Taoist school, but in the eyes of others, Seven-Five-Seven is not the case.

In their view, Lin Mo was completely with them, thinking about whether to kill them.

At this moment, they were all scared, and there was a feeling that life no longer belonged to them.

Lin Mo took a look, then was a little disappointed.

There are no disciples of the Eternal Dao Sect here.

Lin Mo turned and left, ready to go to retreat and practice.

When Lin Mo left, these talents breathed a sigh of relief. Many people felt like they were in cold sweat.

They glanced at each other, and then quickly passed the message.

Now they still have many people in the same clan who don’t know the situation.

If they don’t know Lin Mo’s situation, they think that the other party is just advancing to Intermediate Wu Zong, so they are good to be bullied.

Then something big will happen.

At this time, in the intermediate Wuzong area, a large number of people received messages from their companions.

When they saw the information, they all wondered, is it playing them?

Lin Mo killed everyone of the Eternal Dao Sect in Tai Sui Mountain, and it was still a massacre.

This is a joke.

Although there are some overlord-level characters in the intermediate Wuzong area.

But for those people, at most one person can deal with three or four people of the same level.

Beyond this number, there is nothing they can do.

And this time, Lin Mo killed seven people.

At this time, inside the soul hall of the Eternal Dao Sect.

brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush!

The seven soul lamps extinguished the flames at the same time.

Watching this situation, the guards fell to the ground in shock.

He had just extinguished the eight soul lamps today, and now he had extinguished the seven soul lamps, he felt like the whole sky was going to fall.

He ran out quickly and rang the bell again.

Daozu Mingshan and others were in a meeting at this time.

There have been a lot of lost disciples recently, and these lost disciples have very strong talents.

Especially the seven people who lost in the end are all Intermediate Wuzong.

Intermediate Wuzong is already an important cornerstone of a sect.

Suddenly died so much, the entire sect was also shaken a little.

If more people were killed, there might be a fault.

Faults are a very serious matter for a sect.

This means that when the current martial sages die, the entire eternal Dao Sect will not have a strong enough martial sage to succeed.

At that time, it was the time when the Eternal Dao Sect perished.

The reason why the seven forces are the most powerful is because they all have enough top powers.

Once it doesn’t, it doesn’t deserve to have such a good resource.

When the bell rang again, the faces of these people changed drastically, and they rushed toward the soul hall again.

When seeing the seven soul lamps in the soul hall, the ancestor of Mingshan only felt black.

He shouted angrily: “Let all Wu Zong who are on the ancient battlefield come back.”

At this moment, he didn’t care what happened, he had to call people back, otherwise, they would not be able to withstand death like this.

Soon, the eternal Dao Sect disciple on the ancient battlefield was quickly summoned back.

But this time, it became clear quickly how these people died.

After all, there are so many people who saw Lin Mo killing the eternal Taoist people.

And some of these people have very good relationships with the Eternal Dao Sect.

After knowing the truth of the matter, Dao Ancestor Mingshan was almost out of breath.

“Lin Mo, it’s actually because of Lin Mo, this bastard.” Dao Ancestor Mingshan roared.

He quickly released the mission to kill Lin Mo to various killer organizations.

This time, not only him, but the entire Eternal Dao Sect gave out something valuable enough as a reward.

Those things can even make many Wu Zong crazy.

Soon, this kid passed to Xuanguang Holy Land…

Soon, the five holy masters all got news.

They gathered together quickly.

Zhuge Liufeng exclaimed: “This Lin Mo is really cruel, this eternal Taoist school, this time there are many strong men killed, we must be careful of their revenge.”

Mu Tianqin sneered: “Retaliation? If they want to go to war, then we will accompany them. If we have the ability, let them enter the ancient battlefield and fight Lin Mo. Even if they can kill Lin Mo, I have nothing to say.”

“No matter what, this time the people who forced the Eternal Dao Sect to withdraw from the ancient battlefield. For us, it is a great thing.” Gu Tianni said with a smile.

The two sects originally had great hatred, so Lin Mo’s actions did not make Wan Guangming and the others dissatisfied, but very happy.

This is the second time they have occupied such a big advantage in these years.

For the first time, Lin Mo killed all the disciples of Eternal Dao Sect in the Secret Realm of Morning Light.

Wan Guangming smiled and said: “I didn’t expect Lin Mo to grow up so fast, he could already kill Intermediate Wu Zong easily. I’m afraid it won’t be long before he can reach our level.”

Several other people also nodded.

too fast!

“This kid’s talent is really terrifying.” Sikong Mingfeng sighed.

Regarding Lin Mo, they actually also probed, and they didn’t find any treasures of Lin Mo.

So, everything can only be attributed to Lin Mo’s talent is really terrifying.

“No matter what, we just need to stand on Lin Mo’s side.” Wan Guangming said with a smile 4.7.

At this time, on the ancient battlefield, Lin Mo finally found a new place to practice.

There are no grottoes and oceans in the intermediate Wu Zongqie area, so what Lin Mo did in the junior Wu Zong area before can’t be done here.

But here, there are rolling mountains.

Lin Mo chose a mountain, opened up a cave, and then hid in it to practice.

Lin Mo’s cultivation is not about energy cultivation. In this way, one of the biggest problems is avoided, that is, getting confused.

If he doesn’t practice energy, he can stop at any time once someone is disturbed, so he doesn’t worry about someone coming to make trouble.

Lin Mo took out the World Tree. He had comprehended this thing before. It is indeed a law-level thing, but he hasn’t comprehended it until now.

Lin Mo began to practice, and at the same time he was comprehending this thing. .

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