Chapter 158

Lin Mo continued to pick flowers.

He is extremely safe on the surface of the sea, these plants will only look for targets in the bottom of the sea, and will never come to the surface of the sea.

Even Lin Mo suspects that these guys should not be able to come to the surface of the sea. Once out of the sea, it is estimated that they will wither quickly like the flower.

Of course, ordinary people can’t pick it. Wu Zong’s attack can reach this distance within more than 6,000 meters, but they can’t do it if they want to pick flowers from this distance and bring them back.

Even if it does, it is estimated that these plants will attack wildly.

Soon, ten more flowers were picked by Lin Mo.

These flowers withered quickly, the resentful spirits rushed out, and Lin Mo quickly killed them.

Gradually, all the flowers in this area were picked by Lin Mo.

Looking at the hundreds of souls in his hand, Lin Mo was full of satisfaction.

For others to earn so many souls, I don’t know how long it will take, and even if they stay in one place until they are promoted, they may not be able to obtain such a soul.

Lin Mo estimated that the souls he collected this time were enough to advance to the intermediate or even advanced Wuzong.

At this time, Lin Mo found that these plants began to recede. They were like snakes, moving fast in the other direction of the dead sea.

Soon, in the place covered by Lin Mo’s field, these plants were no longer visible.

But Lin Mo doesn’t care, the flowers here have been picked by himself, and it doesn’t matter if these plants run away.

He started to grab those shells.

It takes more effort to catch these shells than to catch those flowers.

Catch those flowers, Lin Mo can catch ten flowers at once.

However, only 13 of these shells can be caught at one time.

But Lin Mo is not in a hurry, he has time to catch it slowly now.

The first shell was caught, and the shell was quickly opened, and the bloody energy inside quickly condensed, forming a monster.

This beast was smaller than the normal beasts. It had just successfully condensed and seemed to be a little confused. Then the scarlet eyes looked at Lin Mo, and after a roar, he slew towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo slapped it down, and directly killed the evil beast.

Immediately, he threw the shell back into the sea.

After the shell returned to the sea, it actually moved quickly, as if it was alive, which surprised Lin Mo.

Lin Mo continued to grab the shells.

There are probably more than 300 shells under his domain.

Unlike plants, there is no connection between different shells. Lin Mo grabs them one by one without disturbing the other shells, allowing them to flee toward the deeper waters.

Soon, all the more than 300 shells were caught by Lin Mo, and he harvested more than 300 corpses of monsters.

Immediately, Lin Mo began to change places.

Originally, he was moving towards deeper waters, but the next moment, Lin Mo felt a sense of crisis, and suddenly gave up this idea.

Immediately, he began to continue arresting along the coastline.

The coastline here is hundreds of kilometers long.

Lin Mo reckons that if he catches all of them, the accumulated wealth will be terrible.

Lin Mo continued to grab the flowers. This time, he grabbed hundreds of flowers and hundreds of shells.

Looking at the harvest of a few more souls and hundreds of corpses of evil beasts, Lin Mo’s smile was even more overflowing.

He continued to move towards the next area.

But this time when he opened the domain, he was stunned. Not only was there no plants in this area, but he couldn’t even see half of the shells.

“How could this happen?” Lin Mo frowned, moving towards the next place.

As a result, the next one is still not there.

“Is it because I caught too hard, these plants and shells notified their companions?”

The more Lin Mo thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

This time, instead of staying in the next area, he rushed directly to ten miles away.

When he released the domain again, he saw that the plants and shells here were retreating.

“Sure enough, as I expected.”

Lin Mo grabbed it quickly.

As he began to grab, the plants and shells escaped faster.

Lin Mo grabbed it and rushed to the next area quickly.

Every time he stopped after four or five miles, he was basically able to ensure that the place covered by his domain would not be empty, at least there would still be some shells and plants.

When finally visiting the entire coastline, Lin Mo calculated his own gains.

A total of more than three thousand four hundred souls were obtained, and a total of three thousand two hundred for the killer’s corpse.

“It is estimated that for a long time, there will be no resentful spirits and evil beasts in this sea of ​​death.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

Without the wraith spirit and the evil beast, the income of other people is estimated to be reduced a lot.

But Lin Mo didn’t care.

He looked at this sea of ​​death, and suddenly he couldn’t bear it.

This should not be called the sea of ​​death, but it should be called the sea of ​​treasures.

Sure enough, everyone who can get out of here alive can reap huge benefits.

Lin Mo finally left this place.

He plans to come to visit when he is free in the future to see if these plants and shells come.

Lin Mo looked at the ocean in the distance, and it was still a pity. If there was no danger, he would move towards the depths of the ocean, and he would be able to catch more resentful spirits and beasts.

And Lin Mo suspects that there are other treasures in the deep sea area.

After Lin Mo flew for a certain distance, he found a cave to rest for a while, and then he took out a piece of soul, intending to try to absorb it.

The soul can be used for alchemy, or it can be used directly, but the effect of direct use is naturally not as good as taking the pill.

Normally people don’t do it like this, but Lin Mo has a lot of souls now and doesn’t care.

The gluttonous phantom appeared quickly, and then directly swallowed the soul.

In the next moment, Lin Mo felt a soul power quickly merge into his soul of the master.

Although it is not a lot, it is equivalent to one hour’s usual practice.

That’s right, only one hour.

For others, it may be a few days or even half a month of cultivation.

But for Lin Mo, it is an hour.

But even so, Lin Mo is very satisfied.

He didn’t refine it into a pill, and took it directly.

Pieces of souls were quickly swallowed by the gluttonous phantom and turned into Lin Mo’s soul energy.

These souls themselves are pure soul energy crystals, without any impurities, they are very easy to absorb.

Lin Mo started cultivating while absorbing it. Only when he was cultivating would he absorb it very quickly.

Of course, without the pill, Lin Mo’s increased power is very limited.

It’s a pity that the evil beast can’t be absorbed directly like the soul. Otherwise, Lin Mo won’t have to buy the medicine.

Lin Mo can absorb a piece of soul in almost one minute, sixty yuan an hour, and one thousand four hundred and forty yuan a day.

He has more than 3,000 yuan here, and he has to absorb two or three days.

However, just half a day later, Lin Mo’s Grandmaster Soul broke through and reached the intermediate Wuzong level.

With the breakthrough of the Soul of the Grand Master, Lin Mo felt that his sensitivity became stronger.

He quickly released his domain.

Before Lin Mo’s area was more than 13,000 meters, but now it has reached about 30,000 meters.

This makes Lin Mo overjoyed.

Lin Mo continued to devour the soul.

Soon, three days passed.

After all the spirits were consumed, Lin Mo sensed his grandmaster’s soul and reached the middle level of the intermediate Wuzong level.

Although his Grandmaster Soul is only an intermediate Wuzong level, it is estimated to be comparable to the pinnacle level of a first-class grandmaster. As for the second and third class, it is even higher.

“Look at the beach again.”

Lin Mo flew towards the sea again, the area expanded, so he could cover a larger area.

Lin Mo came to the beach again, but the plants and shells have not yet come back.

But he quickly expanded his domain, and sure enough, many plants and shells that fled to the deep sea area were once again within his domain.

Lin Mo grabbed it quickly.

Soon, 750 of these plants and shells felt the danger again and ran towards the deeper ocean.

However, Lin Mo still picked up a lot of souls and beast corpses.

This time, he obtained a total of 4,323 souls and 3,980 corpses of beasts.

With the lessons learned from the last time, this time Lin Mo started faster, harder and harder.

With this full harvest, Lin Mo left here with satisfaction.

But at this time, in the depths of the ocean, within a seal, a breath of terror became more and more obvious.

“I sensed that the speed at which the seal is lifted is faster. When I come out, I must kill everyone and destroy the world.”

There was a jitter on the bottom of the sea, and finally it was quiet.

Lin Mo returned to the place he had been before and started taking Soul Spirit again.

On the third day, Lin Mo felt that his master’s soul had broken through again.

The soul of the Grand Master needs to accumulate a lot of soul power every time.

Even if Lin Mo’s cultivation speed is terrifying, it is very difficult to advance quickly in a short time.

But this time, he broke through quickly, which made him extremely satisfied.

Lin Mo released his domain again. This time, his domain reached 70,000 meters.

Even Lin Mo felt terrified at this distance.

As far as he knew, Wuzong, the peak of the sect, could not reach 70,000 meters.

Sure enough, the higher the level, the greater the gap between the souls of the masters of each level.

In the next few days, Lin Mo absorbed all the remaining spirits.

But this time there was no breakthrough, and he was still at the senior master level.

After absorbing the soul, Lin Mo once again marched towards the sea of ​​death.

But this time, after investigating, he found that there were no plants and shells within 70,000 meters.

Obviously, Lin Mo’s two arrests have completely frightened these guys and ran into the deep sea area.

“It’s really regrettable. Forget it, first go back to the sect, exchange the corpse of the evil beast into energy crystals, buy some pills to replenish it, and then come back to retreat and practice.”

Lin Mo flew towards the passage of Xuanguang Holy Land. .

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