Chapter 157

Gu Zhen’s speed is extremely fast.

At this time, he continued to strengthen his leg strength, allowing himself to run faster.

At this time, he was very fortunate that his domain was a strengthened domain, which enabled him to run faster when fleeing.

“As long as I can escape this time, I must find someone to kill Lin Mo when I look back. His talent is really terrifying. He hasn’t condensed the soul of a grandmaster more than once before, and now even I have lost to him.”

Gu Zhen thought in his heart that after he went back, he would ask the ancestor Mingshan for higher benefits.

He believed that as long as the ancestor Mingshan listened to Lin Mo’s situation, it would definitely give him more benefits.

At this time, he is not worried that Lin Mo will catch up with him. Although his strength ranks third in the entire field of junior masters, he still has some confidence to rank first in terms of speed.

But soon, Gu Zhen’s face changed drastically.

“How can it be?”

Gu Zhen was extremely shocked.

Lin Mo’s speed is actually faster than him.

He can sense that Lin Mo is constantly approaching him.

Although the speed difference between the two is not particularly large, at this speed, he will definitely be caught up by Lin Mo before he escapes back to the passage of his holy land.

He is dead!

He thought quickly, and soon thought of 1,750 places.

Although entering that place is a lifetime of nine deaths, at least there is still some possibility of survival.

Gu Zhen quickly turned around and headed towards that place.

Lin Mo chased him closely. For him, since the other party wanted to kill himself, then he had to die.

The two rushed all the way, startled some resentful spirits and evil beasts along the way.

However, these resentful spirits and evil beasts hadn’t reacted yet, Lin Mo and the two had already moved far away.

At this time, the side of the blood pool returned to calm again.

Of the several Wuzong-level powerhouses who were here for Eternal Daoism, two were killed by Beifeng Canghai, and the rest escaped.

“Why is Lin Mo so strong?” Gao Chengfeng said dumbfounded.

He is still a little confused now. He originally thought that Lin Mo was dead, but the situation reversed in an instant.

Zhu Cong smiled and said: “I knew this situation a long time ago, Junior Brother Lin, that’s not right, Senior Brother Lin is extremely talented, although he has just made a breakthrough, his strength has far surpassed us.”

“Damn, then if you didn’t say it before, I was shocked.” Gao Chengfeng said angrily.

At this time, many Wu Zong experts are thankful that they did not shoot Lin Mo, otherwise, they are probably dead.

These people quickly passed the message back.

Lin Mo chased Gu Zhen and headed north.

He frowned, and already knew where the other party was going.

According to the gap between the two, he really couldn’t stop the opponent before he reached that place.

“Lin Mo, why don’t you give up chasing me, and if you go down, you will reach that place at any time, and you might die at that time.” Gu Zhen shouted loudly.

Lin Mo sneered coldly: “I want me to let you go, call out what you are on, and then abolish the soul of the grandmaster by yourself, and I will let you go.”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Gu Zhen looked gloomy.

It is impossible to hand over everything first, and it is even more impossible to abolish the soul of the grandmaster.

The soul of the grandmaster is transformed from the soul of a person.

During this process, the soul will be severely damaged. By then, he will only have less than twenty years left to survive, and he will still be a useless person.

Naturally, Gu Zhen couldn’t agree to such a condition.

He continued to fly, and finally, an ocean appeared in front of him.

The ancient battlefield not only had land, but also sea.

But unlike the oceans in other places, the ocean here and the water in it contains a strong deadness.

In fact, most of the resentful spirits and evil beasts on the ancient battlefield came out of this dead sea.

Because of this, the danger in this dead sea is extremely dangerous, and those who enter can survive out of ten without one.

But there are many good things in this dead sea, and those who can come out can usually get great benefits.

At this moment, Gu Zhen rushed over and plunged into the dead sea.

Lin Mo hesitated a little, and rushed in.

Compared to others, Lin Mo feels that the possibility of going in and coming out alive is still extremely high.

After all, he has the domain of all things, and the realm of all things can see through everything. Some dangers may be rushed by others stupidly, but Lin Mo was able to find out in advance.

As soon as he entered the sea, Lin Mo felt a wave of death rushing into his body.

After staying here for a long time, he estimated that he would become a monster.

This problem is very troublesome for others, but for Lin Mo, it is very easy to deal with.

He urged the reduction ability in the realm of all things, and suddenly these dead energy were directly decomposed into energy particles, no longer possessing dead energy characteristics.

At this time, Gu Zhan also discovered that Lin Mo had rushed into the sea.

With a cold snort in his heart, he quickly rushed towards the distance.

He released his mind at this time and tried his best to probe.

He had never been to this place, and he had to be very careful at this time.

Wu Zong’s peak strength is almost invincible on land, but in this ocean, there is no guarantee.

Lin Mo is also fully releasing the realm of all things at this time, using the power of the realm of all things, Lin Mo quickly sees the essence of all things in the sea.

For example, some plants in the sea have resentful spirits in some flower buds.

Those resentful spirits are not complete, they are still growing, and the flowers provide nutrients to the resentful spirits.

Lin Mo understood at this time that these plants are actually the resentful spirit making machines. No wonder most of the resentful spirits came out of the sea.

In addition, there are some huge shells.

Lin Mo discovered that there was no meat in these shells, but a cloud of blood energy.

Some scarlet energy gradually condensed and formed, forming a monster.

And the key to all this is lifelessness.

This surprised Lin Mo secretly, and at the same time, he was very curious. If he got out the unformed wraith spirits in these flowers and the beasts in the shells, would he be able to get souls and blood?

If it is possible, then make a fortune.

There are hundreds of buds that Lin Mo can see now. If he can get them all, then he will definitely be rich.

But Lin Mo didn’t believe that he was the only one who discovered this secret. Although others can see through everything without his domain of all things, it is still very easy to destroy a few flowers and the like.

But up to now, no one actually passed out the news.

“Is there a huge danger in destroying these flowers and shells?”

Lin Mo looked at Gu Zhen who had escaped and was too lazy to chase him. At this time, he was thinking about how to get the soul here…

“Try it first, then go to the sea and use the power of cause and effect to pick it.”

Lin Mo went to sea again, and then opened up the realm of cause and effect.

At this time, Lin Mo was very fortunate that his causal field was more than 10,000 meters, which was easy to pick.

The plants in this dead sea are on the bottom of the sea, and the bottom of the sea is about six kilometers from the ground. Lin Mo is on the sea, and the area can cover a good area.

Lin Mo opened his hand, urged by the force of cause and effect, the next moment, a flower in the ocean suddenly disappeared and appeared in Lin Mo’s hand.

As soon as it appeared in his hand, this flower withered instantly, revealing the resentful spirit inside.

This resentful spirit was much smaller than the one Lin Mo had encountered before, and screamed at this moment.

Lin Mo slapped it and slapped the resentful spirit to death.

A piece of soul appeared.

Lin Mo found that the size of the soul was the same as the one he had got before.

“Sure enough, it’s exactly what I thought.” Lin Mo put away the soul while observing the situation in the sea.

He found that the plants that were still like dead things turned into alive at this time, constantly wriggling, seeming to be looking for people to pick flowers.

The aura of each vine of these plants is different, but they all have the strength of the primary Wuzong level.

Lin Mo explored the area he could detect, and there were tens of thousands of them.

Thinking of facing tens of thousands of Wuzong-level powerhouses, Lin Mo couldn’t help but shudder.

Even if he is strong, it is estimated that he will have to die.

At this time, Lin Mo felt a little sympathetic to Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen was swimming in the sea at this time.

After discovering that Lin Mo did not catch up, he did not continue to advance toward the deep sea.

Instead, he intends to bypass this area and leave from another place.

At this time, he did not notice that the plants around him began to squirm.

But even if you see it, you don’t care. The water in the sea is constantly flowing, and these plants are floating in the sea and swimming normally.

These plants quickly approached Gu Zhen, and in the next moment, countless vines entangled towards him.

Gu Zhen finally found out that it was wrong with 4.7, his face changed drastically, and he quickly swung his saber, slashing towards these vines.

However, more vines rushed towards him, and he was completely submerged in the vines.

After a while, these vines finally dispersed, leaving only some bones and broken souls in place.

At this time, a flower stretched out, swallowed these soul fragments, and began to accumulate.

Not long after, another shell came over, swallowing those bones, etc., and began to breed the evil beast.

The entire seabed was calm again.

At this time, Lin Mo didn’t know that Gu Zhen had been killed by these plants. He was very excited at this time because he found that he was going to make a fortune.

He found that these plants seem to be unable to leave the ocean, as long as he can pick them in the ocean, nothing will happen.

Looking at those hundreds of flowers and hundreds of shells, Lin Mo was happy for a while.

He used the power of cause and effect again and began to pick.

This time, Lin Mo picked ten flowers directly.

These ten flowers appeared on the surface of the sea and withered quickly, revealing the resentful spirit inside.

These resentful spirits kept screaming and were killed by Lin Mo in the next second.

Looking at the ten extra souls in his hand, Lin Mo continued to pick them. .

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