Chapter 120

Lin Mo actually complained to the Lord.

Han Bin was full of regrets at this time, and he had known that he would not do that before.

He couldn’t imagine that a martial emperor had something to do with the holy lord.

He said before that there was only one martial arts refining device, but he didn’t count the Holy Master in it.

In fact, in Bao Logistics, regardless of alchemy, refining, or formation, the Holy Lord will not be included.

It is precisely because of this that Han Bin was so arrogant before.

As a result, retribution came a little faster.

At this time, Han Bin’s heartbeat speeded up and his body was a little stiff, thinking about how to solve it.

When Zhuge Liufeng heard Lin Mo’s words, his face was also a little gloomy.

He turned his head to look at Han Bin and shouted: “Han Bin, what’s the matter, he dare to violate the rules and threaten others!”

“Holy Lord, I…I was wrong.” Han Bin trembled and honestly admitted his mistake.

Lin Mo looked at Han Bin’s appearance, then looked at Zhuge Liufeng again, secretly surprised.

Zhuge Liufeng really didn’t smile like he did on the surface, and Han Bin didn’t even dare to argue.

“Go to purgatory by yourself for a month.” Zhuge Liufeng said.

Hearing Zhuge Liufeng’s words, Han Bin’s face turned pale.

“Holy Lord, is this too much?” Han Bin finally argued.

Zhuge Liufeng hummed coldly: “You forgot about our rules, and you dare to threaten people. I keep saying that even if you set the price to a sky-high price, I will not intervene, but we are not allowed to buy or sell by force. Buying and selling must be fair.”

Lin Mo found that Zhuge Liufeng at this moment was more like a businessman.

Han Bin hesitated and said, “I see.”

Seeing his desperate look, Lin Mo asked curiously: “Holy Lord, where is this purgatory?”

Zhuge Liufeng smiled and said: “It is a fire lair in our place, and there will be fires in it. If you stay in it, these fires will penetrate into the human body, which is as painful as a knife cut, but there is also some 723. Good.”

Suddenly, Lin Mo had been in pain with a knife for a month. Could it be that Han Bin’s face was so ugly.

At this time, Zhuge Liufeng looked at Lin Mo: “Lin Mo, I can help you refining, but I always pay attention to fair trade, so you still have to pay due fees.”

Lin Mo nodded, thinking it should.

He did not think that the other party should not charge any fees because Zhuge Liufeng said before that he could make a request.

In fact, it is very lucky to be able to let a holy master help him refine the weapon.

In the Xuanguang Holy Land, it is estimated that there are not many people who can have such an honor.

“Take the things out, talk about the requirements, and I’ll let someone send it to you after the refining is complete.” Zhuge Liufeng said.

Lin Mo took out a ring and said, “This is the skeleton of Insect Saint. I want to refine an axe, which is about three hundred meters long. As for the effect, one is sharp and the other is breaking the ban.”

Lin Mo didn’t make too many demands. For him, these two conditions were enough.

Zhuge Liufeng turned to the ring, checked Inskui’s skeleton, and then squeaked: “A high-level insect saint was killed by you in this way. It’s really pitiful.”

Lin Mo was a little surprised, because Inskui’s strength actually reached a high-level insect sage, he thought that the opponent was at most a junior worm-sage.

He actually killed a high-level insect saint, Lin Mo thought about it, he was also a little proud.

Zhuge Liufeng looked at it and said, “Just three hundred square energy crystals.”

Lin Mo wondered at this time whether Zhuge Liufeng had counted his own income.

Take this out, and you will become a pauper again.

However, Lin Mo did not hesitate. He was able to use three hundred cubic meters of energy to hire a holy master refiner, which was a huge profit.

Lin Mo took out a ring and said, “The things inside are worth three hundred cubic energy crystals.”

Zhuge Liufeng took the ring and didn’t look at it. He smiled and said, “Okay, let me send it to you when I refine it, or you can come and get it by yourself. Our mansion is pretty close.”

Zhuge Liufeng’s mansion was also practicing in the secret realm, even right next to Wan Guangming’s mansion.

After finishing the weapons, Lin Mo returned to his residence, found the Lan sisters, and started practicing again.

Lin Mo put the ring of cause and effect on his head, while practicing, he felt the way of cause and effect.

This time fighting with Bai Shengxue, Lin Mo knew that his use of causality was still very poor.

Originally, Lin Mo’s understanding was super amazing when he was practicing. At this time, he was wearing the ring of cause and effect, and he was in epiphany almost all the time in the realm of cause and effect.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

In the past three days, Lin Mo has gained about two million catties.

Standing in front of the machine, Lin Mo punched it down.

The machine numbers jumped quickly and stopped quickly.

435 million catties.

There are still some from the senior Wuhuang.

Lin Mo punched again with all his strength, and the machine numbers jumped again.

Sixty-four thousand three hundred and twenty thousand catties of strength.

With concussion skills and domain energy, his strength has reached the level of a high-level martial emperor.

After testing his strength a bit, Lin Mo began to test the abilities he had just mastered today.

Causal transfer.

He looked at an iron ball in the distance, opened the field, and began to use his abilities.

I saw the green breath condensing from his hand, the next moment, the iron ball suddenly disappeared and appeared in his hand.

The cause and effect transfer was successful.

Lin Mo smiled, tried again, and finally determined that the weight of the items he can transfer is generally within one hundred thousand catties, and the range is within one hundred meters.

This level is obviously much worse than Bai Shengxue, but he has just realized it after all.

“Continue to practice.”

In an instant, a month passed.

Lin Mo stopped practicing, his muscles felt like they were about to explode, full of powerful force.

The ground of the training room was unexpectedly incomplete.

These are caused by Lin Mo’s failure to control his own power.

“Finally realized a causal skill, causal grafting.”

This ability was previously used by Bai Shengxue in the secret realm.

At that time, Bai Shengxue was fighting with the Tongtian White Ape, using this ability to graft the cause and effect between (bdeh) her and the Tongtian White Ape to Lin Mo’s body, causing Lin Mo and the Tongtian White Ape to fight.

Now Lin Mo has mastered this ability.

In addition, he also mastered an ability that Bai Shengxue had never mastered before.

Causality is intertwined.

After mastering this ability, Lin Mo sensed the existence of Bai Shengxue.

The causal entanglement between the two is the most. Before, only Bai Shengxue could sense Lin Mo, but Lin Mo couldn’t sense it.

Now Lin Mo can also sense the approximate location of Bai Shengxue.

If Lin Mo is strong enough, he can kill Bai Shengxue in advance.

After testing his abilities, Lin Mo walked to the machine and started testing his power again.

These two months, at the end of each day, Lin Mo will test his strength.

Every time I see a number, Lin Mo has a sense of satisfaction.


Lin Mo’s fist fell on the machine, and the machine numbers jumped quickly.

Forty-nine thousand five hundred and sixty-four million catties.

In two months, Lin Mo gained about 50 million jin of strength.

The strength increased every day has reached more than 900,000 catties.

After changing his clothes, Lin Mo walked towards Zhuge Liufeng’s mansion.

Just got the news, Zhuge Liufeng asked him to get a weapon.

Lin Mo looked a little excited.

He was very curious about what this weapon would look like.

After arriving at Zhuge Liufeng’s mansion and meeting Zhuge Liufeng, Lin Mo finally saw his weapon.

On a martial arts field, Zhuge took out the axe.

The entire axe is the color of bones, but this is originally made of bones, which is normal.

Insquee’s spine is made into the handle of an axe, and its head is made into the head of an axe.

Although he has not tried its power yet, Lin Mo already feels a sense of art from the outside.

Zhuge Liufeng smiled and said: “The three hundred energy crystals you gave, I have replaced them with other treasures and added them, do you want to try?”

Lin Mo thought for a while, shook his head and said, “I won’t test it. I believe in the Holy Lord.”

Lin Mo wants to use this weapon, he needs to transform anyway, he does not intend to transform.

Zhuge Liufeng didn’t force it either. What about this weapon, he had already tried it after refining it. Naturally, there was no need for Lin Mo to demonstrate it again.

After coming out of the mansion of Zhuge Liufeng, Lin Mo went to the treasure house of the Zongmen to collect the blood of the mountain giant.

This is what Wan Guangming said before that he would reward himself.

Lin Mo was practicing before and was not in a hurry to absorb it.

Now that I have been practicing for two months, I plan to take a break, and by the way, I will try to see what happens after absorption.

Holding the blood of the mountain giant, Lin Mo returned to his mansion.

There is nothing special about taking the essence and blood, just drink it directly.

Once it is drunk, if the body can absorb it, there is a chance to form the blood of the mountain giant.

Lin Mo drank it directly, and the next moment, he felt a strong desire in his body.

The blood is quickly absorbed by Lin Mo’s body.

In the next moment, some pictures of mountain giants quickly surfaced in Lin Mo’s mind.

He is full of expectations, can he unlock magical powers this time?

The next moment, Lin Mo felt very hungry and quickly took out the pill.

But in normal times, even if you eat one of them during cultivation, you can recover, but this time, if one goes on, you don’t feel much, and you’re still hungry.

He kept taking it one by one.

The pill on his body could have been able to support his two months of cultivation, but it was quickly consumed.

Not long after, only one month’s medicine is left.

In Lin Mo’s mind, the picture of the mountain giant became clearer and clearer.

When the pill was eaten for only half a month, Lin Mo finally aroused a kind of innate supernatural power.


There are only two words, simple and simple, but this supernatural power is not simple.

Lin Mo continued to take the pill. When all the pill was almost consumed, the blood fusion this time was completely over.

Or it should be said that the blood is swallowed, Lin Mo’s own mountain giant blood is more advanced, this time the essence of blood drank, did not form a new blood, but was swallowed by his blood.

Lin Mo stood up, felt his own strength, and was shocked for a while. .

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