Chapter 119

“Who?” Lin Mo asked.

“Han Bin, one of my uncles, intermediate Wuzong strength, but the skill of refining, among Wuzong, belongs to the first-class, not even weaker than Wu Sheng.” Qin Long said.

“In that case, just find him, you can contact him.” Lin Mo said.

Qin Long took out the communicator and quickly communicated with the other party.

It was quickly connected, and Qin Long talked about the matter.

Soon, the communication ended.

Qin Long said happily, “Senior Brother Lin, Uncle Han said, you can go over now.”

Lin Mo nodded.

It is estimated that a lot of energy crystals have to be paid to the opponent to refine weapons this time.

Lin Mo still has about three hundred energy crystals in his body at this time. If the other party needs it, it doesn’t matter even if he pays all the energy crystals.

After all, the weapons that Lin Mo will refine this time are huge.

Han Bin is not in Danyun Mountain, and the refiners are in other places.

The place where Han Bin is located is the Valley of Fire where the refining device is located.

This is a canyon, very hot, it is estimated that no one wants to stay here except for the fire martial artist.

The entire canyon is huge, and caves have been opened up along the canyon rock walls.

The entire canyon is very long, spreading for hundreds of miles, and on both sides are the residences of refiners.

Walking on this gorge at this time, Lin Mo felt like walking on a street full of refiners all day.

The area occupied by almost every refiner here is at least a few hundred meters.

At this time, this canyon is very lively, and many people who want to buy weapons will choose to come here.

And each refiner will open a shop in front of their own door and invite people to operate it.

Although Lin Mo came to see Han Bin, he also strolled around.

He found that there were a lot of weapons of his own Canglong Sword level, and even more advanced than Canglong Sword, they were everywhere.

But this is also very normal, Lin Mo’s Canglong Sword was refined in the small world, and it was refined by a warrior of the Martial King level.

And here, the worst is Wu Huang, and the refining skills are much higher than that of the small world, and the natural level is even better.

After taking a look, Lin Mo followed Qin Long to the place where Han Bin refined the craft.

Han Bin is a Wuzong-level powerhouse, so in the depths of the canyon, the intensity of the ground fire is higher, and it can forge more powerful weapons.

The opponent also built a weapon shop outside.

Qin Long talked to the shopkeeper in the past and asked him to inform Han Bin.

Lin Mo strolled around the shop, and the weapons here were one level higher than those seen before, and each one was more advanced than his own Canglong Knife.

The price is also ok, basically more than 30 square energy crystals.

For many Emperor Wu, buying such a weapon is estimated to be ruined.

Even many Wuhuang emperors couldn’t afford it even if they were bankrupt.

Soon, the owner walked out and invited Lin Mo into Han Bin’s residence.

Lin Mo and the two entered the mansion and soon saw Han Bin.

This is a middle-aged man who looks a little dark and has a burly figure. He is unsmiling and majestic.

Alchemy is different from alchemy. Alchemy is mainly about the control of energy, so it generally looks more gentle.

But refining tools need to be beaten. In a sense, they are actually similar to body refining streams.

“You want to build weapons~”?” Han Bin looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo nodded: “I have a corpse of a Zerg here. I need you to make an axe, three hundred meters long, no problem.”

Han Bin looked at Lin Mo in surprise and asked to build such a huge weapon. He is still rare.

The size of a general weapon mainly depends on the size of the person using it.

Therefore, human weapons are generally considered relatively small among the major races.

Of course, some weapons can be zoomed in and out.

“I want to look at the zerg corpse first.” Han Bin said.

Lin Mo glanced at the surrounding laughter and said, “You are too small here.”

The length and width here are only tens of meters, which is not big enough at all.

“Come with me.” Han Bin said.

He took Lin Mo and Qin Long into another place.

I saw that it was one kilometer long, wide and high.

In the front part of the canyon, the space occupied by the refiner is relatively small.

But the Wu Zong-level ones occupies a lot of space.

Lin Mo waved his hand and Insquee’s body was released.

Only the skeleton was left in the body of this insect saint at this time, and the flesh and blood were gone.

The life energy in the flesh and blood was absorbed by Lin Mo, and it was useless to keep it.

Unlike ordinary bugs that are soft and have no bones, Insquee has a lot of bones.

Even if you judge from the skeleton alone, you will think it is a dragon.

Han Bin looked at the worm saint skeleton, his eyes lightened.

This is the best refining material he has seen.

He kept watching, and finally became completely obsessed with it.

For the refiner, a good refinement material is like a good piece of beautiful jade.

“How? Can it be refined?” Lin Mo asked.

“Of course it can, but for the fee, I want half of the corpse.” Han Bin said.

“Impossible, all of this stuff is almost the same.” Lin Mo shook his head, his eyes a little cold.

“One hundred and fifty meters is big enough, why bother to three hundred meters.” Han Bin said with a smile.

Lin Mo waved his hand and put away the skeleton of Insect Saint, and said to Qin Long, “Let’s go.”

If you even coveted your own Insect Sage skeleton, there is no need to keep it.

Lin Mo didn’t mind paying more energy crystals, but if he wanted to covet his own worm saint skeleton, that was nothing.

“Out of here, you are in the sect, and you can’t find someone else to cast it for you.” Han Bin shouted.

Lin Mo turned to look at him and sneered: “Do you think you are the only refining master in the entire sect?”

Can’t find anyone? How can it be?

Han Bin chuckled and said: “Naturally not, but in the entire treasure logistics’s craftsman, I respect the Wu Zong level, and there is only one Wu Sheng. You can’t find it after many years of retreat. As long as I speak, there is no human being. You can refine weapons.”

Han Bin looked as if he had finished Lin Mo.

Lin Mo turned to look at Han Bin and smiled disdainfully: “Even if I smash this thing, I won’t refine it for you.”

Lin Mo took Qin Long out of the other party’s mansion quickly.

Lin Mo was full of anger, and unexpectedly met such a refiner.

Qin Long apologized, “I’m sorry Brother Lin, I didn’t expect that Uncle Han was such a person.”

Han Bin apparently saw that they were both Emperor Wu, which made such an outrageous request.

“Needless to say, it’s not your fault. Even if he doesn’t have this requirement now, I won’t let him refine it.” Lin Mo said.

For such a person, you let him refine it, and if the other party makes tricks on the weapon, or simply tells you that the refinement has failed, you don’t know how to cry.

Lin Mo and Lin Mo just walked out of each other’s residence, and Han Bin also followed.

He looked at Lin Mo and Han Bin, and said in awe-inspiring manner: “I advise you to agree, otherwise, you can only waste it. Even if you sell it, it is estimated that I will buy it in the end.”

Lin Mo sneered: “Don’t worry, even if it is smashed, I will not sell it, let alone fall into your hands.”

Lin Mo was angry.

At this time, he was thinking about whether to learn the refining device by himself.

With his talent and learning tools, it is estimated that he can easily reach Han Bin’s level.

The only problem is probably that it will waste training time.

Lin Mo is very tight now.

And refining a good weapon will also consume a lot of time.

If possible, Lin Mo still hopes others will refine it.

If there is no threat from Bai Shengxue in the future, Lin Mo can spare some time to learn how to refine pills and refining tools.

“.々Isn’t this Lin Mo? Why, I want to buy weapons.”

A voice sounded.

Lin Mo turned his head to look at it, stunned for a while, and said, “Well, see the Lord Zhuge.”

Han Bin was also shocked. He turned out to be the holy master of their treasure logistics and hurriedly saluted.

Others also saluted, and Zhuge Liufeng waved his hand and said, “You are welcome, just do your own thing.”

Zhuge Liufeng looks a little fat and always smiles, giving Lin Mo a feeling very similar to that of a businessman.

Of course, if you really think that he is kind and can bully at will, then you would be wrong.

Zhuge Liufeng patted Lin Mo on the shoulder, and said with a smile, “How about? How do you think of my treasure logistics, are you interested in joining.”

Lin Mo smiled bitterly and said, “Holy Lord, I’m here to buy things. I am not good at alchemy.”

“It doesn’t matter, these things can be learned.” Zhuge Liufeng smiled.

He looked at Lin Mo, patted Lin Mo on the shoulder again, and said: “This time the secret realm, I did a great job. Haha, when I think about it, I am happy. If there is anything I need, just talk to me. Say.”

Lin Mo smiled and said, “The Holy Lord is too polite.”

Lin Mo doesn’t think that Zhuge Liufeng’s advantage can be taken carelessly. This person looks very kind, who knows what will happen after taking over.

(Zhao’s good) “To be honest, I’m not so grand, but your incident this time is really appetizing for me. You don’t know, I also participated in the Secret Realm of Morning Light back then, and I was bullied by the people of the Eternal Dao Sect. It’s dead, this time, cool!” Zhuge Liufeng said with a big smile.

Lin Mo was stunned, the Holy Lord still had such an experience.

At this time, not far away, Han Bin was sweating coldly.

He did not expect that Lin Mo and the Holy Master of Bao Logistics had such a good relationship.

If he had known this situation, he would not blackmail Lin Mo.

In fact, as a refiner, he really didn’t know enough about Lin Mo.

Under normal circumstances, he spends most of his time hiding in the refining room.

At this time, Lin Mo asked: “Can the Holy Master know how to refine tools?”

Zhuge Liufeng smiled and said: “Naturally, this treasure logistics all kinds of refining tools and alchemy, there is nothing I can’t do.”

Zhuge Liufeng is very proud of this. As the saint master of Bao Logistics, he is super qualified.

“Then I ask the Holy Master to help me refine a weapon. I got a corpse of Insect Saint in the Secret Realm, and I want to refine it into a three-hundred-meter-long axe. I wanted Han Bin Refining Master to help me refine it. If you want half of this corpse and threaten me not to refine it, it will be useless to find another refiner. I am in distress. Fortunately, thanks to the Lord, I don’t know what to do.” Lin Mo With a smile on his face, I’m very happy brother.

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Han Bin’s face changed drastically, with cold sweat. .

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