Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 498 - The Great Rebellion (17)

Chapter 498 – : The Great Rebellion (1/7)

His eyes are bloody, there seems to be an endless sea of ​​blood, blood is boiling, no

Poor creatures are struggling in a sea of ​​blood.

A roar, roar, roar-

With a thin body, twisted in pain, his hands are struggling in the sea of ​​blood

Ups and downs.

The face contains endless pain.

These eyes are not real eyes, but a kind of secret magical powers,

Cultivated to the extreme, forming a certain kind of purgatory, like the abyss of the underworld, trapping nothing

Poor creatures.

Each is a creature that was once alive.

“It’s actually Hong Jue”

Gu Long was clever, with cold sweat floating on his forehead, expression on his face

It became pale in an instant, and fear appeared in his eyes.

The voice trembled incomparably: “Hong Jue is honored by the world as the Great Demon of Purgatory, his eyes are condensed

Gathering the Great Prison,-eyes are comparable to the weapons of a star-level town, and the internal blood sea is the real

In the sea of ​​blood, every drop is made up of the essence and blood of a powerful person. ”

“If all is poured out, it can even form a sea of ​​blood in the starry sky,

Vertically and horizontally, a single drop of a galaxy into the stars is a kind of disaster. “Blood water contains supreme hostility, which will transform into terrifying life forms, instantly

It can exterminate all life in a star. ”

Gu Long’s voice trembled and said slowly, his heart became more and more frightened.


Just as the two talked, Hong Jue made a sudden move.

The two red awns in the eyes suddenly penetrated.

Like a Changhong, it extends infinite distance, almost to the end of the island, at

Above the sky, there is a rolling blood-colored river and sea, which is a hundred miles wide-


Between the surging wind and the surging clouds, the sound of rumbling is endless, resounding continuously, and the waves

Sweeping, it is a bloody wave of 100 meters.

Above, countless creatures are floating up and down, screaming constantly, wailing and struggling, miserable

The cry spreads infinite distance.

The howling of ghosts and wolves resounded throughout the world.

Countless people feel the horror,-looking up, the entire sky seems to be

Shrouded in a sea of ​​red blood.

Hong Jue walked down step by step, looking hideous and tyrant.

With every step, red blood will roll under your feet, turning into blossoming blood lotus

The flowers bloom very brightly and beautifully.

“you guys _.”

His voice was full of unfeeling coldness, and it was violent and about to explode.

In an instant he screamed frantically: “It’s all damned

Suddenly the words of death resembled thunder, billowing and roaring, the tide was rolling,

It exploded between the eardrums, and the shaking brain buzzed.




A reverberating sound, accompanied by a shattering sound, followed by two

Three times in a row resounded.

His body instantly turned into a red light, and the hungry wolves rushed to the ground in an instant.

Into the crowd.(Read more @

Without the slightest fist embroidering the legs, extra movements, simple and straightforward, crazy thick


Grab the neck of one person, and hit the other hand with the fist instantly

Face the door.

One-time, the other side of the smash is completely unrecognizable, bloody and bloody

The meat flew everywhere, with minced meat on the fist.

Bang bang bang

Directly dent the broken bones of the opposing side, spread out five fingers, and one

Reaching in, he grabbed Jin Dan out.

With a bloody face, he opened his mouth savagely,-swallowed the golden core and put it on

The mouth cracked and cracked.

Then, in a terrifying way, he reached into his mouth and pulled out a little bit from it.

Dao illusory figure.

The phantom struggled frantically.

It was the great master who was killed by him before.

The martial arts spirit was extracted.

Kneaded into a ball, a handful of blood still facing the sky stirred up a small

The water splash completely wipes it out.

However, this is just the beginning.

His speed is getting faster and faster, there are phantoms in the air, flashing to

Whoever was around was beaten to pieces, and his arms and legs were torn on the spot.

Tear it off.

Very cruel.

Just a few breaths, in mid-air, hundreds of great lords, were

Beaten to death alive, even the martial arts heavenly soul was sucked into the sea of ​​blood.

Become a new soul, howling and roaring in pain in the sea of ​​blood.

In this bloody scene, I saw countless people’s horror and scalp numbness.

The curses fell silent.

The flame of anger seemed to have been extinguished.

“Who has an opinion now?”

His voice was cold, his eyes cast down and he swept across a famous man

Shi, with indifferent killing intent.

“A bunch of rubbish, who gave you the courage to question our decision.”

“Garbage is garbage.

“Really looking for death”

A high-ranking half-step Jiuyang laughed, his eyes sharp

Looking at the nearly 800,000 Great Masters below, his arrogance was raised.

But at this moment, not far from Jiang Yuan and others, a big fist

The grip creaked, enduring the crazy anger.

Finally, he broke out.

A strong qi and blood burst out in the body, and a wave of qi was centered on him

Spread out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the body drifted slowly.

Without words, just staring at the other side coldly.

It’s like a signal.

One by one team, one by one with a strong name, also rose up.

In just a few breaths, the number of people has broken through a thousand, and it continues to increase.

Warriors are full of blood, strong-willed, like steel, and unyielding

Not forgiving.

Who can stand such oppression?

Even if he was afraid, he couldn’t swallow this bad breath.

“For a long time. Do you think the opposite will happen?” Hong Jue’s half-step Jiuyang, complexion

Suddenly, his complexion panicked and his voice shook his forehead.

More and more people, more and more dense.

Thousands of people. Tens of thousands or even tens of thousands.

The densely packed strong, taciturn, hovering, with firm eyes (Wang


Don’t break out in silence, just die in silence.

There are too many people, and most of Jiuyang feels breathless.

These people are not Broken Star Realm, they are all true great lords with strength

The lowest ones have reached the third stage of the Supreme Master, and most of them have reached the fourth stage.

Duan has the power of several Yangs.

Nine suns sneered in the sky for half a step, but they couldn’t laugh anymore, their expressions were instantaneous.

It became pale in between.

The corners of his eyes were shaking.

“Whatever you want to do, get out of here.”

Hong Jue’s face became serious, his voice was roaring and angry, crazy

Madly roared.

His heart is also turbulent, shaking.

What about the Nine Suns Realm, after all, is not a martial god, nor is it truly invincible.

While speaking, the breath of the whole body surged crazily.

A more violent breath, crazily oppressing the past, trying to make everyone

Press it down. body.

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